Oh wow – fantastic prizes everyone! And how cool that they gave out participant prizes, too! You guys deserve them – the videos were all awesome – but what a thoughtful and generous thing from the folks at Windstone! You guys rock!
Congratulations again everyone! And thank you so much for posting pictures!
oh wow. Melody you outdid yourself with all of these. Thanks to you and all involved for providing us with such a fun contest and on top of it such wonderful rewards.
This is my baby dragon I got for a participant award. I just want to thank Melody and the people that work at Windstone for doing a great job. I also want to thank Kiya for doing the Quest. <img src="http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y462/LindaSween/100_0752_zpsdcdx2esn.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 100_0752_zpsdcdx2esn.jpg”/>
For the people who are having trouble posting photo. I use photo bucket pull up a big photo, off to the side there is five different shared links, hit the one HTML till it said coped change to Windstone and cope to where you want the photo.
Congrats again to all the winners; what beautiful dragons! 🙂 I’ve been without reliable internet now for a week or so and finally just got it re-installed (we were in the middle of moving) and to my surprise I also got a gorgeous Participation Prize Dragon and he is just stunning! He’s my very first Windstone dragon! Thank you so very much Melody and the Windstone folks, from the bottom of my heart for such a lovely and heartfelt gift! I love this little fellow to bits! He is just stunning and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kindness! 🙂 Here’s photos of my little dragon: