
Maybe…After the move…If it's on your list…

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Maybe…After the move…If it's on your list…

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    “I would like to do all the dragons in BEP (black emerald peacock) or BVP (black violet peacock) but I can’t decide which.I think I favor the BEP myself. Green is more of a contrasting color against the black dragon’s body.
    Can’t wait to get up and running again! So much to do!
    I think we may be able to do a batch of Laps in BVP before the move. We somehow ended up with about four extra carts full of lap castings, so we need to paint ’em in something. We already have enough Laps painted in all of the other colors to last us through the transition..”

    BEP! BEP! I’d *FIND* a way to buy one of those!:squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak:


      skigod377 wrote:

      PINK!!! 😯 Since they’re there and all. 😀



        PINK would be nice but i could also go for a BVP !! but PINK i would love!


          No pink for me!! 😆
          But, BVP would be great for a LP lap and BEP would rock for production!


            wolflodge100 wrote:

            No pink for me!! 😆
            But, BVP would be great for a LP lap and BEP would rock for production!

            I second this idea! 😀


              BEP LP or Production OW and Rising spectrals? I’d be on that boat.


              BEP Risers – absolutely. Pink – urgh no.


              Pink, when I finally get my taxes back >.< they are taking FOREVER! grr…


              wolflodge100 wrote:

              No pink for me!! 😆
              But, BVP would be great for a LP lap and BEP would rock for production!

              That sounds good to me, but I know if they make pink Fledgies, I am with that group…I just love that little guy! 😀


                BEP would be better than BVP IMO. Though I won’t be getting one either way.
                I’m waiting for pink. That’s the only color I’ll get a Lap in.


                I LOVE the BEP, but I also like the BVP…Just not as much as the BEP. SO yes, I am still stuck with a bad case of the “I wants” for the BEP over the BVP. 😆


                I would go for the BEP over the BVP, the black needs some lightning up more than the violet can do, but a BVEP would be truly Awesome!!


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  BEP Risers – absolutely. Pink – urgh no.

                  yeah. I’m with you on the ‘ugh, no more pink’ boat.


                    purpledoggy wrote:

                    Would the bvp laps be an ebay thing or a limited production thing? I need more money.

                    limited production. Olimpia’s Jade pearl color will be an artist’s edition color.


                      BVP Lap Dragons! I’ll be keeping my eye out for those… loving the purple! 😀

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