Quest 7

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest 7

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  • #505642

      Quest 7 will be a coloring contest. Our talented forum artists will need to download the coloring page of one of our Emperor Dragons and use their creativity to come up with a unique color scheme. Coloring sheets should not contain any text (images only). You may submit a single entry to only ONE of the two categories (traditional and digital mediums).

      This quest is open to all registered Windstone forum members, regardless of where you live.

      The Windstone staff will select the best 10 photos from among the entries to each category (10 finalists each for at total of 20 overall). We will post these 10 finalists on the forum for you to vote on them. Each category will have its own voting thread.

      The coloring sheet with the highest number of votes in each category will win! There will be no 2nd and 3rd prizes this time.

      Contest starts today, 8/13 and entries will be accepted until 9/10 at 11 am.

      Voting will take place from 9/24 until 10/1.

      Image criteria:

      1. Originality: The more unique the color scheme, the better = 30%

      2. Technical execution: Quality, neatness, staying inside the lines, and attention to detail are important = 15%

      3. Visual impact: Look for compelling colorations that capture attention = 20%

      4. Paintability: Color schemes need to be able to be recreated primarily through airbrushing as they are being considered as actual paint schemes – some elaborate designs are possible (such as animal markings), but exceedingly complex designs, no matter how attractive, may not meet the criteria due to their impossibility for the artists at Windstone Editions to recreate = 35%

      Digital submissions should be sent to me via email: ayonah @ windstoneeditions . com with the subject line “Quest 7 Digital Submission”

      Traditional submissions should be mailed to:

      Windstone Editions
      Attn: “Design your dream Emperor” coloring contest
      728 SW Wake Robin Ave
      Corvallis, OR 97333

      Good luck!


        L’Eagle foo!

        Terms and conditions can be found here:

        The image for coloring can be downloaded from here:

        PLEASE make sure to read the terms and conditions and submit your entries correctly. Entries which do not follow the entry requirements will be disqualified.

        Good luck!



          Sounds like fun! 😀


            Just an FYI:
            The emp drawing is a tiff file format. It can be opened in MS Paint if you do not have any other graphics software on your computer (MS Paint should be present on your computer if you are using a Windows operating system).


            Hi ! It will be a beautiful contest, there are a lot of artists in the forum 🙂 I have a little question. For peoples who are overseas, traditional submissions have necessary to be mailed by post? It get three weeks from France. Thanks for the answer, the quest and your work 🙂


              Just an FYI:
              The emp drawing is a tiff file format. It can be opened in MS Paint if you do not have any other graphics software on your computer (MS Paint should be present on your computer if you are using a Windows operating system).

              Pam was kind enough to fix the file for us. Please re-download if you got the .tiff version. It’s now in a nice .png.


                Hi ! It will be a beautiful contest, there are a lot of artists in the forum 🙂 I have a little question. For peoples who are overseas, traditional submissions have necessary to be mailed by post? It get three weeks from France. Thanks for the answer, the quest and your work 🙂

                Yes, traditional media submissions must be mailed regardless of where you are located. We need to have the entries by no later than 9/19 to be included in the judging.

                Good luck!


                  Just an FYI:
                  The emp drawing is a tiff file format. It can be opened in MS Paint if you do not have any other graphics software on your computer (MS Paint should be present on your computer if you are using a Windows operating system).

                  Pam was kind enough to fix the file for us. Please re-download if you got the .tiff version. It’s now in a nice .png.

                  The new file can be opened in Firefox or MS Paint. I dont think it can be opened in Internet Explorer, and I’m not sure about Google Chrome. Also, if you downloaded the old tiff file and want to color it on the computer, you will need to change it to rgb format first, or download the new png version.


                  Oooooh a contest I might actually have a chance at winning!!

                  i look forward to starting!!


                    Dumb question, what do you mean by “traditional media?”

                    Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
                    Follow for updates:


                      Dumb question, what do you mean by “traditional media?”

                      Physical media – so, paints, colored pencils, crayons, pastels, etc. Basically, you have to print out your sheet, color it some how with your own art supplies, and then mail it in – much more like a traditional coloring contest.


                        Dumb question, what do you mean by “traditional media?”

                        Physical media – so, paints, colored pencils, crayons, pastels, etc. Basically, you have to print out your sheet, color it some how with your own art supplies, and then mail it in – much more like a traditional coloring contest.

                        oh oh i see. lol! thanks! thats probably what I’m going to do. I have photoshop, but I rather do it the other way.

                        Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
                        Follow for updates:



                          This is gonna be fun.

                          Too bad no unicorns or griffins (my preferences) but still awesome.


                            What an ingenious quest!! And what an opportunity for an artist, if their emperor does end up painted!! How exciting!



                              This is gonna be fun.

                              Too bad no unicorns or griffins (my preferences) but still awesome.

                              We got orientals as prizes because I needed two similar prizes for the two categories. 🙂 (I’ve got access to a little pool of “not quite ebay worthy” things to use as prizes).

                              As for the images, I got two line arts from Melody (both dragons) and picked one by way of a super fast, super informal poll on which one was preferred. LOL

                              I’d LOVE to have a griffin prize some day! We’ve done unicorns, kirins, dragons, and pebbles – we need some griffins!

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