GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread!

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      After a super long wait mine finally arrived. I haven’t had the time to take photos yet but he’s the grey one at the front of this photo

      Although the grey ones we’rent on my initial want list, I really love him! he looks amazing in person, I am very happy with my grab 🙂 his eyes are a really nice matching gold colour. Shall take some photos soon as I can.

      As for the posting photos/trading issue. If it’s not for trade, just say so. I’d be surprised if people still PM trade offers when you clearly say the piece is not for trade.

      Lucky! 😉 looking forward to seeing more photos! 🙂


        There are also those of us who have very limited free time! I’ll post up my pics eventually. Someday. When I have a free moment to upload them from the camera.

        I’ve also experienced what meowmix101 has encountered in the past, though thankfully not recently. I definitely think it is not the norm! Most people who have asked me are very polite and aren’t pushy (and I don’t mind people asking at all if they are polite!), but there are always a few people out there who don’t take the hint the first time. Not recently though (back with some of the gb young unis a few years ago). It can be a bit uncomfortable and even a bit stressful for the person being asked when that happens, so I can certainly understand someone holding off or being hesitant about posting something that is sought after that they are happy with. I know I have held off once or twice to avoid getting pounced on right away. I’m usually just lacking in free time, like right now (between work, class, and family matters)!


          Well, horrible luck with my camera tonight. I only managed a few grainy photos but here he is. Shall definitely be keeping him. I love how he looks with his pack mates 🙂

           photo Tsume0_zpskbwcnkml.png
           photo Tsume1_zpsdclqbont.png
           photo Tsume11_zpsp3bpskq7.png
           photo Tsume2_zps466sxbos.png
           photo Tsume3_zps6jrv1qk6.png


            Very cool wolves all together! I always post photos of whatever I get in whether I think they are popular ones or not. The funny thing is the first grab bag young poad I ever got I ended up getting like 20 or more offers to buy or trade for so I thought that was like the norm but was a little overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do. I did want to trade it but had a lot of offers from people wanting to buy it instead. I ended up trading it for another poad and had to let everyone know I was sorry it was traded. I am not sure if interest in trading has dropped since then but I am super surprised no one commented on my wolves and I didn’t have a single person message about possibly trading even though I actually think they are quite lovely and go great in matching sets with the foxes. I did have a couple people show interest that I messaged but I am getting the feeling now that maybe people who get other ones are just not posting pictures or trading as much, maybe? I decided to list my red wolf and fox for sale and have still had no one message so I think this is probably the last time I will buy any of the pebbles if there aren’t enough options to trade for. I just hope if more unicorns or something come out that there will be more willing to post photos and do trades.

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              Well, horrible luck with my camera tonight. I only managed a few grainy photos but here he is. Shall definitely be keeping him. I love how he looks with his pack mates 🙂

               photo Tsume0_zpskbwcnkml.png
               photo Tsume1_zpsdclqbont.png
               photo Tsume11_zpsp3bpskq7.png
               photo Tsume2_zps466sxbos.png
               photo Tsume3_zps6jrv1qk6.png

              Matryyoshka, Wow! Love that silver/lavendar wolf. Great catch on the grab!


              It would be a shame if people don’t post because they don’t want to be bothered, I miss the days where the show off threads were booming with pages upon pages of pictures! They’re so fun to look through, I think 🙂

              This is a new wolf to the thread 🙂 He just came in yesterday (a few days late! lil snot! haha) from a trade 🙂 and I am head over heels in love! I was originally going to wait for my second wolf to arrive before posting but I’m too excited about this guy, hehe 🙂 It’s a snowy day, so he decided to continue to hang out with the foxies for his photo shoot, hehe

              and with my Odd Ball fox 🙂 (and a couple matching fennecs chillin on their book in the background! hehe)

              This guy is gorgeous ! Congrats !!

              I personally LOVE posting photos, since here at home I almost never get to show my collection to anyone, and those that do see it dont take much interest. So I have to share my new babies with people that can appreciate them 😉 I only ever had one offer to buy a windstone that I had posted a pic of, and they were very kind about it when I politely declined. Since I was new here, they even gave me some tips and told me to never feel bad on turning down a trade, and to never let anyone bully me or guilt trip me into a trade. I didnt even realize things like this may occur, so I was happy to get the advice, but thank goodness it has never happened. I hate feeling bad saying no to someone.

              I normally wont message anyone for a trade on a pic they posted unless they specifically say in the post that they are open to trades. Most people will say one way or the other, if its a keeper or not, so people ‘should’ know when not to ask. If someone is not sure they are going to keep a piece, then Id assume its ok to ask them as well, just to see if what you offer speaks to them or not 😉 No harm in asking. So far I have found everyone here to be very kind and pleasant to deal with, so I dont see why people would not post pics, thats if they are able to 😛


                Well, horrible luck with my camera tonight. I only managed a few grainy photos but here he is. Shall definitely be keeping him. I love how he looks with his pack mates 🙂

                 photo Tsume0_zpskbwcnkml.png
                 photo Tsume2_zps466sxbos.png
                 photo Tsume3_zps6jrv1qk6.png

                WOW! You’ve gotten a simply lovely Wolf Pack together! Great colors and grabs – Congrats! 😀

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                  Thanks Mashubert! I was happy to get one who looks so good with the others! 🙂

                  On that note, I got really lucky, where my other matches my red tone pieces so well, my newest one matches the ligher red/brown tones very well! and my odd ball fox balances very well between the two!

