PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5!

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      Ok, I’ve got plenty of people now, so I’m going to make the cuttoff. I’m currently making an updated list that I’ll post in a little bit! Many thanks to all of you who have volunteered to do this, I think it’s the neatest thing to have so many people get together on one project! I’m also working on gettng sections drawn up on each of the pieces but probably won’t get that posted untill Monday.

      I’m going to need addresses from everyone, some of you I already have (LadyFirebird, Drag0nfeathers, GB I’m pretty sure I have yours, but send it to me anyway?), so if you’d send me a PM or e-mail me at schalacat13 at yahoo dot com that’d be super!


        Moved to page 5 with the final list!


        Awe….Someone took my spot on the Ki-Rin already!?!?! Well, wherever is fine with me. 😉
        I like the neck feathers on the Griffins best…Well, I like the whole Griffin, so wherever, but I REALLY like the neck feathers. 😀


        Oh no! I’m too late! 😥 I would have really loved to join in!

        Any chance I can still be added?


          xcrowell wrote:

          Oh no! I’m too late! 😥 I would have really loved to join in!

          Any chance I can still be added?

          Hehehe I just found another section I could make on the Griffin, so hope you like painting the griffins! PM me with your shipping info and stuff!


            You already have my address, I hope? And it’s Tyrrlin, not Tyrrlyn. 🙂

            As for the feathers on the griff, where, specifically, has been called? Leigha called “feathers,” but that’s an awful lot of griffin! *winks* I wouldn’t mind doing part of the wings, chest feathers, or the head (and beak), personally. If that’s too specific or if someone else has called it, I’ll paint anywhere. :yes:

            (I also said I’d paint both sculpts, if you need more people on the Kirin)


            YAY! 😆 PMed you!


              Tyrrlin wrote:

              You already have my address, I hope? And it’s Tyrrlin, not Tyrrlyn. 🙂

              As for the feathers on the griff, where, specifically, has been called? Leigha called “feathers,” but that’s an awful lot of griffin! *winks* I wouldn’t mind doing part of the wings, chest feathers, or the head (and beak), personally. If that’s too specific or if someone else has called it, I’ll paint anywhere. :yes:

              (I also said I’d paint both sculpts, if you need more people on the Kirin)

              Ooops, my bad on the spelling, my typing isn’t so good with headaches, lots of backspacing LoL…. 😳 Fixed it!

              And no one has called any one of those areas specificaly, I’ve got a temp scetch of the griffy breakdowns but I’m waiting untill Mon when Louis can print my actual picture of the griffy out to specificaly break it down…..maybe I can do it digitaly if my hand steadies out…..I’ll give it a try!


              I don’t mind which feathers I get 🙂 I just didn’t want the kitty part 😛


                Leigha wrote:

                I don’t mind which feathers I get 🙂 I just didn’t want the kitty part 😛

                *chuckles* Kinda figured that, as it would take a LONG time to paint all those feathers! 🙂


                  Tyrrlin wrote:

                  Leigha wrote:

                  I don’t mind which feathers I get 🙂 I just didn’t want the kitty part 😛

                  *chuckles* Kinda figured that, as it would take a LONG time to paint all those feathers! 🙂

                  Nope, I’m gonna make her do all the feathers, she wanted feathers, she’s got em! =P She’s got her work cut out for her! LMAO. j/k hehe


                  O.O *dies*



                  I’m new to painting both sculpts, so I’m open! :D.


                    Have all the addresses thanks!


                    pm’d you 🙂

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