Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread

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  • #910323

      Congrats Leigha! You got my favorite of the batch! You’ve got a wonderful boyfriend!

      I got mine in today as well, and while they weren’t the ones that were originally on my radar, I’m pretty pleased with them. I’m particularly fond of the coloration on the blue, purple, and green one. His bright and dark areas accent the piece nicely. I would be willing to trade them for one of the blue or natural brownish ones, but I’d be pretty happy keeping them too. The detailing on them is just wonderful, and my pictures don’t really do them justice.

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      I got mine… and while they are lovely, they’re not really what I was looking for. I’ll be looking to trade for either other dragons or GB unis (I LOVE safari’s best but other pretty ones are nice too)

      I have to say though, even if the color schemes aren’t up my alley, I adore this sculpt! He’s got so much personality.


        Ok, here are the other two that we got.

         photo DSC_0241_zps3a0dbeeb.jpg
         photo DSC_0240_zps1de49fa9.jpg
         photo DSC_0239_zps22d8f239.jpg
         photo DSC_0238_zps418292e2.jpg

        The black I posted earlier will be mine, the previous green will be my mom’s, my sister’s is the green in this post and my brother’s is the red and purple. We are certain that we want to keep the ones we got.

        Looking for-
        red fire young dragon
        old animal line frog, wolf, barn owl, tortoise, tiger cub


          Your green, Chibishiro, and LupusLunae’s green are nice. I haven’t seen my favorites yet. *chews nails* sometimes it bites being on the opposite end of the continent from Windstone.



            WOW GORGEOUS!!! Reminds me of a butterfly. 🙂


             photo DSC_0238_zps418292e2.jpg

            That green one is amazing! ^w^ So pretty!

            And I see that the one that reminded me of a blue jay has also appeared now too!


              Well, I about had a heart attack today. The mail came, and my blind trade arrived…..but not the dragons I ordered. The tracking showed them as delivered! Well, I took pics of my trade one and was just freaking out wondering where my box was…..but I had to work the night shift tonight. So…off to work I go. My husband said that about 7:00pm tonight the doorbell rang…..and it was a stranger with my box! The post office delivered the box to the complete wrong address!! If not for the kindness and honesty of this person I would not have my dragons. I work with the general public, and sometimes it’s easy to see all the bad….but there is still good left in the world!

              And….may I say…..I love this sculpt! Great job, Melody!! 😀

              By the time I got mine, it was too dark for good pictures, but here is the one I received in the blind trade. He is really pretty, but not my colors at all, so he will be for trade. I think he’s the one Little John called “Barney” in the livestream. 🙂
               photo 20140322_160742563x750_zpsbe18e73c.jpg
               photo 20140322_160748563x750_zps1292cf6a.jpg

              Hmm….these pics kind of wash him out…..he’s REALLY purple and emerald. 🙂 I’ll try for better pics in the morning.


                Look’s like I got one on chloe’s list

                Yes, you did! 😀 And I must say that I have excellent taste because your dragon is drop-dead gorgeous!!! Congratulations on the great (anonymous) grab! 🙂


                  So many beautiful dragons! Oh my goodness!

                  Mine was waiting for me when I got home from work! I had to wait to take pictures with my husband’s phone when he got home, though! And they’re not great pics, but they get the point across!

                  I’m thrilled to have my first grab bag piece! I’m quite happy with him. He’s mostly light blue, with some darker blue (kinda purplish even) and then goldish & bronze coloring on wingtips & horns. I am fond of blue colorings, so, yeah, I’m happy! And he came with a little yellow fuzzy with orange eyes.


                    Oh so terribly tempting, but I’m still paying off attorneys’ fees and medical bills, plus have boyohs that hit university this fall… Congrats on your pretties everyone – enjoy!




                      so many pretties….too bad I had to do two car things this month… ;-;

                      4 things I'm looking for:
                      1. Mother Meerkat
                      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                        Got mine today. He is photo 5 , first row, 2nd from the left.

                        He is way more colorful & pretty in person. Metallic lavender eyes, amethyst gem in the claws & like periwinkle blue gem in the forehead. His coloration is pastel, mainly silver & pink with blue. small touches of soft yellow & green on the wings & very edges of the back jaw;soft, almost silver colored Gold accents on claws, horns, back, tail tip.

                        What’s really cool is hes antiqued in a soft silvery blue, so overall all the colors blend into to this gorgeous, soft silvery mix of easter/spring colors.

                        Wasn’t really wanting a pastel, but in person hes amazing, so it would take a lot before I’d trade him I think. 😀


                          Got mine today. He is photo 5 , first row, 2nd from the left.

                          He is way more colorful & pretty in person. Metallic lavender eyes, amethyst gem in the claws & like periwinkle blue gem in the forehead. His coloration is pastel, mainly silver & pink with blue. small touches of soft yellow & green on the wings & very edges of the back jaw;soft, almost silver colored Gold accents on claws, horns, back, tail tip.

                          What’s really cool is hes antiqued in a soft silvery blue, so overall all the colors blend into to this gorgeous, soft silvery mix of easter/spring colors.

                          Wasn’t really wanting a pastel, but in person hes amazing, so it would take a lot before I’d trade him I think. 😀

                          I was wondering what that one would look like close up as the colours don’t really show in the class photo so I hope you post pics!

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                            I got the one on class photo 6 3rd row third from the left. I dont know how to get pictures into this reply or i would post some.



                              Wow Skylover, your first one with the white wings and ridge on his back is really neat looking!

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