Grab Bag Baby Ki’rin 2/2/2017!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Baby Ki’rin 2/2/2017!

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      Here are my two! And thank you for the valentine fuzzies, Susie!

       photo IMG_3682_zpssr1fwiic.jpg
       photo IMG_3683_zpswfq9qojn.jpg
       photo IMG_3684_zpsh5sfuafq.jpg
       photo IMG_3685_zpsh6v8fcw0.jpg


        You almost got a Ying-Yang pair!
        Congrats JMoore – they’re Wonderful!

        BTW – my new GB Mini-Keeper addition arrived today! Thanks!

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


          Just got these two in and they are adorable! They are pretty similar though so I will looking to trade one of them, probably the one on the right, for a more colorful one.
           photo DSC_1729_zps7t58r8co.jpg
           photo DSC_1730_zpsnzv4vkjp.jpg
           photo DSC_1731_zpsdurqoguc.jpg
           photo DSC_1732_zpsxojzhx1c.jpg


            Love them all! I want to get another so much. Just noticed mine is in the shop picture on the bottom row, second from right. Also, some have loads or sparkle paint and others don’t? I noticed it with jmoores pair.


              This is mine:



              Personally I love him! I was hoping for one of the more natural ones.


              Sunspot Male Kirin
              Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin


                There’s no more restrictions? Oops, I may have bought another…
                Except there’s supposed to be tons of snow coming so who knows when it’ll get here.


                  You almost got a Ying-Yang pair!
                  Congrats JMoore – they’re Wonderful!

                  BTW – my new GB Mini-Keeper addition arrived today! Thanks!

                  Ha ha! You’re right – thank you! And thank you for letting me know. Hope you enjoy him!


                    Love them all! I want to get another so much. Just noticed mine is in the shop picture on the bottom row, second from right. Also, some have loads or sparkle paint and others don’t? I noticed it with jmoores pair.

                    I think maybe they all have sparkle paint, it’s just more noticeable in the darker colors. That’s just what it seems like to me, anyway. My light colored one has sparkle paint, but it really shows in the dark blue of the darker one.


                      Posting for Ann – another cute kirin:


                        Omy goodness, those little freckles are SO adorable. It’s the little things like that that really gives these little ones personality!

                        *Formerly meowmix101
                        Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                          This girl showed up today. She is very lovely, with a nice gradient of rainbow colors, plum eyes, and sparkle!!!
                          She has already been spoken for, but my trade partner and I are waiting for hers to arrive to see if I want one of them, or, we will be open to three way trades.
                          I love the ones with blue/teal/purple!

                          Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                            My two came today!

                            The one on the left I absolutely ADORE and the one on the right has a little bit of everything I like mixed together in it. I got super duper lucky!

                            They’re both ones that I wanted which I’m very glad about, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt to throw it out there that if someone gets the kirin in the top left of the store photo I’d be glad to trade the one on the right for it. Otherwise, they’ve found their permanent home.

                            Awwwww man you’re SO lucky! That one on the right is my #1 favorite out of the whole batch! *weep* Congrats! (And Landipan got my #3, haha)

                            I got a couple today, gotta get my photos up!


                              I received my lovely little koi inspired kirin today. A cute edition to my herd. 🙂 There are lots of ‘magic invisible’ sparkles that are hard to show in the photos and are most obvious where there is black when the sun shines.
                               photo Feb2017_GBkirin1.png

                              I plan to purchase another on payday, so for fun (and to break up the boredom of work), I made a ‘these interest me most’ collage. I know I left a few off, but I’m too busy to alter the image. The bottom row of kirins intrigue me (I only put one question mark for the whole row), but I’d have to see them in person. I love seeing the photos of these and what everyone gets though! They’re all very nice. 🙂
                               photo Feb2017_GBkirin_interests.jpg


                                My two came today!

                                The one on the left I absolutely ADORE and the one on the right has a little bit of everything I like mixed together in it. I got super duper lucky!

                                They’re both ones that I wanted which I’m very glad about, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt to throw it out there that if someone gets the kirin in the top left of the store photo I’d be glad to trade the one on the right for it. Otherwise, they’ve found their permanent home.

                                Your little dusk colored one is so lovely! <3


                                  Lovely kirins everyone! Very nice little one Ladipan and love both of yours Mika! MandBsMom got my number one favourite! She is so gorgeous, I am just in love with her rainbow colours! Mine won’t be here til after the weekend but I can’t wait to see what it is! I managed to get a second one for my mom too so hoping we get one with blue for MandBsMom or one someone else would trade a blue one for in a 3 way trade!

                                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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