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      skigod377 wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      I noticed that wolf, Ski – did you paint it? It’s beautiful. What about the blue/purple dragon? Is that one of Watergazer’s?

      The wolf was painted by Nam. I was supposed to snipe it for Star (Who had saved lots of money for it) and then my internet froze at the end of the auction. Im a loser.

      oic. Don’t feel bad – the internet screws us all up at one time or another….


      Absolutely, Ski, don’t feel bad. I certainly don’t! πŸ˜‰

      The top shelf is all Nam’s amazing work – the dragon is Violet Petals. There is a space right in front of Kechara where the Twilight Chick would look right at home! πŸ˜›


      You should get that one — then Kechara can be a single mother! πŸ™‚


        ddvm wrote:

        Absolutely, Ski, don’t feel bad. I certainly don’t! πŸ˜‰

        The top shelf is all Nam’s amazing work – the dragon is Violet Petals. There is a space right in front of Kechara where the Twilight Chick would look right at home! πŸ˜›

        Amazing is right. They looked great in her pix, but look stunning in yours.


          skigod377 wrote:

          lamortefille wrote:

          I noticed that wolf, Ski – did you paint it? It’s beautiful. What about the blue/purple dragon? Is that one of Watergazer’s?

          The wolf was painted by Nam. I was supposed to snipe it for Star (Who had saved lots of money for it) and then my internet froze at the end of the auction. Im a loser.

          Awww….don’t worry. I’ll find something else to spend my money on 😈


          That was my favorite wolf as well. And I was the one who wanted the pic of the meekrat. Thank you. The griffin is beautiful.


          Wow, what great pics! And what a nice collection, too. That meerkat is huge!


          Actually, she’s not that big – maybe 6″? Somehow in the photo she looks bigger than she is. I say she because I named her Blossom after a meerkat baby in Meerkat Manor who got EATEN because her family FORGOT about her! Obviously, I’m still not over it.


          πŸ˜† Sorry, ddvm, but it always cracks me up how emotional people can get over TV. πŸ˜†


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          πŸ˜† Sorry, ddvm, but it always cracks me up how emotional people can get over TV. πŸ˜†

          I know, they laugh at me at work too. But, Blossom was a real cute little meerkat baby who really did get eaten. πŸ˜₯ Stupid Meerkat Manor!


          πŸ˜† So what is Meerkat Manor? Something CGI, or cartoon, or what? I guess I could look it up, but I’d rather have a fan tell me about it. πŸ˜›


            It might’ve been a live animal show on Animal Planet, but I’m not sure. Someone is sure to have that info. πŸ™‚


            Yup, it’s on Animal Planet, although they haven’t had any new episodes for awhile. They had years of tape that a group from England compilied while studying a couple of families of meerkats. So they set it up like a soap opera – the head meerkat is named Flower. And it follows their lives. Who mates with whom, who gets kicked out of the family,fights between two families, who gets eaten πŸ˜₯ Sean Astin is the narrator. It’s pretty addicting to watch. And they do give you a lot of facts about meerkats. It’s a pretty clever way to get people to watch a long documentory about them.

            So at least I didn’t get upset about a fictional character – Blossom really lived and died.


              Poor Blossom!!! That’s awful!!! πŸ™ I remember the ads for it, but we never got a chance to watch it. Not enough hours in the day. πŸ™‚


              Oh, okay. Then it’s not as silly as I was imagining it. Sounds interesting, actually. πŸ˜€

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