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    I have alot of purple and black and green Griffs…Nothing blue yet. 😉 I never thought I would be a fan of yellow, but Barrdwing and Fauxbird sorta fixed that for me. I love my yellow babies. 😀 I just pulled the dragon back out…Yep still looks the same as it did when I put him in the box. 😆 I did get some quality time with the wolf for Medley though. Only a few hours, but still a few is better than none! 😯 And now I am trying to hunt through boxes for the dock and camera so I can charge the beastly thing and take some pics…I am so ready for a yard sale! (Why is it things seem to multiply when you aren’t looking, and you never notice it until you move? 🙄 )


      starbreeze wrote:

      Neither one of you could paint a bad PYO, if you tried. 😆

      I painted a bad PYO once. We call him Hulkpants the griffin.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Jennifer wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        Neither one of you could paint a bad PYO, if you tried. 😆

        I painted a bad PYO once. We call him Hulkpants the griffin.
        We NEED pictures of that and I bet we will all fall in LOVE with him


          Dragon Master wrote:

          Jennifer wrote:

          starbreeze wrote:

          Neither one of you could paint a bad PYO, if you tried. 😆

          I painted a bad PYO once. We call him Hulkpants the griffin.
          We NEED pictures of that and I bet we will all fall in LOVE with him

          Yeah, I want to see it too. 😆


          Hulkpants the Griffin. I see this being a very interesting looking griffin.


            We’ve got to see him!!! 😆


            Jennifer wrote:

            starbreeze wrote:

            Neither one of you could paint a bad PYO, if you tried. 😆

            I painted a bad PYO once. We call him Hulkpants the griffin.

            I have a vague remembrance of seeing a griffin with green hindquarters – is that him? Or am I making things up?


            Shall I paint you a Prax-style griffin, WSC? I have a griffin coming, though I don’t remember the eye color. Or was it a dragon? Eh, doesn’t matter. I’ll be ordering more PYOs next week. Lemme know if you want a Prax-style griffy for sure, and I’ll get the right eye colors in him!


            I’d love a Prax-style Griff!<3 😀 But only if you want to do something complicated like that. 😯


            No problem for you! I’ll get the griffin PYO next week, and even if the design calls for a lot of blending, at least I know what I’m doing with the griffin from head to toe. I make color schemes or get reference photos for all my projects, but I often have to make up marking placement as I go along. Not so on your griffin!


            *Dances around on her tip toes* Now I’m excited enough to start drooling! 😆


            😀 Order goes out on Monday.

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