Miss Melody, I sent some chocolate.

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      You cant try to lose weight over the holidays. Its a sin… or just really frowned upon.


        skigod377 wrote:

        You cant try to lose weight over the holidays. Its a sin… or just really frowned upon.

        True, true….


        I take back the evil things I said about postal workers eating my chocolate- I got it in the mail yesterday and it was VERY VERY tasty (and I MUST HAVE MORE)!!!!

        On the side of weight- there was a two week time frame since the beginning of Dec and now where I was eating whatever and however much I wanted- gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks and it made my pants tight! Grrr, so, after 2 days of watching calories a little closer I’ve lost 2 of those pounds- though the chocolate bar yesterday (that I had to fight my son for- he won a little of it) killed my caloric intake for the day but it was just SO DARN GOOD! I shall start anew today!


        Start anew today… The diet always starts on Monday. At least that’s what Mom says every time I come home from work with another big box of pralines and chocolates from the boss/Grandpa. 😈


          Heck, why not wait till January 1st? Thats the perfect day to start anew!


          The best day is always next week. πŸ˜€


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            The best day is always next week. πŸ˜€

            πŸ˜† Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?”


            πŸ˜† Especially concerning dieting. πŸ˜†


              because then it never gets done!!


                Dragon Master wrote:

                because then it never gets done!!



                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  because then it never gets done!!

                  Hey !! I’m right there among you guys! I’ve been going to lose 10-15 pounds for the last 6 years but for some reason I have never gotten around to losing it. I’ve lost several other things though, like my sanity, well the little santiy I had at one time.


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    because then it never gets done!!

                    Hey !! I’m right there among you guys! I’ve been going to lose 10-15 pounds for the last 6 years but for some reason I have never gotten around to losing it. I’ve lost several other things though, like my sanity, well the little santiy I had at one time.

                    πŸ˜† Im just playing with you πŸ™‚ I cannot comment about the sanity you may or may not have had at one time since I just met you πŸ˜›


                      I really need to get back in the gym.

                      I also just got the news I’m heading back to the 1-9 shift at work hopefully in a week and a half. I will get the night differential which is about $360 a month witout OT so I can get my bills caught up. I really hope the OT starts soon.



                        all these foreign words….must go look for big book with words in it again….


                          frozendragon wrote:


                          all these foreign words….must go look for big book with words in it again…. πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

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