Repairs…Pic needed!!!

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    skigod377 wrote:

    Tom Clancy. I must have accidentally deleted a word…or I was thinking faster than my poor fingers could follow.

    Then I get it. Except my brothers prefer open world games like Gothic. And we’re all still waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. That’s one game I’d definitely play – if it ever makes it onto the market.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, Nirvana, Ski, but isn’t that a LAW? Against a cat? Won’t be much cat left after contact.
    Whatever it is, I wish the squirrel could tell me where he got it… 🙂

    They only come in squirrel sizes…they make those in SquirrelLand… 😆

    And these troops are only sent for the worst offenders…
    I see! How does one contact the government of SquirrelLand and ask for these SF to handle a problem? Mice in the barn and a freaking lazy neighbor’s cat, to be specific.
    I’m still trying to figure that out myself! But as soon as I do, I’m going to apply for a tourist visa… 🙂

    And they might do something about the cat but its probably against regulations to bother the mice…


    Tell me when you get a visa! I wanna go too!


    Sure thing!


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      I fell in love with the castles by Gary too, and I really want a Castle of the Hawks…I would pay good money for one of those. Green is my favorite color and well, its spires are green. I have Merry Ghost and Alchemist Tower, and also Mariner’s Watchtower.

      I don’t know if you’re interested, but Castle Weinburg is available still through Windstone. It’s $140 though. I don’t have a picture of it, but if you’re interested I can see if I can get a picture from Windstone.

      Let me know.


      Oh I have seen it, and figure I will get it one day to finish the collection, but still holding my breath for the Hawks… 😆


      Where can you see that it’s still available directly? I can’t find it on the “Buy select items direct” page.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Where can you see that it’s still available directly? I can’t find it on the “Buy select items direct” page.

        I’m a dealer and it’s on my order form.

        I’ll ship to Switzerland too, if you want it. 😆


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          Oh I have seen it, and figure I will get it one day to finish the collection, but still holding my breath for the Hawks… 😆

          Yeah. That one is not available from Windstone any more. At least, it’s not on my order form. I could ask…


          Oh it’s been retired for a while now. 😥 But I will wait around and pray some more that someone has one they would like to part with. 😳
          Like ski and her pink, it’s me and my green. I hated to ehar that emerald colored dragons got retired. But the only one of those I missed out on was the Rising Spectral Dragon. So I am always open for those two “green” colored ones. Oh yeah, and a regular green Emporer… 😕


            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Oh it’s been retired for a while now. 😥 But I will wait around and pray some more that someone has one they would like to part with. 😳
            Like ski and her pink, it’s me and my green. I hated to ehar that emerald colored dragons got retired. But the only one of those I missed out on was the Rising Spectral Dragon. So I am always open for those two “green” colored ones. Oh yeah, and a regular green Emporer… 😕

            Here’s a listing on Ebay you may be interested in.


            It’s still there because s/he misspelled Windstone. Shipping seems kind of high too.


            I have that one too…LOL I said I had alot of them. But…I just ninja sniped my last flapcat off ebay…sorry if I sniped one of you here on the forums, but he was the last one I needed for my complete set. 8)


            emerald212 wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Where can you see that it’s still available directly? I can’t find it on the “Buy select items direct” page.

            I’m a dealer and it’s on my order form.

            I’ll ship to Switzerland too, if you want it. 😆

            Thanks, Emerald, but I was just curious. There’s no way I want to add castles to my collecting right now. I’m spending too much money on the dragons as is.


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Correct me if I’m wrong, Nirvana, Ski, but isn’t that a LAW? Against a cat? Won’t be much cat left after contact.
              Whatever it is, I wish the squirrel could tell me where he got it… 🙂

              Meh? I think it’s an AT4? I’d have to go back and look at the pic…

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