Grab Bag Baby Ki’rin 2/2/2017!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Baby Ki’rin 2/2/2017!

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      Very pretty ones so far! Very nice one Mary! Love yours Benathorn! Etruscan, you got a cool one too. Ann, love the pink on yours! Aggie83, I have a couple kirins here that would look good with yours. My new baby will take a while to get here to Canada but I have 2 special sitting babies and 2 grab bag standing babies I may consider trading for any of my favourite rainbowish babies. I may also consider trading other pieces I have listed in the classifieds too like baby unicorns, poads or other pieces for any favourite kirins.

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I never seem to do this right, but here is mine. I believe she is the one in the store photo, middle row, farthest to the right.
        She’s not super colorful, but she’s pretty, so she’ll probably stay (unless she was someone’s absolute favorite, then I might be willing to trade).

        She had a traveling companion in the Rainbow Coiled Mama, and also brought along a Fuzzy buddy! 😀 So cute 🙂

        kirin and friends


          Ann, I love your lil rainbow koi, I feel like we never see enough pink or pastels, they’re so pretty!

          Congrats Natasha for your great trade, red eyed ones are really striking in this GB, and usually I’m not a huge a red eye fan.

          Aggie, that koi family is beautiful!! I hope you find another for a family reunion!

          Dashesdots, Your kirin is so pretty, lucky grab!

          *Formerly meowmix101
          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


            Mine came in and it was a fantasy koi type (brighter colors with koi patterning). She’s pretty enough, I suppose, if I end up stuck with her but I am looking to trade her.

            She has metallic light grey/silver eyes, a white underside, yellowy-orange mane/tail/spinal ridge, with fish scale patterns in magenta, purple, and small touches of green.


            this is my favorite GB since the cougars, I have a little one enroute, maybe two IF, and that’s a big IF they stay available just a bit longer! Or hope to adopt a rehomed one maybe. I missed the last few GB’s so am super excited to be back in action. I hope I get a natural color one, exception being a darker rainbow one.

            Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.


            So excited to see these guys start showing up! Thanks everyone for posting pictures. Benathorn, I think yours may be my favorite so far – I missed that little gem in the class pictures!

            Mine is coming via slow mail, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s one of these…

            The top left two are my favorites of my favorites, haha! If anybody lands these guys and you don’t love them, drop me a line!

            Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


              So excited for tomorrow, supposedly my Kirin and another PYO Oriental will be arriving! I say supposedly because occasionally in recent times USPS has been off by a day, so I’m trying to temper my excitement a bit, hehe.

              It’s like Christmas as a kid, when you really want to go to bed early but your excitement won’t let you lol.

              *Formerly meowmix101
              Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                Well, it looks like there will be a deluge of little kirins today, can’t wait to see the pics.


                  My little one came! Omg, she’s so cute, and she’s a beautiful light blue/aqua color with dark purple stripes! She’s so gorgeous, the sparkle paint that’s all over it soooo pretty and her eyes are shimmery too! I think like this is the luckiest I’ve ever been with a GB! I am kind of half and half tho, on one hand I’d be happy to keep her here in my collection and on the other hand I could be tempted to trade for any in my top favorite picks. But we’ll see!


                  *Formerly meowmix101
                  Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                    That one is so nice! I was able to grab one after all yay! In the pictures Landipan posted, its in the third photo. Top row, fourth from right. It is a koi with a bit of fantasy. Yellow head and colorshift peacock spots. It sparkles in the sun! Thinking its a keeper unless a fantasy one comes up that needs a home. I have asked another forum member to post pictures for me.


                      My two came today!

                      The one on the left I absolutely ADORE and the one on the right has a little bit of everything I like mixed together in it. I got super duper lucky!

                      They’re both ones that I wanted which I’m very glad about, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt to throw it out there that if someone gets the kirin in the top left of the store photo I’d be glad to trade the one on the right for it. Otherwise, they’ve found their permanent home.


                        Wow, Mika! You hit the Jackpot!! I love both of those, I wouldn’t part with them either if I were you.

                        I wish there were more light and airy pieces in Grab Bags, They’re always so few and far in between it seems.

                        *Formerly meowmix101
                        Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                          NICE Babies Everyone! Love ’em all!

                          IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                            Does anyone else on here use Tinypic and if so, are you having problems today. It was working fine last night. Grrrrrrrrrrr! I really want to show off our babies!!!


                              Aw Landipan and Mika, you guys got my top two faves! Lucky! (surprising no one, all the ones I like have the stark white belly)

                              GF’s is the one on the left. I really like the one on the right but unsure. I might end up getting a third for the house now that the restrictions are down.

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