Repairs I – Look for updates in new Repair II thread

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      😯 I was looking at all the pieces you fixed and can’t even tell where you fixed them! Good job! 😀


      thanks Kyrin that info is very helpful I try those ideas next time I attempt doing a new project ;)))

      I have a broken breyer horse I was gunna try the epoxy sculpt on its tail end and make it a mermaid horse thing…


      dkomenda wrote:

      thanks Kyrin that info is very helpful I try those ideas next time I attempt doing a new project ;)))

      I have a broken breyer horse I was gunna try the epoxy sculpt on its tail end and make it a mermaid horse thing…

      You are welcome.

      Further update on repairs…Kitsunelady’s oriental is now white…very white with sparklies. 🙂

      I’ll be working on the pattern over the week, as the koi I’ve chosen is rather intricate it is probably going to take me all week to finish.



        Sparklies!!! =D How egg-citing~


        OHhh cant wait to see it 😉


        I’m looking forward to this Oriental. It sounds great.


        This is the Koi chosen for this dragon…

        This is the dragon thus far.

        So far, so good, I am hoping it is pretty close, but I am not trying to match the markings perfectly, just trying to get them similar.

        What do you guys think so far?



          😯 Veeeeeery cool!


            Oh wow, really, really neat!


              Me likie VERY MUCHIE !


              That looks great!


                Wow, he’s kind of like a tiger! =D I can’t wait to see him all finished and in person. <3 I'm glad you're having fun with this, Kyrin! It's awesome!


                  OMG! 😯 I love him! He looks great!

                  If you ever needed to re-home him/trade him for something… *coughcough*


                  Okay, right side is complete…yay.

                  will be working on the other side later. But I really like him, can’t wait to finish the little details, seal him and put his horns, eyes and ball back in permanently.

                  Now I am wishing I could keep him.



                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  OMG! 😯 I love him! He looks great!

                  If you ever needed to re-home him/trade him for something… *coughcough*

                  You’ll have to talk to Kitsunelady, he’s hers.


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