Make-A-Fuzzy swap & Travel-Buddy Fuzzy:

Home Forums Miscellany Swaps Make-A-Fuzzy swap & Travel-Buddy Fuzzy:

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      Sign up Ends: April 8th
      Ship Date: May 19th
      Addresses & names of swap partners will be sent out on May 12th.

      To Sign Up, Please email me at:
      I confirm that I got the email or pm as soon as I can.

      Please place Fuzzy Swap in the heading of the Email.
      We will need the following information:
      1. Your full name and address
      2. Which swap you wish to join. (Make-A-Fuzzy, Travel-Buddy Fuzzy or Both)
      3. Indicate if you cannot ship worldwide.

      Make-A-Fuzzy Swap:
      The object of the swap is to make a unique one of a kind fuzzy to send off to your swap partner, hence the swap, and you will get a one of a kind fuzzy back in return. That is the simple of it. So break out your artistic side and make a new breed of fuzzy all your own. Addresses will be sent out on May 12 along with the name of the person your fuzzy will be finding a new home with.

      Travel Buddy Fuzzy:
      Much like Blue, Purple, and Red these unique fuzzies (made in the same way the Make-A-Fuzzy Swap works) would be sent out into the world to have an adventure all their own. Travel Buddy fuzzies can be shipped to forum or non-forum members with the end goal of ending up with Susie at the end of the year to join the Windstone family. A form will be posted to be printed off and sent with the fuzzies to document their travels and the host families they stay with.

      To add a bit of fun, if you fall in love with the traveling fuzzy, swap it out for one you already have and send that one on down the line to someone else to host. But please make sure to send any special souvenirs along with the new one to the next home.

      The return date for the Traveling Fuzzies would be May 19th, 2015.



        Would anyone be interested in perhaps doing a fuzzy swap? They are easy to craft and travel very inexpensively in an envelope. I get a smile everytime I look up at the brood I have perched up on my monitor and would love to get a few from different places.

        I was thinking of perhaps including a small passport design that could be printed out and sent along, it was mentioned on the Flat Fuzzy post and I thought it was quite a lovely idea.

        I haven’t really mapped this out but I thought I would gauge general interest.

        Nice idea 🙂

        I thought about doing this myself, but don’t have much time.

        I’ll get mine gathered up and see what colours I have and what I’d like.

        So, yes, I’m in.

        Life is beautiful.


        That would be lots of fun! Would it be possible to send them around a few times? Then wherever they went somebody could sign/stamp the “passport” and add like a photo or sticker for it to travel with.

        Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John) |

        As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
        Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


          Does the “passport” need to have some way to identify the Fuzzy – photo or description or whatever – so the recipient can remember which one it is?


            That would be lots of fun! Would it be possible to send them around a few times? Then wherever they went somebody could sign/stamp the “passport” and add like a photo or sticker for it to travel with.

            Speaking for myself, I could probably promise to swap one Fuzzy, but can’t guarantee that all traveling Fuzzies would be sent on (though I would INTEND to send them). Look at the way the Flat Fuzzies got stalled during their trips. I think a one-for-one swap would be better, even though your idea would be more fun. 🙂


            That would be lots of fun! Would it be possible to send them around a few times? Then wherever they went somebody could sign/stamp the “passport” and add like a photo or sticker for it to travel with.

            Speaking for myself, I could probably promise to swap one Fuzzy, but can’t guarantee that all traveling Fuzzies would be sent on (though I would INTEND to send them). Look at the way the Flat Fuzzies got stalled during their trips. I think a one-for-one swap would be better, even though your idea would be more fun. 🙂

            Well what if it was like one a month we send one on to another in the swap? It would be out over time, easier for people to find time etc. It would be fun. There could also be two groups maybe?

            This would be up to organizer of course, but there could be two groups: those who want a single swapped fuzzy and those who want a traveling fuzzy. People could all do what they wanted that way, and people could enter both if they want. If say a fuzzy reached a location that the receiver really likes it, I am sure they could then withdraw and keep it as long as they sent another fuzzy on the way.

            And I am not sure if there is already a design for a fuzzy passport, but if there is not, I would gladly design one and make it available for download and printing through deviantART if they wanted me too.

            Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)

            As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
            Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


              Whatever you decide, I will participate! (the fuzzies are all excited about this idea)


                The idea was mentioned of perhaps having each person send two fuzzies. One would be for travel and the other would be to keep. If you find you love a fuzzy to much to send it on, perhaps you could swap it out with another one to send it on it’s way?

