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        I just finished applying and registering for my Fall classes at a local community college. I feel both excited and scared at the same time–excited about learning something new and scared because of finances! I’ll find out if an old dog can learn new tricks when I actually attend these classes πŸ˜†

        One thing I want to say though—avoid these private colleges–not going to name them but you see them advertised. I’m not talking about the Yales and Harvards here–I mean those vocational colleges who promise a degree in a shorter amount of time. I did visit one in my city and deep down I kept getting the feeling that things were not right! Well their program for Medical Assistant was going to cost a whopping $16,000! And…if I wanted classes for the Administrative part [office work] that was another separate program at another whopping $16,000! Give me a break–the classes pretty much overlap at the community college I’m going to so you can do both and the cost wouldn’t even be near $32,000! I’m sure a lot of us would put $32,000 to much better use–like Windstones XD [I hope this makes Melody happy snerk!]

        If you consider these private colleges check their reviews online. I did with the one I visited and O.M.G.! Lots and lots of very, very unhappy and now poorer people! And the person I met with was pretty much a sales rep and I now get 2 calls a day from this place. If you have to be pushy then something’s wrong. Plus the Certificate or Diploma you receive may not be worth the paper it’s printed on! You can’t go wrong with a State college–at least the degree you receive is recognized and creditable!

        So as things progress [I hope they progress] I’ll give updates of what’s it like to be the senior citizen on campus!


        When I was 30, there were 2 50-60 year old women in my CNA class. Boy were they funny too! They had been aides when they were younger, but had let their license lapse too long to just take the test. I think you will do just fine, you keep up well with us here, and I think you’re pretty smart, so a lot of it will likely come pretty easy for you. Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant, and taking that course was a lot of fun, and mostly common sense stuff. πŸ˜€ I wish you the absolute best of luck! Let us know how things are going from time to time! If you keep a good sense of humor, the kids are gonna love ya! πŸ˜‰


        Lots of people who are middle aged+ attend colleges for 2yr diplomas. Let’s just say I was one of the YOUNGEST people in my Chem tech diploma! And I’d done 3 years of university before going to NAIT – which isn’t all that old, but if everyone was there straight out of high school, I’d have been the oldest.

        And I never even considered one of those “private” places. It was kinda NAIT or bust for me, since they are nationally certified.

        And I think you’re pretty smart, so I bet you’ll do just fine!


        good for you! you’ll do fabulous πŸ™‚


          AMEN! Someone finally said it!

          I spent my first 4 years at college getting a bachelors degree with a scholarship. So I paid for books and fees…total cost for 4 years of state college cost me 3 or 4K and then I went to grad school, out of state for 2K a semester for 5 semesters. So 10k for my masters.

          So I have a Master’s in Nursing and total cost was about 15k and I make a LOT more than a Medical Assisstant. These places are big rip offs and they try to get you to apply for loans and grants, that you have to pay back. The “degree or certificate” you get is a piece of junk.

          I think they sucker people in and take their money. Glad you registred with a REAL community college, it is much cheaper and you will have a real degree that hopefully increases your earning potential.

          Congrats with school and hang in there, it does go by fast if you just take it one day at a time.


            Congrats on starting college!!!

            and yeah… do your research because paying for a worthless degree a awful. Make sure your college is ACCREDITED or your time and money will have been wasted in the real world.


            There were two times I visited/considered private (for profit) schools, and both times I got a bad feeling that they were out for cash. I don’t know about the first (a massage school), but the second was an art school that a couple of my friends attended. They found out when they were almost done with their degrees (and I think it was 4yr programs, not just 2yr) that the school was NOT accredited. Sucked for them big time, and I was sooooo glad I decided not to attend!

            One of the trade schools that has commercials on tv all the time makes me snicker, tho. I forget what it stands for, but they’re “UTI”… πŸ™„ πŸ˜† How can they call themselves that and take themselves seriously??? I can’t take them seriously, that’s for sure! I crack up every time I see one of their ads.

            Edited because I can’t spell.


            Now that is funny! Suppose it stands for Urinary Tract Institute? XD
            No. Really…I’m just sayin’. 😈


            It’s gotta be that or Urinary Tract Infection. Maybe that’s what you get instead of a degree? πŸ˜†


              You guys crack me up πŸ˜† Well, whatever it stands for it means that you have a lot less money in your bank account! I had to get a tire repaired yesterday and they have TV in the waiting room and a commercial for one of these ‘universities’ came on and I wanted to puke. Like one of those glossy brochures with smiling people living the perfect life because they went there–yeah right and monkeys are gonna start flying out of my kazoo at a moments notice!!! XD

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