Post Your 2010 Resolutions HERE!

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      Ok, every year people (most people) make resolutions. Here are some from last year, if anyone wants to go back and look:
      Resolutions for 2009
      Post your resolutions here and next year, we’ll come take a look and see who stuck!!!

      Mine are:
      Get back to pre baby weight (17lbs to go!) DONE!
      Pay off my USAA bill (the big one) or my Star card. 3800 to go on the Star 🙁
      Take college classes.DONE!
      Save at least $1000 in MY savings acct and $200 in Justins. DONE!
      Dont open any new line of credit unless its joint, or for the sole purpose of raising my credit score. Credit score is 773! (20 Aug 10)
      Not be so judgemental of my mother.



          1 – Pay off half (or more) of my debt… not including the mortgage though
          2 – Take a trip to Yellowstone

          It will be interesting to see if I can actually do both in the same year. 😳

          (Edit) 3 – Forgot to add this one… I can not put off getting a saddle chair this year. With all the back problems my dad has had, I don’t want to go down that road. Too much slouching in the computer chair (home and work) has already weakened and put a strain on my lower back, as well as shoulders/neck. I have to remedy that this year.


            I don’t really make resolutions, but sort of just make rough goals I would like to try to accomplish or work toward each year (flexible of course, as trips don’t always happen when planned due to life, family issues, the unexpected, etc.). For next year I was planning on:

            – Making payments for my Prague trip in 2011 (performing with a choir there – Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms and Mozart’s Requiem… it’s being put together by my college choir director for alums… he’s a native of Prague)
            – Having less stress going into Anime Boston (no last minute issues this year! Prop issues came up last year thanks to dad who was helping and decided to stall doing anything until 2 days before.)
            – Try to make a fursuit (or at least a partial one)
            – Finish my two scrapbooks
            – Get all acquired and incoming BJDs fully settled with clothes, wigs, etc.
            – Get my hands on a pyo keeper dragon to paint (at least 2 to at least complete what I definitely would like to paint for myself).
            – More weight training time.
            – Paying off some debt
            – Get dad to replace the fence and help him get it cut/put up.
            – Getting my brother’s website for his business together (maybe find time to get mine up)
            – Not kill one brother with a rubber chicken this year
            – Go to Oberammergau
            – Go to Austria during the holidays this year
            – Acquire new laptop this spring (figure out what OS I want on it is needed first)
            – Find time to work on my Rosetta stone stuff (need laptop first)
            – Become a better Unix admin
            – Maybe start up with horseback riding again (time and funds dependent in the later half of 2010).
            – Maybe start back up with Aikido (if I can make the classes… no day classes available, can’t take the night ones due to work hours, possibly an occasional weekend unless I can work out something with the local dojo.)

            Yeah, that’s it for now.


            siberakh1 wrote:

            – Go to Oberammergau

            When? When? I might be there too this year – it’s just a hop and a skip away for me!


            My plans for 2010:

            Pay off my credit card and keep it paid off. (was supposed to be school use only and wound up being Windstone use only)

            Pay the money I owe my mother.

            Save enough money to go visit Mmloda in Canada at the end of August.

            Finish my A.A. degree (spring semester) and start on the transfer to a University (fall semester – Finally picking a major goes along with this one)


              skigod377 wrote:

              Ok, every year people (most people) make resolutions. Here are some from last year, if anyone wants to go back and look:
              Resolutions for 2009
              Post your resolutions here and next year, we’ll come take a look and see who stuck!!!

              Excellent idea!

              siberakh1 wrote:

              – Not kill one brother with a rubber chicken this year

              Glad you’re avoiding such ‘fowl play’ 😆 Is there a story behind this resolution, or just a classic pesky brother?

              Here’s my list. Here’s hoping…

              New Years Resolutions
              1. Work on my business 24 hours a week.
              2. Dedicate 30 minutes a day to physical exercise (includes gardening and shuffling boxes around, thankfully)
              3. Dedicate 30 minutes a day to meditation or similar things
              4. Dedicate 30 minutes a day to study (classic lit, sculpture, etc)
              5. Complete the organization of my stuff
              6. Vanquish gluttony and sloth (or at least give ’em a hard time)
              7. Improve and maintain contact with buddies
              8. Finish current projects before starting similar ones
              9. Work on ‘greenness’ (more of salvaging stuff and living modestly, rather than running around in designer bamboo while preaching)
              10. Work on frugality


                My NY resolution…. is to get a canon ef 100mm f/2.8 L macro lense and um… go to australia…. and cut more opals =P



                My resolution for 2010 – the first resolution I can remember making – is to finish my novel Asperis.
                Other than that, things are trotting nicely along without my having to spur myself to get them done.


                  I’ve already started on mine!

                  • Losing the 30 pounds I gained this year. Almost there! 🙂
                  • Lick a Sugar Plum Poad whenever I get sugar cravings. 😀
                  • Tone my booty off (literally) and (somehow) discover that I
                  really do have a six pack under all of this. (And no, not beer.) 😆


                    These are usually very hard to keep but I think I will try to:
                    Save at least $200.00 a month
                    Get my husband to move us back to Arkansas to the hills
                    Strive to make my friends smile everyday! 😀
                    that’s it for me!!

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male day🤞Dream on.


                      Good ones so far!


                      I’d love to make the “lose weight” resolution, but I won’t do it, I never follow through on those ones. According to the doctors charts, I’m over weight by 50lbs, ha….if I want to be a stick…sure…


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      siberakh1 wrote:

                      – Go to Oberammergau

                      When? When? I might be there too this year – it’s just a hop and a skip away for me!
                      Awww! i was there in 2003! That is where I got my cherished Kaiser unicorn! I have never been able to find one since. 😥


                      Mine is:
                      Lose the rest of my baby weight (12 more pounds) -and then some!
                      Get a job.
                      Pay of all of our debt with my job.
                      😥 😥

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