
Mold Making?

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        So I’m not sure if this should be here or over in Arts since it’s not really a ‘real’ art project

        Basically I have these lovely solar powered torches that I set up at halloween and they came with spikes that you shove into the ground and then mount the torches on them. Small problem though… By the time that Halloween rolls around up here the ground is frozen and we often have or have had snow by this time (you always buy/make your kids costumes 2 sizes bigger to fit a snowsuit under 😛 ) and in the last couple of years I have broken most of the plastic stakes trying to either pound them into the ground or pull them out again. So my brilliant idea is to make concrete or plaster ‘piers’ for them that I can set anywhere in the yard and not have to worry about frozen ground. I have a dowel the same thickness of the torch post and have found a perfect mold (old margarine tub) my problem is how do I get the mold off the pier once it’s set with our destroying the mold? I’ve looked everywhere here, we only have one craft store (that has nothing for this kind of molding) and the Home Depot and Rona guys just wondered why I needed to get the mold off. The ceramic shop wasn’t any help either. I’ve thought of either Vaseline (used in High School for plaster molds) or Cooking spray as a release but am wondering if it would work or if the residue would affect me being able to paint the pier afterwards?

        Thoughts? – Ideas? – Suggestions?


          Hmmm. That is a good question. Purplecat should be able to help. I think she uses molds to make her cute creatures. Couldn’t you also put the stakes in the ground early and then mount the torches on them at a later date? Im not to familiar with “frozen ground” in Houston hehe Maybe some hot salt water to melt the ice and make enough mud to sink a stake into?

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