Introduction and a casualty!

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    Wow! I can honestly say that the PO hasn’t managed to do THAT to any of my dragons. I’ve had a few chips and dings, but they were minor compared to that. 😯
    Good luck fixing her up! I hope she is beautiful once again! 8)
    Welcome to the forums!! 😀


      😯 Oh, poor mama dragon, she’s the really nice dark brown too…. 😯 That is gonna be a ton of work. Welcome and definately post pics of the poor girl in one piece when she’s fixed.


      welcome to the forum! i am sure you will get plenty of advice on how to deal with the broken dragon. 😀


        Thankyou. My heart broke when I saw the damage. Luckily I have just come to the end of my uni course so I have plenty of time to devote to fixing her. It’s just getting the paint right I am worried about.

        I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


          You can ask Melody to send you paint for it. Poor mama dragon!

          Welcome to the forum!


            Welcome to the forum and that poor dragon mama, what a shame….I think the mamas are so beautiful.



            Good Grief!! That happened to me once with a Flion. Please pursue the Seller, they owe you for that mess!!


            Hi Aldana! 😀

            Me going on about windstones 24/7 got you on here 😀 yay!

            Oh no i feel really bad, i know how much you wanted that mother 🙁 Awww 🙁 😥 😥 You really should leave that seller neg feedback!
            Im worried about my mother now, i know Dragoness packed it well though 😀

            Im sure you will do a good job fixing her though 😀


              Oh I didn’t know that Melody has paint to help patch Windstone up that would really help.

              Griffiness you have given me the Windstone bug!

              I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


              Well dont look at me, i got it from this lot 😆 and GFIEND 8)

              Yu will have even less money than you had before now 8) 😕


                Welcome! 😀

                Aldana wrote:

                And I’ll be weeping over this piece. Ah, poor mother 😥


                  Her head is now attached back to the body! It’s just all the big chunks I have to fill now!

                  I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


                    Aldana wrote:

                    Here is the casualty!

                    OMG that hurt to look at 😮


                      Welcome! 😀

                      Poor thing, she really got bashed up 😯
                      Hopefully she’ll be looking a whole lot better soon!


                      Criminy! That poor dragon! 🙁 (And she has such a pretty paint job, too–this is just tragic.) Well, as you’ve already heard, there are some extremely gifted repair people on this forum, and I’m sure you can get some good information on how to repair her. Personally, I should like to smack that seller upside the head, and I hope that they give you at least a partial refund. Bubble wrap is very nice, but it goes INSIDE a BOX, for crying out loud! 😡

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