Have you given up on the pebbles?

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    A GB fennec in blue! Or pink. Or safari!! Or…ANYTHING!!


      They are airbrushed on the bottoms first. They roll away. Then the ones that are still on my wheel need to be taken off set aside and allowed to dry for a day or two. Then they get put back on my wheel and the tops airbrushed. They don’t roll as much sitting right-side up, but the bottom invariably gets goofed up. Each one needs a perfectly clean, dry thing to sit on to have their tops painted, which means placing a new thing of some kind under each one, each time they are painted. I tried post it notes, but those didn’t work too well. They would take off WITH the fox. I could try taping down a separate square of fresh plastic sheet under each one, I guess. It isn’t impossible to solve this problem , its just much more complicated than I wanted it to be.
      We have made little holders to cradle them upside down, but those get loaded with paint and then the tops get marred. !@#$%^&

      Would double-sided masking tape work? It can come 2″ wide, I believe. That way you get a clean painting surface and a weak, reversible adhesive at the same time. Even to prepare a full wheel, I’d be surprised if it adds more than five minutes setup, and five minutes removal.

      Edit: And oh, yes, I would love a Zen Pebble GB batch!


        Unfortunately the majority of items left are black pebble cats and black or sand femmecs that are either half-painted or broken. I cant find any more arctic, red, or bat eared foxes anywhere. There might be one wolf with some scrapes on his back.

        I’ve got a few but you can’t have them. mine.


          Hee Hee!
          That’ll be so cute! GB ‘Zen’ Fennec Pebbles!
          They already have that calming look about them… Grab Bags would be Zen-Fen-tastic! 😀

          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


          I used to do stained glass and when we wanted to stabilize the glass in strange positions to solder we would partially submerge them in sand. This looks like it will work with the pebble animals. The containers and the sand would be reusable. And, since you have to worry about paint buildup, I would suggest you put a disposable layer of papertowel or cheap fabric between the sand and the statue. That will keep the bed of sand clean and you can turn the fabric or papertowel over after the bottom has dried to provide a clean surface for holding the statue while the top is painted. Lastly, you could use a large rubberband to hold the papertowel down against the container’s side so it doesn’t accidentally brush the drying statue.

          Here is what I’m talking about in pictures (I don’t have sand so I used M&Ms instead. I wouldn’t suggest them for a production line :p )

          Fat Cat with 1 cup Glad container

          Fat Cat Upended to have bottom painted

          Fat Cat Upright in “Sand” to have upper body painted

          Fennec Fox with ½ cup Glad container filled with “Sand”

          Fennec Fox upended in “Sand” to have bottom painted

          Fennec Fox Upright in “Sand” to have upper body painted


          That looks to me like it might be a very good idea. I don’t think that I would like pebble animals if they had rough felt pads on the bottom.

          Perhaps if all else fails you could create a new, smooth kind of pad. I’m sure Snerl wouldn’t mind 🙂

          [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


            The wolves already had pads I believe and it didn’t really detract from them for most people.

            I’m fairly certain the plan that’s been settled on is flattening the bottoms and using pads so that it will be possible to get these into production again. Though since that requires adjusting the masters, it won’t be super fast! 🙂


            I was only suggesting that my method be used on the fennecfoxes that have already been cast. A limited production run of a simple paint color like rainbow silver or black would be very popular right now. There are a lot of us that would appreciate a production Fox since the eBay prices are so high. Please?


              The wolves already had pads I believe and it didn’t really detract from them for most people.

              I don’t mind the pads on my two wolves at all! Just like on the other Windstones you don’t even see them!

              Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                I was only suggesting that my method be used on the fennecfoxes that have already been cast. A limited production run of a simple paint color like rainbow silver or black would be very popular right now. There are a lot of us that would appreciate a production Fox since the eBay prices are so high. Please?

                I was responding to Stormbreeze. 🙂 I have no idea if or how they may paint the currently cast fennecs. 🙂


                  HAHAHAHA! I love your demonstration pics! Intersting Idea! Sand wouldn’t work because the airbrush would blow it everywhere, but larger m & m sized things might work as a cradle …
                  I haven’t really tried using the method we’ve worked out, but I think our suction-cup holder will work,…it Still leaves a mark on the bottom though.
                  I’ve re-sculpted the Fennec to have a flatter bottom. If we can put pads on them, the marks on the bottom won’t be an issue. Problem solved.

                  However, we still have a bunch of fennec castings with the round bottoms that I need to finish somehow.
                  These will probably be a “no-nitpicking” edition. Similar to a goof-up edition.


                    HAHAHAHA! I love your demonstration pics! Intersting Idea! Sand wouldn’t work because the airbrush would blow it everywhere, but larger m & m sized things might work as a cradle …
                    I haven’t really tried using the method we’ve worked out, but I think our suction-cup holder will work,…it Still leaves a mark on the bottom though.
                    I’ve re-sculpted the Fennec to have a flatter bottom. If we can put pads on them, the marks on the bottom won’t be an issue. Problem solved.

                    However, we still have a bunch of fennec castings with the round bottoms that I need to finish somehow.
                    These will probably be a “no-nitpicking” edition. Similar to a goof-up edition.

                    I’ll totally take it! I gotta have me a Fennec no matter what, they’re so freaking cute!

                    *Formerly meowmix101
                    Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                      I certainly wouldn’t “Nitpick” either and would Love a ‘Non-nitpick’ Fennec Fox in any color scheme – I think they’re so darn cute as well! 😀

                      IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                      Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                        Melody, call them goof ups or anything you like 🙂 Your idea of a “goof up” and mine are seriously different.
                        It doesn’t matter to me if they have marks on their bums, or anything else, I’d just be really happy to see them back in the store.

                        Life is beautiful.


                        HAHAHAHA! I love your demonstration pics! Intersting Idea! Sand wouldn’t work because the airbrush would blow it everywhere, but larger m & m sized things might work as a cradle …
                        I haven’t really tried using the method we’ve worked out, but I think our suction-cup holder will work,…it Still leaves a mark on the bottom though.
                        I’ve re-sculpted the Fennec to have a flatter bottom. If we can put pads on them, the marks on the bottom won’t be an issue. Problem solved.

                        However, we still have a bunch of fennec castings with the round bottoms that I need to finish somehow.
                        These will probably be a “no-nitpicking” edition. Similar to a goof-up edition.

                        A no-nitpicking batch of fennec please please pleases??? I would love to have one!!!! In blue! Or pink! Or polkadotted!!!

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