Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12

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  • #911895

      Looking really pretty! I love the warmth in the colouring! 😀

      Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



        Oh wow! She’s gorgeous 🙂 I can’t wait to see the completed piece!


          I love how the flaxen in his mane fades to white :>


            She’s so soft. Lovely work… as usual!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Such lovely work. I’m a bit of a late comer to your thread and I was admiring the pictures of your PYOs when I noticed the phoenix that you gave away. I was wondering whatever happened to it? Was it hot potatoed around? How did it turn out? I’d love to see a picture if one was available.


                Thank you for the comments. Can’t wait for the PYO kitties!

                Prezaurian, I have no idea what became of the phoenix. I do know that it didn’t end up with Skeeterdee, instead it was sent to a forum member who was drawn from the remaining names. But I don’t remember who the forum member was (It’s been awhile, my memory is failing). There were no requirements for entering the raffle, so I didn’t inquire about their intentions for it. If the phoenix owner reads this, maybe they will chime in =D


                  Thank you for the comments. Can’t wait for the PYO kitties!

                  Prezaurian, I have no idea what became of the phoenix. I do know that it didn’t end up with Skeeterdee, instead it was sent to a forum member who was drawn from the remaining names. But I don’t remember who the forum member was (It’s been awhile, my memory is failing). There were no requirements for entering the raffle, so I didn’t inquire about their intentions for it. If the winning member reads this, maybe they will chime in =D

                  Perhaps and hopefully! 🙂


                    Finally finished the Chestnut PYO Unicorn (2 months later >.< ). Its a brown chestnut color with a tobiano pinto pattern. I'm in no rush to do another unicorn with white markings!

                    Its for sale here: http://windstoneeditions.com/classifieds/sale/sale-chestnut-pyo-unicorn

                     photo chestnutpyounilargeeditforum_zpsf9fda796.jpg

                     photo chestnutpyounibacklargeeditforum_zpse6c76a63.jpg

                     photo chestnutpyounifacesidylargeeditforum_zps59f142d0.jpg


                      Very nice work. 🙂


                        Wow. That unicorn is stunning. In fact, every PYO you’ve shown on here has been pretty amazing. And I really enjoy the WIP pics too, it’s really need to see how a successful artist goes about creating. (imho)


                        Beautiful. 🙂 Chestnut is my favorite real horse color.

                        -- Angie


                          That is a very pretty unicorn and I love how the pattern and colours look so life-like! Great job!

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                            This is a really beautiful unicorn. I love the realistic shading of the coat over the muscle heights and valleys. It looks just like the light playing off a well groomed horse’s coat. Really beautiful work. I especially like the natural colored horn brushed over with gold. So nice!


                              Thanks for the compliments, everyone!

                              And I really enjoy the WIP pics too, it’s really need to see how a successful artist goes about creating. (imho)

                              Thanks, but definitely would not define myself as successful. I paint as a hobby, if others like it, great! But otherwise, as long as I like it and/or I learned something in the process, then it was worth my time =D


                                Thanks for the compliments, everyone!

                                And I really enjoy the WIP pics too, it’s really need to see how a successful artist goes about creating. (imho)

                                Thanks, but definitely would not define myself as successful. I paint as a hobby, if others like it, great! But otherwise, as long as I like it and/or I learned something in the process, then it was worth my time =D

                                Wow, totally didn’t notice my typo up in there. ‘Need’ should have been ‘neat.’ Guess that’s what I get for writing before having my morning tea! Anyway, I meant ‘successful’ more in the vein of skillful. Even if you just happen to sell some and not all, and as a side thing and not your main source of income, though, I would define that as a kind of success. 🙂

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