Most you spent on a single Windstone?

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    I dunno if you guys already discussed it before, but I’m new and curious, and probably gonna try and catch up with my collection, sooooooo……..

    For me so far it’s the Black Gold Old Warrior Prototype #21/24. I got it a little over a year ago on Ebay, and paid a tad over $700 (includes shipping).

    That’s one personal best I don’t wanna se bested for a while! 🙄



    Oh, by the way, post some pics…make me drool…. 😈


      Well I don’t have any of the special windstones like that. I only have regular production (mostly retireds). I can’t remember what I paid for my Black Male Unicorn but the most expensive Windstone I can remember the price on is my Black Griffin. I paid $130 plus $20 shipping, only to have him break. I kept him and sent him to a forum member to repair. Round trip shipping was roughly $50 plus the $35 for the repair. Brings his total price up to $235.



      “I paid $130 plus $20 shipping, only to have him break.”

      Wow…ouch…that sucks!


        Oh yeah. I just added links to pictures. He and the rash of broken Windstones at the time were what helped inspire the writing of the How to pack a Windstone tutorial.


        Nice repair job though… 😀


          Definatly! 😀 I wholeheartedly recommend Kyrin (his “surgeon”) to anyone who needs a Windstone repaired.


            I have spent 300.00 twice. My signed White Rising Spectral and Emerald OW are the big ones so far.


            My BG emperor, for sure. I got him at a little shop in my favorite Colorado mall and as such he was marked up a little… Taxes and all I gave $395.60 for my Vulcan baby 😆 He was so worth it, though 8)


            I remember a couple of years ago one of the Ashley Avery stores was closing down, and I has a chance to buy a white emperor for $175. I didn’t end up getting him because he had a small chip on the tail. My wife even offered to buy him for me as a birthday gift I think. But I said, no…that it wasn’t perfect…that was a dark, dark day, and stupidity worthy of W 😥


            i would have to say my gold emperor..that puppy was over $330 at a shop i went to><


              The most I’ve spent on a single Windstone is $1,962.78. Not including shipping & insurance. That was for the BVF OW, and I’m still in shock my husband OK’d it. The next highest was a mere $355 in comparison, for a mint tan Griffin. With new production Emperors at $344, that’ll stay my high cost for the most part now. Hopefully I won’t go over a grand on anything in the future though… unless Melody releases a rainbow SK. That might make me break that. 🙄


              I spent $860 for my Black Emerald Peacock 23/24 Old Warrior. Shame on me, but once I got him, I don’t think I could ever part with him.


              My most expensive Windstone buy was my BG OW#13. Next was the BEP OW#7(not that I have it anymore 😥 ), and the calico flapper.



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