Repairs…Pic needed!!!

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    TY Nirvanacat! I doubt I will bid on them tho, I do have them all except for Weinburg…Got my eyes on something else (hoping to hear yes from the seller 😳 ). You know something, I think a year or so ago, you sniped me quite a few times on ebay… 😆 😆 LOL 😆 😆
    You know the worst thing I found? I hate to snipe anyone, but sometimes ya want a peice more than they do, but you just hope it’s not anyone on the forums! 😆


    This is an AT-4, Nirvana. The thing the squirrel’s holding is too streamlined for the M136. I really think it’s an M-72 LAW.


      they still have castle weinberg at grandio for $140…


        I guess I didn’t do my homework, but I didn’t know Windstone made castles! I kept seeing “Windstone castle…” but I thought it was just sellers not knowing full what they had and THINKING it was a Windstone.

        DEE DE DEEEE!


        Well, now you know. And better to find out here than try to correct somebody on E-Bay for a “false” listing, for example. 😀


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          This is an AT-4, Nirvana. The thing the squirrel’s holding is too streamlined for the M136. I really think it’s an M-72 LAW.

          He he, I was bad, I didn’t go back and look at the pic after I said I would LoL but yes, it isn’t an AT4 =P


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          This is an AT-4, Nirvana. The thing the squirrel’s holding is too streamlined for the M136. I really think it’s an M-72 LAW.

          He he, I was bad, I didn’t go back and look at the pic after I said I would LoL but yes, it isn’t an AT4 =P

          Hmm…looks like the M-72 LAW is more than enough to take care of any marauding cat…


          OK…so when are they gonna give the deer all shotguns? How ’bout we give the bears all M41A’s? 😯 😆 And overseas the lions and whatnot can all get AK47’S? MUAHAHAHAHAHA 😈


          The critters are welcome to the assault rifles, WSC. They’ve got ranges of max a km and pitiful accuracy compared to sniper/hunting systems like the Remington 700 or the M-24. And if the hunter want real long range he can always go for the Browning HB – max range 6800 m. ‘Course there won’t be anything left of the venison after getting hit with that.


            You people know a lot about rifles and weapons….should I be concerned? 😯


            Ehhh, don’t worry, Wolfen. I won’t bring any of mine when I come to pick up my dragons and looks at yours. 😀


            My dad is the big game hunter. He has 2 bull elk a black bear a mountain lion a turkey a prong horn antelope, two white tail bucks a doe and a mule deer, not to mention various other game about the house including two hooded maganzers (sp?). He keeps a couple rifles, and a 357 magnum in his nightstand for home defense. I have held a couple of them, but never fired them. I do however play Counterstrike…I can’t remember the number for it, but they have AWM’s and AWP’s…fun if you can learn how to aim! 😆
            Howere, I think I will stick with the sculpts around the house (although inheriting some of those dead animals he keeps on his wall… 😯


              Guns, rifles, and high explosive weapons are cool and fun?


              Only in video games… 8)


                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                Only in video games… 8)

                ….meh…and movies….

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