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        We,, I filed for unemployment today. Still have my job, but the last 3 weeks they’e cut me from 30-38 hours/week for the 2 years I’ve been there (they won’t hire fulltime) to 15, 19 and 13 hours respectively. I earn just over minimum, so yeah, that’s really going to feed my family. I’d just quit (the store manager and I have a mutual hate thing, so it’s been really sucking for a while now), but I’m the only one employed in my family. Caps it all off when they force you to sell a bunch of animals as party favors, and yeah, it’s a lot my fault, because I get vocal about BS like that, you can make money without selling animals to be tortured. Funny thing is, they’ve had me doing all the cleaning for awhile now, since (and I quote) “You’re the fastest and most thorough at it; you always do an immaculate job” and I have customers who request me frequently because “It’s nice to find someone in one of these places who actually knows something”. Tanks are already getting greener there.

        Hopefully unemployment will approve, and help cover the shortfall until I can find something else. Might be awhile; unemployment here is officially over 12%, and unofficially over 20%. I know my employer will fight paying though.


          Sounds just like my time at Petsmart. I hope things look up for you soon.

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


          I hope things look up for you as well. Having your hours cut has got to suck big time.


          aww… sorry to hear this πŸ™ sure hope things get better soon!!


            Can I relate!!! πŸ™ I hope you can get unemployment and from the sound of it, you’re better off being out of that environment! Where I’m at unemployment is also over 12%! I get no responses to my applications for jobs either full or part time. Something has to give–you can’t have a nation unemployed like this and with people losing their homes in the meantime. Don’t you love it that the government bails out banks and those same banks are foreclosing on people in record numbers!!!!

            I hope you can find something else to make ends meet. I know the anixety!!! πŸ™„


            LadyFirebird wrote:

            Don’t you love it that the government bails out banks and those same banks are foreclosing on people in record numbers!!!!

            The government should have bailed out the people nearing foreclosure and to hell with the banks…


              I am so sorry! I hope you find another job!


                Good luck!


                  Good luck and fuzzy hugs!!


                    Haha, an article came out in today’s paper about how the number of employers here reporting their employees were let go/laid off due to ‘misconduct’ has spiked sharply in recent months. And a lot is considered valid grounds for misconduct, like disrespect or insubordination. Guess I’m definitely guilty of disrespect, for that certainly is true. (even if an employer was found to have fraudulently claimed misconduct, apparently there are no repercussions for them, so why wouldn’t they?) Then you hear of the cases like a local woman had, denied unemployment after being laid off because her company had another opening she refused. This woman is legally blind and doesn’t drive, and the position would have involved driving all over the state.
                    Urkh. Our home (my mom’s actually) started into foreclosure after she and my husband lost their jobs, and my retail salary couldn’t cover it all. We went through mediation, got a trial intervention, and have just recently started those payments. Now this. πŸ™„ If we can’t keep up, it WILL go into foreclosure. πŸ™„
                    Funny thing is, though, with all that, I’m feeling a LOT less stressed being mostly out of there. It had gotten to the point I was nauseated all the time and had started slashing my legs to let the rage out some.


                      Again, I can relate!!!! I’m hearing a lot of stories of people who have lost their jobs but are so much happier for it!!! Seems like there are a lot of rotten employers and in time these same employers are gonna complain about not being able to find good help. Go figure!!! You screw the people who worked hard for you and then you wonder why they don’t want to work for you anymore!!! 😑 @!*#ing idiots!!! πŸ‘Ώ The story about the blind woman being denied unemployment because she didn’t accept another position which required driving is classic!!!! The pinncale of stupidity!!! I hope they got that straightened out! It also goes to show how low a lot of employers are stooping to get rid of people and not wanting them to collect unemployment.

                      On the one hand, I’m sorry about everyone’s anxieties about not having funds coming in that will pay their bills; but on the other hand, I’m glad most are so much happier and healthier because of all the negativity and stress that was lifted.

                      Hey, how about a Windstone commune????!!!! πŸ˜†

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