Let the PYO swap begin!

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      Well, I’m at a stand still right now. My right hand is a bit “messed up”. After 2 months of crappy camp food (smores, cookies, chips, etc.), my body has basically said, “Oh yeh? F*** this!!” 😆

      My hand? Yes, allow me to explain… I have many food intolerances. Luckily, I don’t go into anaphylactic shock, but I will get hives. Well, as the summer progressed, I didn’t have any little occurrences, no little warning signs to remind me or rein me back in. And I did it. I went ahead and did it… I had potato chips. 🙄 I can not have potatoes. Talk about a trigger! I didn’t have a little bout of hives… no, the body made sure I learned a lesson! :spank:

      Technically, it’s not hives. Hives starts at the surface. This is angioedema, which begins BELOW the surface. yeah… First my face, then my neck, my right ear was twice as big (and red) than the left. Now I have it on my leg, inside my left elbow and biceps, my right hip, a small patch on my stomach, but my right hand… ooooh, it’s bad!

      Why is the hand so much worse? Because I will occasionally get dyshidrotic eczema on that hand. The hives pushed it all up to the surface at once. If you’ve never had either, trust me, you don’t want either of them… esp. at the same time. :shout:

      Benadryl is my friend! 😈 It’s healing, but it still hurts. I will get this PYO finished in time. It’s turning out to be my best one. I should be fine by the weekend, and I can have me a little painting marathon. Woot!


      Ok so I’m done but I almost had to restart! O_o

      When I sprayed the sealant on, it was white at first…. I cried! But it went clear later so… I just threw away that sealant and will buy a new one over the weekend…

      And it’s the best piece I’ve done to date! I hope my swapee likes it! Fiancee told me he was gonna steal it… lol


        As we all describe the progess on our pyo swap pieces I just imagine people across the globe either shrinking in horror [god, I hope she doesn’t have me] or are in eager anticipation [I hope she got me, I hope she got me] 😆 It will be quite a show in the end when all will display these works of wonder or dismay! Personally, I think everything is going to look good–even my piece! 😈 😀


          after 7 hours of strait painting( working from this evening till now) i am at 90 percent finished. T_T I want to keeeeep him. who ever knew i would end up painting my dream dragon. 🙄


          KoishiiKitty wrote:

          after 7 hours of strait painting( working from this evening till now) i am at 90 percent finished. T_T I want to keeeeep him. who ever knew i would end up painting my dream dragon. 🙄

          I know how you feel… I want to keep mine too! T_T


          Mine has been sitting here for about a week….I am nervous for some reason to start on him again. Does anyone feel that way sometimes?


            Yes! :yes: ‘specially when I think about who I’m painting for…

            twindragonsmum 8)



              I was afraid to start, but once I got into it, all was well. o.o You just gotta bite the bullet! I have been dragging my feet about putting on another coat of gloss, but that’s just laziness…>.>;

              I like mine a lot, but am perfectly happy to send him to his new home. I’m very curious to see if they like him too. e.e


                i get that way too, all the time in fact! I had that issue with this one…i get to a certian point and then i am like,” what do i do now? what if i ruin it?” so i take a break and just stair at it a while till i got the inspiration flowing.


                  FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooo soooooooo finished! now i have to wait T_T
                  this is going to be hard. i sooo want to ship it.



                    I JUST found this topic TODAY. *headdesks* Gotta remember to look at ALL of the forum tabs more often. Sorry, peeps.

                    Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                    😀 well i showed mine to my daughter she’s 21 and she thinks my swapee will love it,because she likes the colors and it’s like all bright and stuff XD


                    fauxbird wrote:

                    😀 well i showed mine to my daughter she’s 21 and she thinks my swapee will love it,because she likes the colors and it’s like all bright and stuff XD

                    *twitches* 😮
                    Do teenagers still talk like that? I’m 22 and I’m proud that I’ve never talked like that.


                    <.< I talk like that sometimes

                    *ducks and runs*


                    Me too XD

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