Photo Competition VOTING TIME!

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    i’m working on mine!! i cant decide πŸ™„


      Me too! πŸ™„

      twindragonsmum πŸ™„



        wonder why this got by me… I’ll participate if I ever will remember the camera ;D


          Alas, I won’t have time. The best shots I have right now are about 2 years old. πŸ™


          @ ghostndragon

          I know, I’m in the same situation. :yes: This contest sounds like fun, but my favorite photos are few years old too. I guess it’s to keep the whole thing spur of the moment. πŸ˜•


            Can someone who is a picture taker explain the whole issue about taking pics? When the first competition came out and pics could be up to three years old, I was really surprised by that. Why cant new pics be taken? I understand for professional photos, a great shot can take many many pics and being at just the right place and just the right time with just the right light, but this is just an amateur little photo competition. I dont understand what the whole issue is with going outside and taking a cool pic and submitting it. I am not being sarcastic or anything, so please dont take it that way… I really want to know so that I can come up with decent rules for this style competition. πŸ™‚


            whelp… I have sent my photo…its nothing much, but I liked it. πŸ™‚


            skigod377 wrote:

            Can someone who is a picture taker explain the whole issue about taking pics? When the first competition came out and pics could be up to three years old, I was really surprised by that. Why cant new pics be taken? I understand for professional photos, a great shot can take many many pics and being at just the right place and just the right time with just the right light, but this is just an amateur little photo competition. I dont understand what the whole issue is with going outside and taking a cool pic and submitting it. I am not being sarcastic or anything, so please dont take it that way… I really want to know so that I can come up with decent rules for this style competition. πŸ™‚

            Your rules are very fair and well stated; I was just making chitchat. You need not feel insecure. I think that perhaps members including myself were simply thinking in terms of our own perceptions of what might actually win a contest, I don’t know. I probably have some eligible photos, and I could always shoot something new. I might not enter though, since I heard about the contest at the last minute, and others will most likely enjoy entering more than I would. πŸ™‚ Have fun everyone!


              πŸ™‚ I just want it to be fun and give someone a little help getting their next (or first) Windstone.


                I’m about the worst photographer here, so I never enter. lol I enjoy seeing the pictures, though and I think it is very generous of Ski to come up with a prize and run the contest. πŸ˜€


                Thanks skigod377! πŸ˜€


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Can someone who is a picture taker explain the whole issue about taking pics? When the first competition came out and pics could be up to three years old, I was really surprised by that. Why cant new pics be taken? I understand for professional photos, a great shot can take many many pics and being at just the right place and just the right time with just the right light, but this is just an amateur little photo competition. I dont understand what the whole issue is with going outside and taking a cool pic and submitting it. I am not being sarcastic or anything, so please dont take it that way… I really want to know so that I can come up with decent rules for this style competition. πŸ™‚

                  I just don’t have time before June 1. It’s timing, really. I want to go out and take some pics πŸ™


                  i think the rules are very fair and generous, ski! keeps it fresh and gets ya thinking… otherwise its too easy to just pull something out thats been around for a while. hm… that reminds me. i still havent figured out what im taking a picture of yet. hahaha… i feel like im back in my college photography class procrastinating to the last minute. πŸ˜€


                    Took a couple of pics yesterday. Let’s see how they turned out…


                      sent mine!!! πŸ˜€

                      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


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