Repairs II- New Update

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    Okay, these are most of the repairs in house, there are a few non-forum member pieces here in between, but this is pretty much it.

    If you have something with me and I don’t have it listed, please let me know.

    Koishi- Em pea fledge, white hatcher, PYO dragon- still need to final repairs on the PYO, then everyone will be going home.

    Misato- 1 young unicorn

    sbianchi- Peacock spectral and Male Kirin

    Kitsunelady- Old brown male, emerald coiled

    Dragon87- Peacock Emperor

    Eaglefeather- Male and baby kirin

    I am still adding, and new things may not be in order at this time. If you have something here and it isn’t listed yet, please speak up. Thanks. I am also trying to keep the list down to only 5 people at a time.

    A smattering of stuff for 2huberts and a non-forum client.

    Sapphire- The following need to be shipped to you.

    Flame Curl-Emerald coiled mama- White Emperor- White male- White hatcher. Repairs- Black mama uni, white mama uni, OG Male and Female dragon pair.

    Okay, looking at the list and what I have got ready to go home, perhaps I don’t have as much to do as I feared.

    Okay that’s it, all future repairs and updates will be in this thread until it gets up to 30 odd pages, then we’ll start a new one.

    Oh, one more thing, after all these go home, there will be a new policy of only 5 client jobs in house at a time…current status has all 5 of those slots spoken for, though the items are not yet here. I will post when a slot opens up.



      Meeee. 1 old brown male (no felt on the bottom) & 1 emerald coiled male. e.e Although I know you don’t have the paint for the emeralds yet. =)


      I knew I forgot someone…they are still in a box, I unpacked them, then stuffed them back in…poor things…



      When you start your “5 people at a time” list, will you put my name on the list and let me know? I have a piece I need to send to you to have repaired. Thanks Kyrin πŸ™‚

      YAY I’ve been waiting on my white spectral ^^ I want to see him!!!!


        yay! I am so happy they are sooo close to being done!


          Kyrin wrote:

          I knew I forgot someone…they are still in a box, I unpacked them, then stuffed them back in…poor things…


          Aww. XD Well, they’re used to it…lol.


          KoishiiKitty wrote:

          yay! I am so happy they are sooo close to being done!

          Me too, getting to see the list and knowing more is done than it seems, helps. I just look at the shelves in the work room and think…ack! There is alot here! But most has already been repaired and we’re just held up…so that makes it a bit better.

          Not quite so intimidating…especially once I start packing things up and labeling them for their homes, then it will feel a bit less overwhelming.



          I just need to figure out how much msdunaway wants for shipping then he should be on his way soon after that πŸ™‚ Of course you aren’t going to get to him right away so I suppose there’s really no rush is there?

          I’m sooooooo excited about this guy being my first emperor… (well first sculpt larger then the inner light dragon candlelamp anyway lol) πŸ˜€


          Okay Marzena, here’s your Emperor…I found one little chip on his tail I missed…grrr…but it’s on the inside and you can’t see it…I’ll fix that real quick before I put him in his box.



            😯 Wow , an Old Green Emperor Dragon. What a beauty!


              WOW Kyrin πŸ˜€ …He’s absolutly gorgeous.. πŸ˜€ Thank you for fixing him and thanks for noticing the small chip on the inside of his tail, I would really appreciate it if you could fix it as well before you send him back to me… πŸ˜€ I am so excited he looks so stunning… πŸ˜‰

              Oh will you be posting a pic of the Male Kirin?



                Wow he looks good!


                He does look good! πŸ˜€


                mmloda wrote:

                WOW Kyrin πŸ˜€ …He’s absolutly gorgeous.. πŸ˜€ Thank you for fixing him and thanks for noticing the small chip on the inside of his tail, I would really appreciate it if you could fix it as well before you send him back to me… πŸ˜€ I am so excited he looks so stunning… πŸ˜‰

                Oh will you be posting a pic of the Male Kirin?

                Of course I fixed the tail, are you nuts?? πŸ™„ I was just mentioning it cause I was all happy I was done with him and then noticed it…arrggh…but it is fixed now and he is safely loaded into his box.

                The kirin I am afraid I will not be able to post pictures of…but I will send some to you, of course.


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