Grab Bag Gothic Unicorns Show Off Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Gothic Unicorns Show Off Thread!

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  • #944366

    I got W, thus I dub him, Waverly! I didn’t not like him from the class photos, he didn’t originally jump out at me, but I’m totally in love now. He’s not a blue or purple or green unicorn, but he’s very well-blended and striking! He is white and gold with purple spots and hooves and matching sparklie purple eyes! There is a darker outline around his white and I can see some copperish shift in that. His gold shifts slightly to green especially along his back. The purple front hooves shift pinkish when seen from above.





    He’s a beauty! Thank you Melody and crew :bigsmile:


      The tracking will be on your paypal order. Just log on and look for the purchase on your activity and the tracking would have been generated there once windstone shipped.

      That’s true for Priority Mail but maybe not for UPS judging by my ebay purchases. I almost never choose UPS for Windstone store transactions so don’t have experience with those.


        Mine was supposed to arrive today but I guess it decided to take a little excursion. Tomorrow’s gonna go by so slow now that I know what’ll be waiting for me at home.


          Mine delivered and He’s Beautiful! I got ‘V’ and I named him Victor…
          He’s a nice purple-cyan shift with black edges along the white underbelly, legs, neck and blaze on his head. He’s wearing a Magenta-ish collar with Teal gems, and has what looks like Silvery-Teal eyes – they are not blue… they may be Periwinkle I’m not quite sure. The spots are nice too! His markings are similar to the eBay Gothic Uni I won about 1-1/2 years ago, but with more white.

          Here are some pics of my Pretty Boy! The first two are in Natural light, the rest are with an overhead light to try and show off the shifting colors. 😀

          My GB Gothic Uni in Natural Light photo GothUni_Display-NatLt_zpsc9echvko.jpg

          My GB Gothic Uni in Natural Light-back photo GothUni_Back-NatLt_zpsfjpye8mi.jpg

          My GB Gothic Uni showing some of the Shifting Color photo GothUni_Display-wShiftLt_zpspzgyufzy.jpg

          My GB Gothic Uni showing more Shifting Color -back photo GothUni_Back-wShiftLt_zpsj8gc2enl.jpg

          Victor has such a Cute Face with a Mischievous Smile! 😉

          My GB Gothic Uni showing Shifting Color - Cute Face! photo GothUni_Face-wShiftLt_zpsnt2zbfxi.jpg

          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


            Mine delivered and He’s Beautiful! I got ‘V’ and I named him Victor…
            He’s a nice purple-cyan shift with black edges along the white underbelly, legs, neck and blaze on his head. He’s wearing a Magenta-ish collar with Teal gems, and has what looks like Silvery-Teal eyes – they are not blue… they may be Periwinkle I’m not quite sure. The spots are nice too! His markings are similar to the eBay Gothic Uni I won about 1-1/2 years ago, but with more white.

            Here are some pics of my Pretty Boy! The first two are in Natural light, the rest are with an overhead light to try and show off the shifting colors. 😀

            My GB Gothic Uni in Natural Light photo GothUni_Display-NatLt_zpsc9echvko.jpg

            My GB Gothic Uni in Natural Light-back photo GothUni_Back-NatLt_zpsfjpye8mi.jpg

            My GB Gothic Uni showing some of the Shifting Color photo GothUni_Display-wShiftLt_zpspzgyufzy.jpg

            My GB Gothic Uni showing more Shifting Color -back photo GothUni_Back-wShiftLt_zpsj8gc2enl.jpg

            Victor has such a Cute Face with a Mischievous Smile! 😉

            My GB Gothic Uni showing Shifting Color - Cute Face! photo GothUni_Face-wShiftLt_zpsnt2zbfxi.jpg

            You got my favorite! If you decide you would like to look at trade options, please let me know! If not, enjoy that beauty! Congrats! 🙂


              And this is a fantastic example of why the “show-off” threads are so wonderful. I was really not all that enthused about this gb from the class picture, but I think it was because there was just SO much going on with them all together like that. But individually, I am loving every one of them. And from the class pic, I was not really caring for the ones with a lot of white, but now that I have seen LupusLunae’s and Ela_Hara’s, the ones with white are probably going to end up being my favorites. Nice catches everyone.


                I got C.


                It’s not one of the ones I wanted though so it’ll be up for sale once I get the ad made.


                  I believe this little lady is U. I love her multi-color spots. She’s not one of my top pics but my favorite is just for sale and Y hasn’t show up yet. If you get Y and would like to trade, please get in touch!!I AM super happy I didn’t get any of the white ones, and I love U’s paint job, just not crazy about light eyes. Still, her colors are gorgeous.

                   photo 8F706626-FB68-4DE1-BFA1-CBBFF7A7A522_zps2qhxnffs.jpg

                   photo 65C5D5B2-CD92-4B1F-A84D-8750336EDD43_zpsarw1r0zc.jpg

                   photo 7D4293EE-45B1-4E0B-AD0E-F97F279BFFF5_zpsyjvvtszf.jpg

                   photo 4AF45B7C-052D-4B6F-B041-282A39F05BE6_zpsvxowuvil.jpg

                   photo D3E333FA-D22C-428D-84CC-97C99CFA8DC3_zps6iqjygdw.jpg

                  Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                  ANY Red Eyed Unis
                  ANY Test Paint Bat
                  The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                  Male- Snow Leopard TP
                  White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                  Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                  Mother: Okapi
                  Gothic - Mahogany
                  PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                  DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                    Here’s mine! He’s sort of autumn-leafy with red-gold and green-gold (I think?) and blue-purple spots. I think he’s N.


                      Here is mine. I think he is X. He is gold with purple highlights.


                        Are you sure he’s not F, LorBailey? I think X has purple hooves. Either way, he’s very pretty!

                        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                        ANY Red Eyed Unis
                        ANY Test Paint Bat
                        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                        Male- Snow Leopard TP
                        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                        Mother: Okapi
                        Gothic - Mahogany
                        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                        Gothic unicorn is not my favorite sculpt, but wow, all these guys are stunning! I want them all! I can only imagine how much more fun and shifty the colors are in person. Thanks everyone for posting pictures, I always love seeing their separate beauty shots. Ela_Hara, yours is amazing, my favorite so far!


                        T arrived at my house today. He tried to jab my eye out shortly after arriving at the house, he is a wild one. His overall body color is purple, that flashes russet red and purplish blue depending on the light and angle, and matching hooves. He also has splashes all over of magenta/gold (or red/gold?) and blue ones that change red or purple. And of course, the white (which has a silvery sheen to it), a green/gold collar with amethyst jewels, and metallic silver eyes.

                        He is pretty cool looking… not 100% sure if he is staying, but I figure I will give him some time to adjust here and hopefully we will learn to get along.


                          My mother got R and she has a sale add up. He is stunning. My favorite out of the group. here are some photos. More photos are in the add.

                          This guy was one of my favorites from the class photo! Shame you’re not buying him from your mom! Maybe wheedle her into making him a Christmas or birthday gift? 😛 -laughs-


                            Just wanted to pop in and say hi (new here – first Windstone I’ve ever purchased was one of these Grab Bag Gothic Unicorns, haha) and that I believe I got “B” in the mail on Thursday. I need to grab some pics! He’s gorgeous and all I can think is “oh no, not another thing to start collecting…” LOL.

                            It’s lovely to see the in-hand pics of the ones that have arrived so far!

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