PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5!

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        I know a while back Mmloda had done a unique concept where she mailed out a PYO Kirin and had various people paint a portion of it, take pictures with it in thier locale, and then send it on to the next person in the list. I don’t remember exactly how it worked out, i.e. who payed for shipping, if each person got a commission %/present etc. etc. but if anyone is interested in doing something like this again, I have a couple blank PYO pieces that need some life. Please post here if you would be interested and if anyone who did it last time/Mmloda would contact me and give me specifics of how it worked I’d appreciate it!!

        Let me know!!


        Edit: P.S. I currently have a griffin, a kirin, and a wolf. The griffin has green eyes already glued in and the other two I don’t think I have eyes for right now so they can be any color. I’m willing to do one, or all three at the same time!

        For those of you who don’t know about it Siberakh was kind enough to write me an explanation! Here it is:
        “Everything started with dragonmedley doing a PYO Globetrotting Muse (since there are soooo many different places to paint on a muse!). The Kirin came second after the Muse was doing so well. She figured out the ‘Anatomy’ on the Muse, complete with a little chart (I’m sure she probably still has one if you did a Muse), and then asked for takers to fill the number of slots she had (limited by the size and # of feasible places to paint on a pyo, even for the Muse!). Once she had her volunteers, she figured out a good order to send the muse along for ease of shipping. Everyone had a rough time (a week or two) to do their little spot of the Muse. They signed their name on the part of the anatomy chart that they painted (there was a little signature sheet, that or it was on the anatomy chart directly). You had he order and list of addresses. Before sending the little Muse off, we were asked to ‘show him around’ and take pictures of interesting things from your area and include a sticker. Of course, as the Muse traveled more, he picked up more than just stickers from his travels that were included. I made him a little yarn scarf because he was at my house for Christmas and it was rather cold and snowy and ‘Santa’ left him a little shiny dangly. He helped me decorate the christmas tree and enjoyed visiting Santa. When done with your part of the Muse, you packed him up, and sent him to the next address on the list. Eventually, he made his way home to dragonmedley. No one paid any money other than anything people decided to include and the cost to ship him to his next location. He even had a cute little ‘suitcase’ that the muse fit quite nicely into for safe traveling.

        Though it took some time, both the Muse and the Kirin turned out wonderfully. It was a lot of fun to do!


          dragonmedley did this with a PYO Muse as well (where the whole thing started). It was fun! PM’d you. 🙂


            I’d be more than happy to join and be a part of this for sure… 🙂
            I’ll also PM you with the specifics… 😉


              I’ve heard of this–looks like something even I could handle. I can paint good if I don’t have to paint too much! 😆


              I participated in the two done so far, and it’s fun! I’m definately IN if you start another one up!


                So far I have for names/prefered piece to paint:

                Name —————- Sculpt ——- Area to paint

                Mmloda ————– Both sculpts –
                Siberakh ————- Griffin ——-
                Leigha ————— Both sculpts – Feathers (Griffin)
                LadyFirebird ——— Both sculpts – open
                Dragonmedley ——- Kirin ——— Belly scales
                Kitsunelady ———- open ———
                Dragon87 ———— Both sculpts –
                Drag0nfeathers —–
                Ruffian ————– open ———
                WindstoneCollector – Griffin ——-
                GB ——————- Both sculpts – open
                Abatos —————
                Jen ——————
                Tyrrlin ————— open ——– open
                KoishiKitty – open – Will be the last one to paint, is doing shinies and interference!

                I’ll add more as people tell me what they’d like to do! Thank you all!


                  I’d go for a kirin.

                  I still have all the papers and stuff for the muse. Technically, it still needs to go to the Creator to get a sparkly clear coat, but I haven’t done it yet…


                    I’d be happy to do this again too. =) I think a muse would be the most fun (more defined ‘areas’ to divide up), but will do whatever you decide. e.e


                    I’ll join! I had so much fun last time!

                    I don’t really care which sculpt though…

                    And with mmloda’s kirin, I don’t think we had to include stickers… although I could probably rummage something up…. 😀


                      I saw those threads and I was dissappointed I missed them! I’d totally do it! 🙂


                      I missed the muse, but joined in on Mmloda’s Ki-Rin…I’d join Siber on the Griffin. 😀 Or the Ki-Rin again…But, must admit, I prefer the Griffin. 😳


                        Little hijack:

                        dragonmedley wrote:

                        I still have all the papers and stuff for the muse. Technically, it still needs to go to the Creator to get a sparkly clear coat, but I haven’t done it yet…

                        When you send it, don’t forget to ask Melody to get a photo with it!


                        I’d be up for another Traveller PYO project! I’ll paint any section on any sculpt.


                        This sounds fun, I think I may like to give it a try too :).

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