
My Ex lost my daughter…and thought it was no big deal…UPDATE

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      My ex and I are both active duty Navy. He is now stationed in LA, which is a 4 hour drive one way from here. Since it was spring break he asked if he could have the kids, Darrien is 8, and Taylor is 4, for the week. He is only supposed to have them one weekend a month. Since his new wife was coming down for the week as well I thought I would be nice and I let them go. He picked them up on Friday the 30th. Everything was fine until…

      1400 on the 5th of April I got a phone call from the Base Police on his base. They reported to me that my ex, while helping my 8 year old with his homework, told my 4 year old to go play outside by herself. She did, and wandered off. A kind lady found my daughter and tried for over an hour to find his house. Meanwhile my ex was unaware that she was missing. When she was unable to she called the base police. They escorted her and my daughter to his house. She was scared and crying. He said thanks, and said it was no big deal. He sent her to her room, closed the screen door on the police and sat on the couch to watch TV. The base police then got angry with his attitude so they decided to file a police report, called child protective services, and his command.

      After being informed by the police I jumped in my car, freaked out beyond belief and headed the 4 hours south. I stopped at the base police station and had them escort me to his house where I was able to get the children and take them home. While I was driving he told my 8 year old that I was mad at them, which couldn’t have been farther from the truth. In fact I had even maintained my composure with my ex on the phone.

      So this morning, I made blueberry silver dollar pancakes, with hot cocoa. We have been watching movies and playing ball having fun. I am so relieved to have them home, as this is not the first (by far) questionable behavior he has exhibited.

      Now I turn to the law, I need a lawyer! 3500 is the cheapest I have found…now if only I can find the funding! I want to keep the monster away for good, and never wonder if my babies are safe.

      Sorry to be doing a pitty party, but I needed to vent somewhere, and everyone here is wonderful and kind….



        Oh my gosh! I’m so glad your kids are safe!

        *many hugs!*


          That’s no small deal! I wouldn’t call it a pity party at all!


            Holy crap! I’m glad you have them safe and sound.



              He must have turd for brains! Glad you divorced the guy, treating the kiddos like that. Sorry you had to go through that, I am glad your little girl is ok. Hopefully you can get this all staightened out so you dont have to worry about it anymore. HUGS


                I’m totally speechless. Ok, I’m not…what an A$$


                  Its been a long day of being on the phone with the police down there, and my command up here getting all my ducks in a row. I am still in shock, and livid that he didn’t even care that she was gone. Who in their right mind does that!? I’ve seen people more upset over their dog missing for an hour! I wish I could find that lady and hug her…she very well might have saved my daughter’s life. I keep thinking about how different things would have been yesterday if a bad person had gotten a hold of her. She had a guardian looking out for her yesterday that kept her safe. Thank you, all of you for your kind words, and the not so kind words…cause y’all took the words right out of my mouth!


                    That is not a pity party. Your ex should be in jail for child endangerment! Any judge in his right mind would give you complete custody and him no visitation!


                      Losing your kid to a clothing rack for a couple of minutes is one thing but intentionally letting a young child wander off outside for hours is a very big deal. Worse is not caring. I’m no mom but even I know 4 is too young to play outside unsupervised especially if there is no secure/locked back yard for them to play in. I hope you get full custody of the kids, he doesn’t seem responsible enough to take care of children.


                        The words to describe my view for that situation, and exactly what I would be tempted to do to that man…..are not suitable for public posting. That in itself probably says enough.


                          When you think about what could have happened … he’s a… I can’t post that here . lol .
                          Thankfully a good person found her and now the police have become involved . You have proof that your ex is no good . So sad .
                          Kids always think it’s them who do something wrong .
                          I hope all works out for the best . Man I hope he and his new wife never have kids !


                          The words to describe my view for that situation, and exactly what I would be tempted to do to that man…..are not suitable for public posting. That in itself probably says enough.

                          This. Totally this. đź‘ż

                          Thank God someone of good heart found your daughter! How utterly scary! So glad that cop had a brain too, and decided enough was enough.

                          What a terrifying event. Please vent all you want!


                            No pity party! I had to calm down before I could even send this response to you. That behaviour is unexcusable on so many legal, moral, and ethical levels. Good on you to get the lawyer, police, and anyone else you can find to keep your little ones safe. Starting with no more unsupervised visits.

                            You had an angel looking out for your daughter that’s for sure. I’m not a mom, but I can only imagine what must have been going through your head on that 4-hour (or maybe you made it in less time?) trip.

                            I’m sure your kids know who you are mad at and it’s not them.

                            Hang on, it’ll work out.

                            Life is beautiful.


                            THis is sooooooo FN wrong that he thinks it is no big deal. Anything coulda happened and thank god for angels watching out for your daughter!!! Find the angel and thank her Oh so much! YOur ex is a Jack A@@ and so many more things I could call him. It is people like this that are allowed to care for children that make me so furious at the legal system. Grrrrr I have to stop before I say many ugly things and it will all go wrong from there.

                            I am so happy that your daughter is safe and that the police are aware of his negligence and complete lack of concern for your childs safety!

                            Get his a## kicked to the curb on the parental visitation.


                            Unbelievable, we lose track of our 5 year old for 10 mins & we start looking for her. I can’t believe he didn’t take the situation more seriously, does he have any idea how lucky it was that the lady who found her was there to watch over her & keep her safe? There are some very sick individuals out there, & he just abandoned her & put her in a situation where it would have been extremely easy for her to be taken. I have no words for his cavalier attitude when she was returned, I am very proud of the officer who went the extra step to call him on it, keep up the good work guy!

                            I support you all the way in demanding no further visitation, at least until the kids themselves are old enough to be able to look out for themselves better than he obviously does!



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