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      DO NOT SCROLL DOWN IF YOU HAVE NOT READ UP TO AND *COMPLETELY* THROUGH THE DEATHLY HALLOWS BOOK. (and ever intend to.) This thread is for discussing the book for those who have finished reading and would like to chat about it but don’t want to ruin things for others :X

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      What did everyone think of the ending? What was and was not surprising to you? Personally Fred biting it shocked me the most :'( Oh and Hedwig, but I can understand why, as it would have been awkward running around with her in a cage everywhere. But still sad :'( Were your suspicions about Snape correct? One thing I appreciate about the Harry Potter books as that I feel any mysteries that are opened are closed and explained eventually. Was everything explained to your satisfaction



        Yeah, having Hedwig bite it so early bummed me out, esp. as she had been couped up & unhappy before she died 🙁 . I was also bummed about Fred, as he & George have always been my favorites. And having parallels is great and all, but couldn’t we have left one of Teddy’s parents alive? I also figured Snape would be good, but not sure if it would have been better if he had been bad, though he was still in it for himself, so it wasn’t totally predictable. Everything was explained, so that was great, and I love that the ending was 19 years later, so that everyone was happy. Do you think Malfoy ever acknowledged that Harry & Ron saved him? What about Goyle? Seems sad that it’s all over, and though I love rereading books, it’s never really the same, is it?
        Thanks for posting this, as I am dying to talk about it and no one here has even started it yet! 🙂



        ddvm wrote:

        Just say that someone I thought was going to die didn’t, a couple of people I thought might die did and completely didn’t see something coming (and should have – I had a total blind spot about it).
        OK ddvm: who did you think would die? What didn’t you see coming?
        Highlight below:
        You didn’t think Ron or Hermione would die, did you? I know that’s what my husband thinks, but before I read it I kept telling him they couldn’t, as when all is said and done, dark as they are, they’re still supposed to be for kids. OH! the Malfoys? Lucius? Yeah, I guess I thought all the bad guys would die… 😕


        I really thought Hagrid was going to die. And I’ve heard that one character she was originally going to kill got a stay of execution and I have to wonder if it was Hagrid. And I completely didn’t see Hedwig coming 😥 – that was my blind spot.

        I once saw the DVD of Secret Window (Johnny Depp in a Stephen King novella) and the director talked about killing dogs in movies. He said you could kill dozens of people but kill one dog and watch the hate mail roll in. I felt like that about Hedwig – how could she kill Harry’s owl? I never even considered it was a possibility. But it did make sense.

        And I cried though the whole Dobby scene. And I figured one of the Weasleys was going to die – I was sort of hoping for Percy.


        Oh yes, Dobby was terrible! 🙁 And I was a bit disappointed that Harry didn’t trust anybody except for the 2 that Dumbledore told him to trust… I mean couldn’t you tell the Goblin “You can have the sword, but I need it to destroy …” or esp. at the end w/DA … tell them all about the horcruxes! Just me? But if Hagrid did get a stay of execution, I’m very glad.

        Did you ever see Hootch? with Tom Hanks? He said he’d learned his lesson in that movie, NEVER kill the dog, because even if it wouldn’t have been realistic to have the dog survive, it makes it a much more likable movie.


        boskydragon wrote:

        Did you ever see Hootch? with Tom Hanks? He said he’d learned his lesson in that movie, NEVER kill the dog, because even if it wouldn’t have been realistic to have the dog survive, it makes it a much more likable movie.

        I was soooo angry at the end of that movie – first they killed the dog and then the puppies at the end? There were several pure bred looking collie puppies and one pure dogue de bordeaux puppy. Hello! Genetics doesn’t work that way – all the pups should have been mutts. But to kill Hootch? 😯 It was like if Disney had killed the Tramp or if Lassie died at the end of one of the movies. Don’t mess with the dogs!


          ddvm wrote:

          boskydragon wrote:

          Did you ever see Hootch? with Tom Hanks? He said he’d learned his lesson in that movie, NEVER kill the dog, because even if it wouldn’t have been realistic to have the dog survive, it makes it a much more likable movie.

          I was soooo angry at the end of that movie – first they killed the dog and then the puppies at the end? There were several pure bred looking collie puppies and one pure dogue de bordeaux puppy. Hello! Genetics doesn’t work that way – all the pups should have been mutts. But to kill Hootch? 😯 It was like if Disney had killed the Tramp or if Lassie died at the end of one of the movies. Don’t mess with the dogs!

          Seriously! I remember liking the movie K-9 which had a similar plot to it much bette simply because, though shot, the dog did survive in the end. I know the most disturbing part of Starship Troopers isn’t the people getting ripped apart, but the shot of the dead dog on the newscast. Funny how kids/animals dying in movies seems to affect us more. Maybe because we feel they are too innocent to die.


