Repairs I – Look for updates in new Repair II thread

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    lamortefille wrote:

    Kyrin wrote:

    Jasmine wrote:

    Wow 😯 He’s amazing. I’m loving the pattern!!

    I really thought the fish was a neat looking one, considering the website I found her on wanted $4 million for her, I am guessing it’s a rare color pattern. Since we can’t afford the fish, I figure a dragon painted to match was a close second.

    This is Kitsunelady’s dragon, I will definately miss her when she goes.

    I will have to take pictures of both of the Koi oriental dragons before they go to their new homes.


    $4 million?! 😯 Here we thought Windstones were an expensive hobby. 😆

    I know it…apparently collecting koi can be very pricey…glad I’m not into collecting them.



      $4 million?! >:0 How long do koi live?!! I wonder how much they can win a person at a show? Maybe that would make up for the cost? X_x Aiyah~


      kitsunelady wrote:

      $4 million?! >:0 How long do koi live?!! I wonder how much they can win a person at a show? Maybe that would make up for the cost? X_x Aiyah~

      They can live up to 30 years, they can win quite a bit at a show, up to $10K on average, with some shows probably going higher…and you can get life insurance for them.

      The Koi showing folks take this stuff pretty seriously.



      We have a koi named Charlie we got from PetsMart when he was four inches long… now he’s huge and a fantastic fish. I doubt he’s worth $4 mil though 😆


      Wow, Kyrin! Very beautiful. I’m glad you didn’t ue the same koi patterning that whippetluv used on her restored Oriental. This is really neat.


      Kyrin wrote:

      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      You do really great repair work Kyrin! I want to repair the knee on my white mother unicorn, and I was wondering if you had ever used a paint that would match the color on her, and if so, what is it? I am skeptical that it is pure white.

      It’s not pure white, and I have some from Windstone here. If you want to match, you are going to need to mix white with burnt umber until it matches…cause the paint is an off white. Or cheat and ask for some from Windstone.


      I don’t want to risk not mixing the colors correctly, so I will ask Melody for sure! Thanks Kyrin!


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Wow, Kyrin! Very beautiful. I’m glad you didn’t ue the same koi patterning that whippetluv used on her restored Oriental. This is really neat.

      There are so many neat Koi out there, repeating patterns doesn’t make sense.



        Kyrin wrote:

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Wow, Kyrin! Very beautiful. I’m glad you didn’t ue the same koi patterning that whippetluv used on her restored Oriental. This is really neat.

        There are so many neat Koi out there, repeating patterns doesn’t make sense.


        there’s a really cool one out at a shop by us….it has a really cool pattern and longer fins kind of like a beta….I wanted it but too poor…and don’t know where I’d put it…


        frozendragon wrote:

        Kyrin wrote:

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Wow, Kyrin! Very beautiful. I’m glad you didn’t ue the same koi patterning that whippetluv used on her restored Oriental. This is really neat.

        There are so many neat Koi out there, repeating patterns doesn’t make sense.


        there’s a really cool one out at a shop by us….it has a really cool pattern and longer fins kind of like a beta….I wanted it but too poor…and don’t know where I’d put it…

        That sounds like a butterfly koi, man are those ever gorgous or what?



          yes very…I’d love to have a koi pond some day..


          I had a gold and black butterfly koi. I used to have a 125 gal set up wiht a UV sterilizer and Fluval 404 hooked up. When I moved I lost all of them. 😥 I also had a very pretty orange black and white scaleless Koi, I paid $125 for him…I miss him! 🙁
          But Kyrin, you have got a talent for Koi Dragons!!! He is very beautiful! 😀


          Okay, he’s officially done…whew!

          His paint isn’t as smooth as I wanted, but part of that is due to the paints, Golden Iridescents have mica particles in them, which means the paint isn’t perfectly smooth, but it is shiny, oh so purty.

          Anyway, he’s done, I’m going to give him two more days to fully cure, glue and sealer, then pack him up for his new home.

          He looks really snappy though.



          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          I had a gold and black butterfly koi. I used to have a 125 gal set up wiht a UV sterilizer and Fluval 404 hooked up. When I moved I lost all of them. 😥 I also had a very pretty orange black and white scaleless Koi, I paid $125 for him…I miss him! 🙁
          But Kyrin, you have got a talent for Koi Dragons!!! He is very beautiful! 😀

          I’m thinking I may want to get my paws on a few PYO kirins and do some koi experiments on them…This pattern would be fun on one.



            Oh wow he looks awesome!


              Great, great job Kyrin. He’s beautiful. 😀

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