                The passport could go with the fuzzy you choose to send back out into the world and if it is switched up, simply add a new picture.

                I was thinking about gathering up all of the traveling fuzzies at the end of the year and having an adoption thread to send them onto their final homes, sort of a raffle for all involved. If some of them don’t make it back then no real harm is done.


                  96037, if you are up for designing a pass port that would be fantastic! I don’t mind setting up the swap and making sure that everyone gets to where they are going. I think it would be a great idea to have some of them earn some mileage on their passports!

                  I am definately open to suggestions or other ideas if anyone has them.


                  I would be in for a fuzzy swap!

                  The Passport idea is neat, but how about maybe just a fun postcard or something? Anything works for me, really, I just thought I would throw it out there. 🙂


                  96037, if you are up for designing a pass port that would be fantastic! I don’t mind setting up the swap and making sure that everyone gets to where they are going. I think it would be a great idea to have some of them earn some mileage on their passports!

                  I am definitely open to suggestions or other ideas if anyone has them.

                  I would be perfectly happy to start work on one! I’ll keep ya posted and pm ya with some updates!

                  I would be in for a fuzzy swap!

                  The Passport idea is neat, but how about maybe just a fun postcard or something? Anything works for me, really, I just thought I would throw it out there.

                  I think there are lots of different ideas and I would be open to designing any of them. Depends on opinions I guess.

                  If some people prefer, we could do postcards for the single home ones and passports for the traveling. In the passports you could write the town and forum member they visited and at the end calculate their “sky miles” for some fun to see who went further than others. And with traveling fuzzies, I am sure others could host them who are not in the initial swap as long as they follow the general ideas and pass it on.

                  It would be cool to keep a sketch or pic of each fuzzy with their name in the passport that uses it, as I am sure some will find homes along the way. Then you could also see how many switches there were along the way. Sounds like a lot of fun to me, and so many different possible variations!

                  I can’t wait to start!

                  Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)

                  As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
                  Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


                    I am confused. In the first post it sounded like we were supposed to make them, then it sounded like there was an idea to send away a couple we already have like from Windstone? Are we supposed to send one to someone to swap for another one we like better or would it be a random swap where we send them all to someone and get one back? And what was the idea with a passport? Would there be one passport and one fuzzy or would everyone send a fuzzy and passport to someone else? It sounds like there are two different ideas going on here. My idea would be, could those of us with doubles of some colours of fuzzies or ones we would like to trade, take a picture of all that we have and then if we see some we like better from someone else, just swap or trade with them or request colours we would like to trade for?

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      This has wandered off of where I was trying to go with it. The object of the swap is to make a unique fuzzy to send off to another person, hence the swap. You will get a one of a kind fuzzy back in return. That is the simple of it.

                      The idea of a post card or passport came about as a small addition, just something neat to send with it. If people are inclined to do so, a second fuzzy could be sent along with the first as a travel buddy, something to be sent on down the line much like the Windstone traveling fuzzies. If you fall in love with the traveling fuzzy, swap it out for one you already have and send that one on down the line to someone else to host. This second part was just a fun addition but not something that is required for the swap.

                      So as it stands, make a fuzzy to send to your swap partner and you get one in return. If you want to send a travel fuzzy that you already own, please feel free to do so and include a small post card or passports with it’s likes and dislikes and maybe a picture. If you do not want to send one, feel free not to.

                      I’d like to run sign up through April 8th, if you want to join up please let me know through pm or email at Please title it Fuzzy Swap and let me know what you are wanting to participate in. (Swap and travel or just Swap). This will be a blind swap, meaning just your name and address are needed and you will have a fuzzy heading your way.

                      I have two large ones the size of Purple, Blue, and Red that I would be willing to send out to travel if anyone would like to host them. I will send them out to someone who joins the travel group with the end goal of them eventually joining their friends at Windstone under Susie’s wonderful care.



                        I’m out. I do not have time to make, ship, etc fuzzies. I thought it was to swap the fuzzies we have.

                        Good luck, though. It could be fun.

                        Life is beautiful.


                          Yah, unfortunately I don’t think I have time to join in either. I’m pretty much incapable of making/shipping things on time. 🙂 I always get to it eventually – but I have presents from Christmas for a friend still sitting in the corner of my office that need to be packed and shipped. 🙂

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