                  These aren’t the best photos in the world.. but a bit of a memory card issue that distracted me with trying to fix it/call my brother to help… and I ran out of daylight, heh… but I wanted to show this baby off (At least I have 2 memory cards?) 🙂 This is my newest wolf! He’s been shown on here before, but I think these photos catch him a lil better 🙂

                  When there is better lighting I’ll get one of him and my other wolf from this batch so you can see their color differences
                  He’s just beautiful! I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to keep him, trade him or sell him.. he’s really close to my other wolf, but also quite different.


                    I need to vent for a minute and this topic seems to already be breached in this thread.


                    Lately I’ve been feeling like ANY picture posted anywhere on the forum is taken as a classified ad.

                    This past week I posted a handful of my pebbles in the “Post your Pebbles” thread and some of my favorites from my collection in the “Show your collection” thread as I was dusting some of them. The occasional “if you ever want to trade/sell please think of me” DOES NOT BOTHER ME. I got many messages, MOST polite and understanding, but I stopped acknowledging them after a while out of frustration. Nobody around me cares about my collection, this is the only place I feel like the awesome collection I’ve been building since 1998 could truly be shared and appreciated together. Within four minutes of me posting photos labeled “my favorites” in the collection thread the PMs started. Four minutes. All future messages will go unread. I’m so sorry to be rude to all of the ones that have been polite, but I’m irritated. I feel pounced on, and there were even two remarks from two different people about the same piece that made me feel like a grab bag I received direct from the factory shouldn’t rightfully be mine. Now I feel like the only time I should post a picture of a newly acquired grab bag is if I absolutely hate it.


                      Thanks Mashubert! I was happy to get one who looks so good with the others! 🙂

                      On that note, I got really lucky, where my other matches my red tone pieces so well, my newest one matches the ligher red/brown tones very well! and my odd ball fox balances very well between the two!

                      These aren’t the best photos in the world.. but a bit of a memory card issue that distracted me with trying to fix it/call my brother to help… and I ran out of daylight, heh… but I wanted to show this baby off (At least I have 2 memory cards?) 🙂 This is my newest wolf! He’s been shown on here before, but I think these photos catch him a lil better 🙂

                      When there is better lighting I’ll get one of him and my other wolf from this batch so you can see their color differences
                      He’s just beautiful! I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to keep him, trade him or sell him.. he’s really close to my other wolf, but also quite different.

                      I’m so happy that you were able to find a couple of these guys to match your Dutch Shepard! I love the second one in particular.


                        Skeeterdeee, sorry to hear about that. My experience hasn’t been like that at all. I rarely ever get messages about pieces I post pictures of but with that said I have actually made a couple trades in the past with ones I thought I would keep so I guess you never know what you might change your mind about. I think sometimes people probably don’t mean it the wrong way but just think it doesn’t hurt to ask about a piece just in case. I had a couple experiences a long time ago with people who were really desperate to find a certain piece and I was happy to help them out although if I was asked about a piece I really wanted to keep I just told them. I think sometimes longing for a certain piece can maybe produce temporary impulse control issues when someone sees it in a photo and wants it. I love seeing photos of pieces even if I know I will never acquire them so I hope that don’t dissuade people from posting them in the future. When people post that something is a keeper or not for trade or sale, I think everyone respects that so that might prevent messages in the future if people post that.

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          I’m so sorry to hear about your experience, skeeterdeee.

                          For me, I truly enjoy when others post pictures of their pieces and collections, just as I like being able to share pictures of mine. I can’t own them all (obviously) and I so enjoy being able to see up close and personal photos of pieces as well as collection photos. I love seeing how people have “matched” different pieces and the way they are displayed. I greatly appreciate everyone that posts pictures!

                          I hope the “pouncing” behavior of some doesn’t discourage everyone from continuing to post pictures.


                            I love seeing pictures of people’s collections! Especially since I haven’t been on the forum as long as some members. It’s a way for me to see pieces I’d never seen before that popped up before my ‘time’ if you will. So thank you to everyone who takes the time to post pictures!

                            I’ve never been contacted about any piece I’ve posted, GB or otherwise. But I can see how it might be overwhelming to get swamped by a lot of messages. My sympathies. I guess you could initially look at it as a type of admiration for your collection…but too much is just sometimes too much. Again, my sympathies.


                            Im sorry this has happened to you skeeterdee. If something happened on the forum that discouraged me from posting my pics, I would also be very upset, as like yourself, nobody around me really takes any interest in my collection either. I do hope this can somehow be rectified, so you can continue posting your pics.

                            I love seeing everyones pics, as I am also newer to Windstones, and it still blows my mind on some of the beauties that exist out there that I never knew of. I love admiring them on here! And I love sharing my passion for them on here ! Its the only place I can feel understood 😉

                            As others have mentioned, in a way you can take this as a huge compliment on your pieces, since they are so sought after ! I myself have never been messaged regarding any of my pieces. I do understand though how stressful it must be if people are being persistent or make you feel bad about turning them down 🙁 I really dont think people should be messaging others regarding pics they have posted unless the post specifically says “may be willing to part with…” . Calling some pieces your “favs” should have been enough info to inform others you were really not willing to part with said pieces.


                              I also love seeing people’s collections, and gbs. It’s neat to see who got what!
                              We don’t usually take individual pictures of every single one of the gbs, so this is a way for us to see them again!

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