Have you given up on the pebbles?

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      How are the fennecs being painted now? I think I would miss the feeling of a pebble in my hand but as I can’t seem to get any more pebble animals (I keep getting outbid) (I have two fennecs) I’d be happy to get them anyway I can. Don’t worry about the castings of the current fennecs – I predict that even with a goof up status they will sell out in record time. Any color, with or without sparkle paint would be great! :bigsmile:

      I think a “goof-up”, or a “don’t nitpick” edition would be great. There is no way to get these to come out perfect, without any glitch or mark on them. The other foxes have flatter bottoms, so we might be able to put pads on them. Pads are good things. They hide crap.


      I’d love to see the red fox pebble be available! To go with my fennec fellow =3


        I want the arctic and bat-eared fox pebbles so bad that I will fly to Oregon and hold each one individually while you paint them. I totally can live with them having a pad if it means they will be produced in mass quantities.


          I want the arctic and bat-eared fox pebbles so bad that I will fly to Oregon and hold each one individually while you paint them. I totally can live with them having a pad if it means they will be produced in mass quantities.

          LOL! I said the SAME THING to my hubby just last night! I’ll hold each and every one of them while they’re painted if it means more pebbles!! XD

          I would love a “don’t nitpick” edition!! It gives them even more character to love. <3 "…and this one is from the time I fell down the vent…and this one is from when I rolled off the table…" 🙂


            What about a small anchor hole on the bottom? Instead of sticking them to a stick, the stick just fits in the hole. Might ruin the overall pebbleness of them, though… I do love them, though, and I want more.


              I am still DYING for pebbles that look like Netsuke… ivory colored or dipped in tea… I’d love that. I don’t give a floof what the bottom looks like!

              YES. I’ll second this.


                I am still DYING for pebbles that look like Netsuke… ivory colored or dipped in tea… I’d love that. I don’t give a floof what the bottom looks like!
                THIS. I got my mom the buff fennec when it was released, and this is what she loves most about it. I would love to get her more ‘netsuke’ pebbles to replace the real netsukes she had to sell.


                  I really love the pebbles too and am regretting selling my Fennec Fox years ago >.< I would really love to see at least both of the cats in the white color the "Fat Cat" was done in and a restock of the orange "Fat Cat"…he looks just like my big "fat" cat, Chester 🙂
                  The white color is very beautiful and simple. I've always liked Maya Hill's little pebble stones but wished they came in animal shapes. I was thrilled to see the pebbles since they are sort of like Maya Hill's-soft easy lines, simple shapes. I like that the cats and Fennecs are sleeping. Adds to their peace.


                    How are the fennecs being painted now? I think I would miss the feeling of a pebble in my hand but as I can’t seem to get any more pebble animals (I keep getting outbid) (I have two fennecs) I’d be happy to get them anyway I can. Don’t worry about the castings of the current fennecs – I predict that even with a goof up status they will sell out in record time. Any color, with or without sparkle paint would be great! :bigsmile:

                    They are airbrushed on the bottoms first. They roll away. Then the ones that are still on my wheel need to be taken off set aside and allowed to dry for a day or two. Then they get put back on my wheel and the tops airbrushed. They don’t roll as much sitting right-side up, but the bottom invariably gets goofed up. Each one needs a perfectly clean, dry thing to sit on to have their tops painted, which means placing a new thing of some kind under each one, each time they are painted. I tried post it notes, but those didn’t work too well. They would take off WITH the fox. I could try taping down a separate square of fresh plastic sheet under each one, I guess. It isn’t impossible to solve this problem , its just much more complicated than I wanted it to be.
                    We have made little holders to cradle them upside down, but those get loaded with paint and then the tops get marred. !@#$%^&


                      What about a small anchor hole on the bottom? Instead of sticking them to a stick, the stick just fits in the hole. Might ruin the overall pebbleness of them, though… I do love them, though, and I want more.

                      Yep, I tried that… I drilled a small hole in each one, jammed it onto a bamboo skewer, and painted them. It works very well! -but then you got a hole in the bottom.


                        Yep, I tried that… I drilled a small hole in each one, jammed it onto a bamboo skewer, and painted them. It works very well! -but then you got a hole in the bottom.

                        A big hole? Or something that won’t be noticeable on display, only when handling them? I would go for that…

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                          Yep, I tried that… I drilled a small hole in each one, jammed it onto a bamboo skewer, and painted them. It works very well! -but then you got a hole in the bottom.

                          A big hole? Or something that won’t be noticeable on display, only when handling them? I would go for that…

                          A little hole, but it is ugly and deep. I wanted to make a big hole and then glue in a pewter plug, with the Windstone logo, but that idea got nixed.


                            Yep, I tried that… I drilled a small hole in each one, jammed it onto a bamboo skewer, and painted them. It works very well! -but then you got a hole in the bottom.

                            Oh, a pebble-pop!

                            Can you fill the hole back up with some gypsum? Pewter would be costly, I think.

                            Life is beautiful.


                              Ceramics and stuff and holes in the bottom. Since some of them are going to have pads on the bottom, no one has to know. 😉

                              I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a batch of white pebble wolves someday. **Drool**


                                A hole on the bottom wouldn’t matter if they are going to get little pads!


                                The PYOs have a Windstone stamp pushed inside. What if you did something like that on the pebbles and then made a stand with the end being in the same shape. You could paint them with out them rolling away and they wouldn’t need a pad. And they would say Windstone on them.

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