
Mad,mad,mad weather

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  • #1603795

      I’m still waiting for a decent winter to show up. 2 inches of snow here and there, melted by the next day is NOT a decent winter.
      I want 4 or 5 feet of snow. I want blizzard conditions. I love the cold. I love deep snow. I love being snowed in. Under 20 degrees? Perfect.. Open the windows and air the house out for a few hours.
      Minus 40 for three weeks straight in Montana with 6 foot of snow was one of the things I really enjoyed about Montana.
      I wish western Colorado would start getting snow like I remember it getting when I was younger.
      Ah well. I know I’m the minority but I can still dream lol

      Looking for:


        I would so love to see and experience that at least once in my life but not year after year of it.Montana in the winter must really be gorgeous.

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          We missed out on our chance of slight snow this year 😭😭😭. It hasn’t snowed here since 2011!!!! I’m pissed!!


            We are getting our share of snow, the Southern version,rain.We are currently dealing with record floods, since the early 80’s.The Pearl River expected crest Sunday@38ft.with more rain.Not going to be good.

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


              I lived on the plains in Montana the 4 years I was there, so there were some rolling hills with some pine trees. But even in the mountains the highest pass in Montana is only a bit over 7000 feet. Thats pretty low altitude for someone born and raised in Colorado, but it did have a serene beauty out on the plains and foothills. Spring especially when all the wild grasses and flowers were in bloom was magical.

              Colorado in the high country is gorgeous tear round though.

              Stay safe Bodine and start getting your important stuff to a safe area!

              Looking for:


                Sherry, I understand, I grew up with 3 feet of snow as a minimum, now I’m lucky to see 4 inches of snow for the entire year. I’m pissed too! lol

                Looking for:


                Ok, pretty sure I’ve found the alien and they’re clearly from an ice planet.

                It's not hoarding if it's books!
                Cat hair -- condiment and fashion accessory!


                  Ok, pretty sure I’ve found the alien and they’re clearly from an ice planet.

                  Lol, my boss keeps telling people that I have antifreeze for blood because I go outside without a coat even on snowy wet days. By time we come back in, after 45 minutes of feeding and watering her horses, she feels like an ice cube all bundled up in long johns, jeans, snow pants, silk undershirt, long sleeved shirt, vest, coat, hat, scarves and gloves and I’m still just running around in a t-shirt.
                  She looks like the little kid all bundled up so much she can barely move.
                  We laugh at each other all the time over it.

                  Looking for:


                    For those of you who want snow, please come to Alberta and take some of ours! I live north of Montana and we get lots of cold and snow for several months of the year. This winter we had a few pretty heavy snow days of like a foot of snow and a couple weeks of frigid cold around -30 degrees Celsius (which is around -22 F). Some days were too snowy and cold to brave the roads and the cold snap we had a lot of cars wouldn’t start and there were a lot of accidents on icy roads. I had to plug my car in for several days or it wouldn’t start. Luckily we got winter tires on a couple months ago which helped on the slippery roads. I hate the cold and snow. I just happened to be born here and grew up here all my life. If I could I would move to a tropical climate somewhere with beaches and palm trees and water! The mountains by here are nice and I like hiking in the summer and my friends love skiing and snowboarding in the winter but I am like a cold blooded reptile in the fact that I can’t regulate my own body temperature. I get so cold I need external sources to warm me up. I even wear sweaters in the summer. I’m the complete opposite of you Stormdancer! haha

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      Setsunawolf-well,your Avatar is a husky and hence the name?hahaha
                      Kim,tropical would make you miserable with the 100+degrees for weeks on end not to mention air so thick and damp they call it “soupy”You are far more conditioned to that cold than you think.Probably Colorado for a few years and then go further south?😄

                      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                        Kim, I hope you stay warm. Although I do agree with Bodine about you probably not enjoying tropical for too long. Western Colorado might be a good mid way point for a while. Summers are hot, dusty, dry and the average day is 98 with lovely winds to be sure you also get the sand storm experience. lol

                        Looking for:
                        "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                          Depends on where in the South you go… I believe the US Mid-West around Arizona/Nevada does have some really high temperatures, but with the dry heat you don’t get the very oppressively heavy humidity that the US East Coast has along the Atlantic and the Gulf. Ugg! And the Bugs! I know Alaska can have a lot of mosquitos during their Summers, I don’t know about Canada, but go around some of the more humid areas of the US South and East and you can get carried away by the clouds!

                          Talking about wet weather – Boy, Bodine you guys are getting clobbered in MS, along with LA, AL, GA, FL, etc. with all the rain! I know that MS is getting a lot more than it’s fair share and all the rivers are flooding terribly, especially the Pearl…. I hope you guys are okay and are not in an area that is getting the worst. More rain is expected this week as well I saw. Please keep safe!

                          IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                            This is a little run off area that runs through the property across the street from me.It was over the road.Got too close for comfort,almost blocking us in.Jackson and areas here got hit very hard.


                            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                              Setsunawolf-well,your Avatar is a husky and hence the name?hahaha
                              Kim,tropical would make you miserable with the 100+degrees for weeks on end not to mention air so thick and damp they call it “soupy”You are far more conditioned to that cold than you think.Probably Colorado for a few years and then go further south?😄

                              I agree. I lived in Florida for about two years. I moved back north, I missed the crappy weather, lol. Florida is a nice place to visit but I like seasons and it was too warm. The humidity didn’t bother me as we get 100% percent humidity where I grew up, but the heat all day every day was oppressive.

                              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                                My avi is my husky Macowi. She’s a little beat up right now.

                                Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                                Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                                Sun Dragon Koi #3

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