            I hated having Fred die. And Hedwig. And…. Heck, well, everybody really, ‘cept for the bad guys. I cried when Doby died though, that was the worst. I was convinced that Hagrid would die, and was surprised when he didn’t. I wonder who all JK planned to have killed off? She had said 2 main characters originally. 2 Main characters my butt. There were like, seven!! What bothered me about the book was:
            -Not knowing whatever happened to Harry’s aunt and uncle, and Dudley.
            -Seeing Ron and Hermione married. I dunno, I just don’t see them working together.
            -Harry’s scar not dissappearing. That was his big connection to Voldemort, I was sure that at some point the scar would dissapear. Like a release.
            -Ron speaking parseltongue. He just tried hissing, and “poof”, it worked!? If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it! Parseltongue is a rare and special gift. It doesn’t just come out by trying to hiss like a snake.


              AAAAH I’m so glad I can talk about this somewhere! ^_^ Thanks for posting this thread, DantheDragon!

              I cried like a baby during Dobby’s burial scene. And I’m still very sad about Fred being dead…It’s hard to imagine George without Fred… Miserable. I was surprised about Hedwig, too, and especially sad that she died while she was not on good terms with Harry. I’m really impressed with Rowling’s writing in this last book – I think she did a great job wrapping up the series. And I think she was very brave for actually killing her main character (even if she did cheat and bring him back 😉 )
              alright, anyone else besides me – Collin Creavy!!! ;_; Sure he was a tiny bit character, but STILL!!

              I agree, Pam, about Ron “speaking” Parsletongue…thought that was a bit unlikely…but oh well!

              I’m SOOOOOO satisfied with Snape in this book!!!!! Snape was absolutely my favorite part. I loved his memories in the pensive…God, I’m such a fangirl for snape.

              I’m glad she didn’t kill off Luna. ;_; I was afraid she was going to!

              I heard in an interview with Rowling today that she had intended to kill Mr. Weasely in book 5 and that she surprised herself by letting him survive the entire series.

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                Just immagine how hard poor Mrs. Weasley’s life would have been, with no husband, all those children, and such poor finances besides! 🙁 I am glad Mr. Weasley survived. But poor George, all I can think about is the joke shop he and his brother had wanted so bad to run. How will George run the shop alone? It just won’t be the same without his brother there.


                Aw i havent been on here very much and i must have missed this.

                I wasn’t surprised to hear Harry had part of Voldemorts soul in him i think most of us knew that and we knew that snape was a goodie and that something was going on between him and Dumbledore 😀 I was upset about headwig like bosky because she and harry were on an off but other than that less people died than what i thought. At least teddy has his nanny/grandma to look after him 😀
                I’ll admit the end was a good twist and i don’t think anyone saw that coming, its a bit difficult to that as there was hardly any if no mention of the hallows in the previous books 😀
                I thought that all this hipe about you know who being so fantastic was brought down a little, you’d have thought he might have noticed that the diadem wasn’t the only thing in the room of requirement and that of couse other students have found it before and after him 😕 duh… kinda let it down for me it was so obvios where it could have been where Harry had been before.
                Just my two cents.


                I wonder if Harry is still a parcelmouth 😕


                  I thought it was kind of neat how Voldemort messed up so bad like that, by putting his horcrux in a room everyone else knew about. It showed that at one point in his life, he was human, and not quite so great. I mean, if Voldemort is going to make one huge blundering “knock yourself in the head” mistake, that’s a perfect one.


                  Pam Thompson wrote:

                  I hated having Fred die. And Hedwig. And…. Heck, well, everybody really, ‘cept for the bad guys. I cried when Doby died though, that was the worst. I was convinced that Hagrid would die, and was surprised when he didn’t. I wonder who all JK planned to have killed off? She had said 2 main characters originally. 2 Main characters my butt. There were like, seven!! What bothered me about the book was:
                  -Not knowing whatever happened to Harry’s aunt and uncle, and Dudley.
                  -Seeing Ron and Hermione married. I dunno, I just don’t see them working together.
                  -Harry’s scar not dissappearing. That was his big connection to Voldemort, I was sure that at some point the scar would dissapear. Like a release.
                  -Ron speaking parseltongue. He just tried hissing, and “poof”, it worked!? If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it! Parseltongue is a rare and special gift. It doesn’t just come out by trying to hiss like a snake.

                  If Hermione and Ron surprised you, then you weren’t paying attention, that’s what that whole fight in Goblet of Fire was all about, Ron finally realised Hermione was a girl, and that he was very interested in going out with her. It’s been an under current between them from the start. They fight like an old married couple, and have from get go.

                  Ron speaking Parseltongue, he listened to Harry when he was asking the locket to open, Harry said it several times and so Ron was able to imitate it, took him a few tries though, but it was explained how he pulled it off.


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