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    I sure hope Adam doesn’t have the power to use other’s gifts…he’d be an antithesis to Peter, considering he wishes to destroy all that Hiro holds dear.

    Update: Adam doesn’t travel through time, he lived through it. He’s over 400 years old now. And worse, he’s now manipulating Peter for his own ends…what is his deal?

    Questions: Does he still hate Hiro?
    Why didn’t he kill the princess so she wouldn’t tell the story of Kensi?
    Why did he (likely) instruct Hiro’s father to teach Hiro the stories?
    Is he really the bad guy here, or is it someone else?

    I will tell you this, we only have Bob’s word that Adam is a madman, what if he’s lying? I don’t trust Bob any further than he can be thrown.

    Theory: Candace was giving Sylar the same suppression drugs that Elle gave Peter, and they should be wearing off very soon, which is bad for the twins. This could be why his powers don’t work. Scary thought.

    What is the Haitian’s game?

    And damnit, I still want to know what Angela’s power is, we think it might be persuasion, but she has to be in physical contact. It fits though.

    We were also thinking about just why Claire’s power and Adam’s are identical, could it be that Mr. Petrelli isn’t Nathan’s father, what if Adam is his father instead? Claire is Nathan’s child, if Nathan is Adam’s, then since these things run in families, we shouldn’t be surprised. Wonder if they will reveal that?

    Anyway, those are my thoughts after tonight’s show.





      Yeah. At least this show answered a bunch of questions, like how is Adam there, how Nathan got healed, why Peter lost his memory, how Sylar lost his powers, how Maya and Alejandro discovered their powers, how DL got killed. It does seem like Angela’s power is persuasion after what she did to Heidi.

      Speaking of… Why the heck is Heidi not in a wheelchair any more!? I thought she was paralyzed? Was that just an inconsistancy? Did the writers forget?

      I’m not sure about Adam being Nathan’s father. It seems like certain traits are passed on directly or not passed on at all, like Matt and his dad. Or if Angela’s power is persuasion, neither Nathan and Peter got that. However, West can fly and so can Nathan, but they are (supposedly) not related (we’ll see about that).

      It sure is fun watching and trying for figure out all these things. And grabbing all the little clues they give out after a while.


      SO I have no idea if I’ve posted yet on this but I am DEFINITELY a Heroes fan- I totally love Hiro!!!! This Writer’s Guild Strike sucks mostly because that is the only TV show I watch really and they just decreased the season down to 3 more shows before finale!! The anguish!!!

      Oh, and in response to Heidi- Linderman healed her brokeness at the end of last season as a “gift” to Nathan. *I* thought the mom was persuasion too since she convinced Heidi to go away but she had to touch her to make the thoughts stick…I’d have to re-watch last season to see if she touched Nathan or Peter when trying to persuade them to do something she wanted them to- maybe Peter can do the same since he can absorb and use peoples’ powers. Was she touching him when she told him he had to go back into the past and fix it?!


      Kyrin wrote:

      Anyone else reeling about just who Adam is?

      We’re sitting here going oh sh*t, oh sh*t, oh sh*t. This is bad, Very, very bad.

      Peter’s lost Caitlin in the future, Niki has the virus he’s seen decimate the human race, and Hiro doesn’t know his nemisis is alive and plotting…oh this is so very bad.

      On the upside, Matt succeeded in containing his father, and Molly is awake. I think Suresh is going to be the one to kill Noah, but at this point, I don’t think that is a bad thing, Noah is dangerous and unpredictable. I know Claire is going to be upset, I hope West hears her out. I think he will if the painting shows us anything. Though I think that scene is West and Claire making up, not knowing Noah is dead on the floor and then finding him.

      We’ll see. I am just still reeling about just who Adam is, oh man are we in for it now, what I want to know is how he did it, does he not age as well as regenerate?

      The plots are really getting tangled now, I still wonder how Sylar and the twins will fit into all this.


      I don’t quite trust Adam- he’s had centuries to stew over how much he hates Hiro and how to get back at him, not to mention being cooped up for 30 years in a cell, and he IS manipulating Peter quite thoroughly. He says they’re to save the world but it depends on what he wants the world to look like as to how he will manipulate Peter into “saving” it.

      Did anyone stop to think that maybe this horrendous plague isn’t the virus for the “heroes’ cure” they were trying to cultivate (granted in the meantime it’s a diversion) but instead it is Sylar’s power being abused when he kills the Mexican girl and takes HER power of death and destruction. I mean she killed everyone at her brother’s wedding- with enough effort and the wrong person having that gift I don’t see why Sylar couldn’t be behind the plague. The plague of the future kills indiscriminately, the heroes’ plague doesn’t (though easily remedied by “it mutated).

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