"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.5

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      Lokie wrote:

      hopefully others whose advice you value and welcome more provide the answers you need.

      I’m sorry you feel that way Lokie. 🙁 I never intended to imply that I value or welcome one piece of advice more than another, and you never once came across as arrogant to me, nor anyone else commenting here for that matter. This has just been a case of misunderstanding, that’s all. I finally understood what was going on after Kujacker’s explanation. It’s not that I was favoring what Kujacker said over anyone else, I just wasn’t getting it until now. Forgive me if you or anyone else felt like I didn’t value your advice. Trust me, it is all very much appreciated! If it weren’t for this discussion I never would have known that my indoor lighting was having that much of an effect on my photos. You have all helped me realize where I was in error, and what I needed to do in order to correct the issue. So again I say thank you, not just to Kujacker but to you and everyone else who has contributed. :yes:


        machineguts wrote:

        I’m sorry you feel that way Lokie. 🙁 I never intended to imply that I value or welcome one piece of advice more than another, and you never once came across as arrogant to me, nor anyone else commenting here for that matter. This has just been a case of misunderstanding, that’s all. I finally understood what was going on after Kujacker’s explanation. It’s not that I was favoring what Kujacker said over anyone else, I just wasn’t getting it until now. Forgive me if you or anyone else felt like I didn’t value your advice. Trust me, it is all very much appreciated! If it weren’t for this discussion I never would have known that my indoor lighting was having that much of an effect on my photos. You have all helped me realize where I was in error, and what I needed to do in order to correct the issue. So again I say thank you, not just to Kujacker but to you and everyone else who has contributed. :yes:

        It’s all good, machineguts. I didn’t mean to suggest you were favoring anyone, but I did get the feeling from the indirect comments in reference to my posts that any suggestions I gave now would not have been welcomed. But I know all too well about misunderstandings. So no harm done. 🙂

        For any possible misunderstandings of my prior posts, I sure wasn’t intentionally trying to appear to sit back and judge your photos and withhold any helpful info. I just didn’t want to come across as the annoying “know-it-all” if we weren’t on the same page. I’ve had enough instances where I thought it was fine and dandy to offer suggestions/advice freely and then have that blow up in my face when the recipient took offense. So I tend to ask a lot more questions and be hesitant in offering suggestions right away. I find conversing on the internet just so darn unpredictable.

        I’m glad Kujacker was a big help. Your new photo looks great =)


          I just have to add MG that all my pyo’s I bought from you were the exact same colors as the pics you posted so your not doing to bad with your lighting. 😀


            Opps one more thing GORGEOUS dragon you got there congrates 😀


              Incandescent lighting (normal lightbulbs in the cardboard) can have my different color temperatures, but most commonly they are a warm white which means that they cast very ‘warm’ light with the spectrums leaning toward the red side. Without having to invest a lot in special lighting, I can say that fluorescent bulbs that give off a true ”sunlight’ full spectrum are your best option (again, this is an ‘inexpensive’ method) if you are really keen on doing indoor photos, and then either diffuse the light or bounce it to keep from casting harsh shadows/highlights. For me, I just wait for a day that it isn’t raining and always shoot photos of my Windstones outside, in indirect sunlight (either on overcast days, or in the shade with some white matboard to bounce light onto the piece). Hope that helps!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


                Thanks very much Jennifer! I will try both of these lighting methods out and see which one works out better for me. It will help me out a lot with shooting photos in general, not just for Windstones but other subjects as well.

                No problem Lokie, I understand! Yes it can really be difficult to communicate effectively with one another online. Not hearing the actual tones in our voices and seeing facial expressions, the things that help people understand one another, can almost seem like speaking and/or trying to decipher another language altogether. I’m so happy we could all come to a peaceful conclusion to the discussion, also resulting in a much better understanding of indoor photographs and lighting. 🙂

                Thank you so much JellyFish, I’m completely happy with this dragon and glad I was finally able to get him! He definitely exceeded my expectations. 🙂


                  I got my Black Gold Emperor from Windstonefan-he arrived Friday 😮 OMG he’s so amazingly wonderful and handsome! I had no idea I’d love him this much! He sits at the foot of my bed on the TV cabinet so I can see him first thing in the morning…after I turn the light on and find my glasses lol

                  I see now why some people are gaga over that color. Its truly stunning! Ive now got the Emperor, spectral and coiled mother in black gold-I’m itching for the rising spectral. Someone want to trade for a flap cat? 😀 lol


                    Ive been super “bad” lately. Ive got two flap cats from dunreining THAT ARRIVED TODAY!!! (Monday) (Damian and Toaster)
                    Toaster reminds me of toasted marshmellows and s’mores-all choclatey and golden brown. A friend of mine and I had a joke about this imaginary guy named Damian-lets just say he was our “Fabio” handsome, strong-totally drool worthy. So I giggle when I look at the flap cat and think of his name. I didnt notice all the detail in their wings-OMG there’s like 3 different colored spots in each colored spot. o.O Melody never ceases to amaze me.

                    and Toaster

                    and an amethyst hatching empress ^_^

                    Man. MAYBE one more and Im DONE for a while! A looooong while.

                    There was an amusing story behind the empress’s appearance…I was in the back room on the computer when I heard a knock on the door. I RAN to the front door (less than 20 feet away). I opened the door and TADA! Package! I looked down the steps and there was NO one. NO truck. I looked over the railing…nothing. Walked down the steps…no UPS truck. Looked down the cul-de-sac in front of the building…nothing. At first I thought maybe a ghost delivered it 😈 Or he took the steps two at a time and leaped in his truck and sped away. I finally saw him. He had already made it back to his truck and was going in the opposite direction to another part of the complex. O.O He was haulin arse!

                    *knock knock*
                    8 seconds later….
                    *opens door*
                    *sees Windstone box*
                    UPS man gone.


                      *SNORK!* 😆

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                        I was bad, really couldn’t afford it but oh well. 😳 Got an egg with claws off eBay, paid $20 with shipping. It will be for my husband; he got me the egg with eyes years ago and said it was me, mistrusting everyone and checking things first before I commit. So the claws are him, forcing things to be what he wants them to be.


                          pipsxlch wrote:

                          I was bad, really couldn’t afford it but oh well. 😳 Got an egg with claws off eBay, paid $20 with shipping. It will be for my husband; he got me the egg with eyes years ago and said it was me, mistrusting everyone and checking things first before I commit. So the claws are him, forcing things to be what he wants them to be.

                          Aww! Thats so cute! ^_^ I guess you could say he forced you out of your shell *snickers*


                          Lovely lovely black gold emporer there! Congrats on him!
                          And the flapcats, they are too cute. One of these days I’m gonna break down and get one… XD
                          I love looking at the lovely pics you all share!


                            I scored a Gothic Uni! He was in a shop that used to sell windstones and NO one had taken him! Sadly, the owner said he no longer sells because no one buys 🙁 But here was a white gothic with some chipped hoofs, the only damage he has…so I got a discount. I am fixing his hoofs now but not sure what to do with him. Also got a guardian? gargoyle dragon from Dfeathers. I just love that ugly face!! And the fledges.


                              I never realized how cute those gothic unis are! Awesome find!! I’ve gotta find one of those!


                              what a great find! i actually had a dream the other day that i was in an antique shop and found a gothic unicorn but when i picked it up it was made of rubber. hahaha. congrats again on the find 🙂

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