Most you spent on a single Windstone?

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    My most expensive: $616+ for the silver grey OW… #2/8, but I was willing to pay quite a bit more at the time.


      most I spent was on my SK….

      no need to mention the $ amount though… 😯


        No comment… 😈


          The most I spent on one was a White Emperor $422. That was after I spent around $200 each for two White Emperors that arrived broken and had to file for the insurance on them


            The most I’ve ever spent on windstones was for my Labradorite Griffin Family. I scared to actually work out what the final cost plus shipping was 😯


              I spent $1100+shipping for my #4 Black Gold Old Warrior. Yikes!


                boskydragon wrote:

                My most expensive: $616+ for the silver grey OW… #2/8, but I was willing to pay quite a bit more at the time.

                And you would get alot more for it now. πŸ˜†


                  $2.4k for #1/6 BEP SK
                  $1.8k for the #1/24 BEP OW

                  I think…I’d have to look to know for sure, and that was after taxes…..CA TAXES SUCKED MY BUTT On that SK……LoL


                    That’s the only advantage that I can see to not living in CA. **read near the factory** No CA taxes on Windstones that are shipped to me.


                      I spent $722 on my Calico Flap Cat. She’s 2/15.

                      Edit: See my avatar for why I had to have her.


                      Wow…makes me feel better now. Yeh, I was shocked also that my wife OK’ed my BG OW. That was the most I spent on Ebay. She loved it when it arrived though.

                      Was the Black Gold Old Warrior Melody’s first limited edition? I remember telling my wife I HAD to get that because she actually painted it πŸ˜€ Is Melody’s daughter still helping with the paint jobs on the later limiteds on ebay?

                      Love the pics…keep em coming so I can show my wife and get her to OK more πŸ˜€


                        DROGO wrote:

                        Wow…makes me feel better now. Yeh, I was shocked also that my wife OK’ed my BG OW. That was the most I spent on Ebay. She loved it when it arrived though.

                        Was the Black Gold Old Warrior Melody’s first limited edition? I remember telling my wife I HAD to get that because she actually painted it πŸ˜€ Is Melody’s daughter still helping with the paint jobs on the later limiteds on ebay?

                        Love the pics…keep em coming so I can show my wife and get her to OK more πŸ˜€

                        Chessie was painting some of the new black peacock Poads ™ when we were there the first time with GB….LoL Dunno if she’s helping with the lim productions tho…


                          DROGO wrote:

                          Wow…makes me feel better now. Yeh, I was shocked also that my wife OK’ed my BG OW. That was the most I spent on Ebay. She loved it when it arrived though.

                          Was the Black Gold Old Warrior Melody’s first limited edition? I remember telling my wife I HAD to get that because she actually painted it πŸ˜€ Is Melody’s daughter still helping with the paint jobs on the later limiteds on ebay?

                          Love the pics…keep em coming so I can show my wife and get her to OK more πŸ˜€

                          Yep, those were the first, along with the black grand unicorns and the Flame OWs. Chessie is only helping some of the time. Thats why Miss Melody took that blurb out of the recent COAs. She didnt want to lie in case Chessie didnt work on them. πŸ˜†


                            The most I spent, by accident, was just under $700 (after shipping) for a Black Grand Unicorn. Now, when I have money, I’m hard pressed to spend anything above $300. Unfortunately, to get decent pieces (near mint) you usually need to pay over $200.


                            The most I have spent is a little over $1000 for my BVP OW. The next ones are, BEP OW, Special small rock dragon, Prototype Emerald OW, Special Gold OW, Special Em Pea OW. Those were between $400-$500 each.

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