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  • #510536

      Is that a video game? Glad you had a good time. What was in the Ethiopian food? I have never had it.


      skigod377 wrote:

      Is that a video game?

      Yes, its a computer game that simulates growing a civilization from 4000BC to 2050AD (you’re the ruler). Its a pretty amazing game…and very addictive. Here’ssome infoon it…

      skigod377 wrote:

      Glad you had a good time. What was in the Ethiopian food? I have never had it.

      You should try it when you get a chance! Its one of my favorite kinds of food. They serve it with a sour bread called injera (its made of teff, a type of Ethiopian grain). There are all kinds ofdifferent dishes. I got the ye doro tibs (sauteed chicken), kei wot (spicy beef), and vegetarian combo (assorted veggies and lentils). The kei wot is my favorite Ethiopian dish. πŸ™‚


        In Civilization, do you have to pay real money to advance, or is it a regular game?

        The food looks interesting…lots of raw stuff. Ick. I just tried steak tar tar this weekend and I am not a fan. *inserts sickly emoticon here* Is their food very spicy?


        mimitrek wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Is that a video game?

        Yes, its a computer game that simulates growing a civilization from 4000BC to 2050AD (you’re the ruler). Its a pretty amazing game…and very addictive (you’re the ruler). Here’ssome infoon it…

        skigod377 wrote:

        Glad you had a good time. What was in the Ethiopian food? I have never had it.

        You should try it when you get a chance! Its one of my favorite kinds of food. They serve it with a sour bread called injera (its made of teff, a type of Ethiopian grain). There are all kinds ofdifferent dishes. I got the ye doro tibs (sauteed chicken), kei wot (spicy beef), and vegetarian combo (assorted veggies and lentils). The kei wot is my favorite Ethiopian dish. πŸ™‚

        okk way off topic, but I just found out that my cousin had a baby matched up to her and her husband, they are adopting from ethiopia.


          ruffian wrote:

          okk way off topic, but I just found out that my cousin had a baby matched up to her and her husband, they are adopting from ethiopia.

          How cool is that?! Congrats to them!


          skigod377 wrote:

          In Civilization, do you have to pay real money to advance, or is it a regular game??

          No real money involved…its just a standard computer game. In the game your wealth is figured in gold pieces.

          skigod377 wrote:

          The food looks interesting…lots of raw stuff. Ick. I just tried steak tar tar this weekend and I am not a fan. *inserts sickly emoticon here* Is their food very spicy?

          I don’t like raw stuff either (not even sushi) so I’ve never tried any of their raw dishes. They have dishes that are both spicy (e.g., kei wot) and non-spicy (ye doro tibs).


          skigod377 wrote:

          ruffian wrote:

          okk way off topic, but I just found out that my cousin had a baby matched up to her and her husband, they are adopting from ethiopia.

          How cool is that?! Congrats to them!



            mimitrek wrote:

            No real money involved…its just a standard computer game. In the game your wealth is figured in gold pieces.

            I would like to play, but I dont do computer games yet. I only have one little laptop and it for my school work.


            skigod377 wrote:

            mimitrek wrote:

            No real money involved…its just a standard computer game. In the game your wealth is figured in gold pieces.

            I would like to play, but I dont do computer games yet. I only have one little laptop and it for my school work.

            Its probably just as well…computer games are very addictive… πŸ™‚


              skigod377 wrote:

              mimitrek wrote:

              No real money involved…its just a standard computer game. In the game your wealth is figured in gold pieces.

              I would like to play, but I dont do computer games yet. I only have one little laptop and it for my school work.

              Get hooked on Diablo first. 😈


                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                mimitrek wrote:

                No real money involved…its just a standard computer game. In the game your wealth is figured in gold pieces.

                I would like to play, but I dont do computer games yet. I only have one little laptop and it for my school work.

                Get hooked on Diablo first. 😈

                So many computer games, so little time! I have seen Diablo on the shelves. That one looks cool!


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  mimitrek wrote:

                  No real money involved…its just a standard computer game. In the game your wealth is figured in gold pieces.

                  I would like to play, but I dont do computer games yet. I only have one little laptop and it for my school work.

                  Get hooked on Diablo first. 😈

                  So many computer games, so little time! I have seen Diablo on the shelves. That one looks cool!

                  The Ultimate Addiction for single player RPG type dungeon exploration….IMHO That one got me hooked on computer games (I was purely console before then) as well as hooked on Blizzard entertainment…I never got into the whole battle engagement with the Warcraft series, but then WoW came along….it’s more for first person, rather than stratagize an army and there are several options for play, WoW is a pay by month one though. Start with the Diablo games, they have a free multiplayer online server which isn’t THAT bad, and it’s loads of fun!


                    I may try it once I get a decent computer. I dont want to slow down my poor little laptop… at least not until I finish college. (ONLY 12 more credit hours and I have an ACTUAL DEGREE!!!!) Sorry…I am happy. I may actually get a real college degree!!!


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      I may try it once I get a decent computer. I dont want to slow down my poor little laptop… at least not until I finish college. (ONLY 12 more credit hours and I have an ACTUAL DEGREE!!!!) Sorry…I am happy. I may actually get a real college degree!!!


                      The good thing about Diablo, is that if you get the first one, it doesn’t take that much space! =P

                      This has info and specs.


                        Thanks, Cat! I may end up getting it as a “present for Justin.” πŸ˜›

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