
Not good…

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      I’m glad it looks like a speedy recovery, but I’m sorry about the extra expense this wil incur. πŸ˜•


        πŸ™ Oh Kyrin…so sorry about your dog.
        I hope it heals good and that you child can get her dog back


          I’m sorry to hear Ein is still at the vets, I hope he’s ok and pulls
          through without having any surgery.


            Hugs from our family to yours, Kyrin πŸ˜₯ How are the children holding up? Big hugs for them, too.




            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Hugs from our family to yours, Kyrin πŸ˜₯ How are the children holding up? Big hugs for them, too.


            Karli is cheerful, nothing fazes her.

            Alex was a bit sad Ein wasn’t here to sleep with him last night, but he’ll be fine.

            Ein should be coming home on Sat…he’s doing a lot better and there is improvement and less air under his skin indicating that the hole is sealing…yay!

            Vet bill is currently $312, ouch, we’re probably going to end up being $400 when all is said and done.



              Lucky you. That’s not a bad price. I don’t even want to think about what my Mister’s run me. πŸ˜‰


                So glad to hear that the hole is healing up!! *dances*


                  That’s great news, except the bill, but I’m glad he’s is going to be alright and
                  don’t have to have surgery and he’ll be home with all of you soon!


                    Glad to hear things are heading in the right direction! πŸ˜€ (well, except the bill! πŸ™„ )


                      $400 isn’t so bad. Claire’s surgery cost me about a grand. And there’s the prednisone every month, so more money. I wish I only paid $400.


                        Being the child of a veterinarian, I can tell you $400 isn’t bad at all 😯 I know it may seem like a lot, but if it makes you feel better, all the stuff you’ve gotten so far would be about $1500 out here.

                        Keep on thinking positive and it will happen! Ein will feel your positive energy and love and that should make all the difference in the world!


                        Just saw this, Kyrin – I’m glad to hear that Ein is doing so well. Got to hate those big dog/little dog fights! I once knew a Chihuahua that lost a kidney to a Dalmation – and outlive the Dal! The little guys tend to have big hearts and tough constitutions.

                        And I agree with Cat – you would be at least $1500 in NJ!


                          $400 is not bad. It would be at least $500 for the emergency call in my area and that’s just to get the vet to see the dog, not including treatment. You’ve done really well. The important thing is Ein will be okay.

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                            Yeah, $400 may be more than you can afford (and trust me, I’m so there with you right now) but honestly, that’s quite reasonable, even for an impoverished area like S. IL. I’ve seen bills here get as high as $2000 at one clinic.

                            Small blessing, I know. Wishing Ein the best of luck.


                            I know the bill isn’t bad as far as it be and I do agree it could be higher. It would have been with Dr. T, who I used to work for so I do know it’s pretty decent, but I would still wish it were smaller for my pocketbook’s sake.

                            I’m gonna call them in a bit and see how he is doing, hopefully he can come home tomorrow.


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