Heart and Gut wrenching

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      I’m so sorry to hear about Popcorn. At least he was able to find a loving home for his last few days to be given love and treated with dignity.


      lamortefille wrote:

      πŸ˜₯ At least he had you to love him at the end.

      I hope your neighbors get what’s coming to them 3x as hard and I hope you are around to see it.
      After the day I have gone through today, I may just walk over there and PUNCH THEM IN BOTH EYES!!! πŸ‘Ώ
      Ever felt God testing your strength? I don’t mean the type to lift things, I mean the breaking point from which there is no return… :shout:
      Jeez I wish I was drunk…Hell, I wish I drank! (More than the occassional one or two socially before I sneak off for the night and go home. I’m such a party pooper. πŸ˜› )


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        Ever felt God testing your strength? I don’t mean the type to lift things, I mean the breaking point from which there is no return… :shout:

        The last 5 years have been like that. But I feel much better now (seriously, I do).


          Poor kitty, πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ . It’s makes me so angery when people can get away with that crap πŸ‘Ώ – it sometimes seems the worst of of us always get of scott-free. But you have to be confident that those people will get thier come-uppings in one way or another. The important thing was Popcorn found you and his last hours weren’t spent in the cold unlove. I belive animals find us for a reason. They teach us how to be humble and thankful. You did an great thing WC.


            A similar thing happened to us a few years back, but she wasn’t nearly as bad as he was. I guess we saved her in time though. She did die a few months back due to being like 1 pound cause of a tumor on her thyroid. Anyway back on topic, it was great of you to bring him some joy before he passed away, kudos to you ^.^


            πŸ™ I’m glad you were able to give the poor thing some love for his last days. He’s in a better place now.

            πŸ‘Ώ No printing here what I’d like to do to those ‘owners.’ 😑


              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              lamortefille wrote:

              πŸ˜₯ At least he had you to love him at the end.

              I hope your neighbors get what’s coming to them 3x as hard and I hope you are around to see it.
              After the day I have gone through today, I may just walk over there and PUNCH THEM IN BOTH EYES!!! πŸ‘Ώ
              Ever felt God testing your strength? I don’t mean the type to lift things, I mean the breaking point from which there is no return… :shout:
              Jeez I wish I was drunk…Hell, I wish I drank! (More than the occassional one or two socially before I sneak off for the night and go home. I’m such a party pooper. πŸ˜› )

              I hope you are feeling better now! I do know that feeling…one thing after another until you feel like you’re going to crack! 😈

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