New art from mee :D (even newer art pg 8)

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    It was requested that I post a pic of the new Haku painting, since the first one went to a great new home ^_^ So here he is! 😀 This guy didn’t get nabbed at the art show last weekend, so he’s up for grabs 😉

    Oh and this one is ready to go to a new home as well:

    I am way too fond of mushrooms and being ridiculous :3


    I love those mushrooms! I only realized there’s a critter hiding in there after the third glance.


      your art is so pretty! the raised are if very appealing, I like the softness of your style!


        I LOVE your ‘shrooms!!!!!!!!! SqueeeeeEEeeee!!!!!!! Sooo cool! 😀 😀 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        I love those mushrooms! I only realized there’s a critter hiding in there after the third glance.

        It may sound weird, but I’m glad to hear that because I wanted him to be hidden a little ^_^


        KoishiiKitty wrote:

        your art is so pretty! the raised are if very appealing, I like the softness of your style!

        Why thank you! ^____^ I am happy with my progress so far, since this is still an ongoing effort to get better and make interesting things 😀


        purplecat wrote:

        I LOVE your ‘shrooms!!!!!!!!! SqueeeeeEEeeee!!!!!!! Sooo cool! 😀 😀 😀

        EEEEE MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!! XD Thank yoouuuu 😀


          Wow those dragons are amaizing… 😉 Have you ever doen a tiger like that.. ❓



          Haha! Mmloda and her tigers. 😆


          Badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!!!!

          … at least being entertained easily means that I am never bored. I had fun with creamers at a restaurant yesterday. Two of them were different and me and Colin were checking if they were the same company… turns out they weren’t.


          mmloda wrote:

          Wow those dragons are amaizing… 😉 Have you ever doen a tiger like that.. ❓

          Thanks! 😀 Um nope, but I could try?


          New art time! 😀 I sold the green dragonhide book, inspiring me to make a new one in a ruby red colour ^_^ Making something look ruby is HARDDDD XD

          People keep asking me “Do you glue on the rocks yourself?” XD These scales are NOT ROCKS!! *giggle*

          Other stuff for sale at the moment; pendants on leather cord! ^_^


          Ooh, nice scarab!


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Ooh, nice scarab!

          Thanks! 😀 I did a green one for myself ^_^ I keep thinking I am gonna get a tattoo of one someday 😀


          It’s a neat design. What’s the clear stuff? Glass?

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