How was your visit to the factory

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      That would’ve worked for me!!! 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        I thought I saw it in here somewhere, but there IS a family that matches the old brown griffin. They were sitting on top of the file cabinet to the right of Miss Melody’s desk, kind of hidden, but it was a whole family.

        Was there? There was so much to see I probably forgot half of it. 😆

        Remember I told you that I find something new every time I visit….and it was there the last couple times LoL that’s just how the factory is! 😆


        Okay. Visiting the factory sounds so awesome. Were you invited personally to go? or is anyone invited to go? who would you talk to to schedule some tour time? 🙂


        Nirvana and Louis. 😆
        The way I understood it, you just call the factory and see if Melody and John and company will be around, and if they say you can drop by, you do.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Nirvana and Louis. 😆
        The way I understood it, you just call the factory and see if Melody and John and company will be around, and if they say you can drop by, you do.

        Thanks GB ^^


        Have fun when you go! 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Have fun when you go! 😀

        I’m sure I would! I’ve already got plans to go to Florida in January to go see the BF, so I’m saving up for that at the moment. Maybe the Windstone Factory will be my next vacation ^^ though I’d think it’d be more fun to go with a group of people, or atleast one or two other people


        There’s plenty of Windstoners in California. I’m sure some of them wouldn’t mind another visit to the factory and meeting a fellow collector.


        That is definately something to look forward to!

        Anyone out there interested in going to the factory with me some time in the future?! ^^

        Although it’ll be a while, gotta save enough money for the trip there to start with


          I probably wouldn’t be able to go until fall of next year…and by then they’ll probably have moved to Oregon. 😕


          ARGH. Is there a set date they plan on moving by? I don’t want to go to Oregon -_- but I do want to visit the factory…I wonder how mad my BF would be if I went to the factory intsead of going to see him… hmmm…


            Leigha wrote:

            ARGH. Is there a set date they plan on moving by? I don’t want to go to Oregon -_- but I do want to visit the factory…I wonder how mad my BF would be if I went to the factory intsead of going to see him… hmmm…

            Don’t know, you’ll have to ask Melody.

            And yeah, your bf might not understand that Windstones have to come first 😈


            Lol, he’s the one who showed me Windstones in the first place, so it’s all his fault!


            Leigha wrote:

            ARGH. Is there a set date they plan on moving by? I don’t want to go to Oregon -_- but I do want to visit the factory…I wonder how mad my BF would be if I went to the factory intsead of going to see him… hmmm…

            “Set date” is not a part of Windstone vocabulary.


              😆 😆 😆

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