GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

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      I also love seeing people’s collections, and gbs. It’s neat to see who got what!
      We don’t usually take individual pictures of every single one of the gbs, so this is a way for us to see them again!

      Do you ever have a moment when you see individual photos come up, where you find yourself suddenly quite proud of a piece that you did and maybe didn’t notice so much as you were painting them?
      I can imagine even with being the person who paints them, painting 150 of them, they could get lost among themselves and not really be noticed for their individual look… Hell, I find this in my own collection if I start to get too many pieces stuffed together on a shelf, that I more or less lose the beauty of the tree’s to the forest… (Usually that’s when I start to eval my collection and get it back to admiring each piece instead of a large collection)


         photo Tsume2_zps466sxbos.png

        HOLY COW…that black wolf in the background is amazing! Did you get him from this batch? Lucky dog, you!

        Skeeterdee…I’m sorry you’ve had some unpleasant experiences πŸ™ But I know I have gotten lucky contacting someone out of the blue before and I’m sure a few others have too. I’d wager that’s why people do it. I missed your original post somewhere…did you get one of the wolves everyone is looking for?


          … But I know I have gotten lucky contacting someone out of the blue before and I’m sure a few others have too. I’d wager that’s why people do it. …

          Yes, you have (and I hope you are very happy together). πŸ˜‰ It does seem as though there are more “if you ever decide to let him go” messages. I’m wondering whether the Grab Bags and associated trading have made people more aggressive, or more accustomed to the idea of going after pieces they want, or something.


          Sorry that it took me so long to post photos – here’s my handsome wolf! I’ve named him Bridger, and he’s definitely a keeper in my eyes πŸ™‚ Thank you again Melody, he’s perfect!
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           photo P1820952 640x480_zpshxltwzjz.jpg

          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


            Zelda, your wolf is gorgeous! Congrats!


              One of my trades arrived today & it was worth the wait :love: Here’s the merle that I traded for my silver wolf. He’s got bi-colored eyes. I’ll try to get some better photos outdoors tomorrow when our arctic freeze ends.

              And, here’s my pack(?) of wolves. Merle on the left was purchased from a forum member. He’s got golden eyes & has more beiges & less white than my merle from my trade (on the right).


                One of my trades arrived today & it was worth the wait :love: Here’s the merle that I traded for my silver wolf. He’s got bi-colored eyes. I’ll try to get some better photos outdoors tomorrow when our arctic freeze ends.

                And, here’s my pack(?) of wolves. Merle on the left was purchased from a forum member. He’s got golden eyes & has more beiges & less white than my merle from my trade (on the right).

                A pair of merles! Congrats! πŸ™‚

                I hope Mel does some more Merles.. I’d love to have one, especially a blue and white merle!


                  Awesome pack, mashubert. Love all three! Congrats!


                    Someone likes Merles πŸ˜‰ Just gorgeous! Now to wait patiently while the other ones get done.


                      Thanks Kaytana, Jmoore & Ferlin. I do LOVE the merles. Haven’t named them yet, but the merle on the right that I traded for was one of my top favs. Although I love the merles, I’m not sure that I want 2 so similar so I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll keep both or trade/sell the guy on the left. There were so many wolves in this batch that I would’ve loved to have.


                        Thanks Kaytana, Jmoore & Ferlin. I do LOVE the merles. Haven’t named them yet, but the merle on the right that I traded for was one of my top favs. Although I love the merles, I’m not sure that I want 2 so similar so I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll keep both or trade/sell the guy on the left. There were so many wolves in this batch that I would’ve loved to have.

                        I’m sure all you would need to do is put a “thinking about trading” ad up, and you could near get your “pick of the litter” lol, they’re both very gorgeous merles πŸ™‚


                           photo Tsume2_zps466sxbos.png

                          HOLY COW…that black wolf in the background is amazing! Did you get him from this batch? Lucky dog, you!

                          Thanks, he is the black wolf from the first batch πŸ™‚ When I opened my new grab bag I honestly thought I had another black one as the lighting was dark haha. Turns out he was dark grey thankfully πŸ˜€


                            Thanks Kaytana, Jmoore & Ferlin. I do LOVE the merles. Haven’t named them yet, but the merle on the right that I traded for was one of my top favs. Although I love the merles, I’m not sure that I want 2 so similar so I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll keep both or trade/sell the guy on the left. There were so many wolves in this batch that I would’ve loved to have.

                            I’m sure all you would need to do is put a “thinking about trading” ad up, and you could near get your “pick of the litter” lol, they’re both very gorgeous merles πŸ™‚

                            Thanks, Kaytana. I might put up a trade ad just to see if I can swap him for a dark gray/black or dark brown wolf or another GB. I think many of my favs have already been traded or in forever homes, but who knows….


                              Courage is gorgeous, Natasha!! Love his little dimple marks on his cheeks! xD

                              I apologize for the poor quality of these photos, it was very bright out today, but I just couldn’t wait to take pictures of them!! I’ll get better photos soon πŸ™‚

                              Traded these lovelies..

                               photo 20150212_143853_zpse580a3a6.jpg

                              For these πŸ™‚

                               photo 20150225_112444_zps6qiae2w5.jpg

                              They look gorgeous together and you are always such a joy to trade with!

                              Thank you, as are you! I have decided to rename Chet to Nukoe.
                              I’ve also given the fox a name; she’s now known as
                              Rust. πŸ™‚

                              Here are some better pics of Myrtle [aka KissyNose] and Nukoe.
                              These were taken after the sun went down behind the Southwest mountains
                              They’re a lot truer to their actual color, but they’re still so hard to photograph!!

                               photo 20150225_164948_zps6d64d8b9.jpg photo 20150225_165007_zpse3epthga.jpg photo 20150225_163723_zpsxeofe2a8.jpg photo 20150225_163744_zpsentbwxka.jpg photo 20150225_163805_zpszvoydlj3.jpg photo 20150225_163824_zpsgrnljwzs.jpg photo 20150225_163840_zpsrgpbq7jv.jpg

                              Myrtle and Nukoe with their foxy companions, Yin and Yang, and Rust.
                              The Bat-Eared Foxy Trio were incooperative for pictures today, and ran off!!

                               photo 20150225_112541_zps1hnayqc9.jpg

                              β†žβ†žβ‰ͺβˆ™ FOREVER SEEKING β€’β†Ÿβ€’

                              β€’ β–Ί By Patricia Smith β—„ β€’
                              β˜™ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                              ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                              ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                              β€’ β–Ί By Melody β—„ β€’
                              β˜™ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                              β˜™ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                              β˜™ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                                Here’s 3 of my 4 wolfies ^_^ I can’t wait to get the ivory one

                                GB wolves photo 20150315_223231-1.jpg

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