Eleu's PYOs-New Muse 12/19

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      Eleu wrote:

      Kujacker wrote:

      What will you be doing with him? (like are you keeping him, or going to ebay him?)
      (and I noticed the heart… but I thought you did that on purpose! lol!)

      *looks around* Me? eBay? Aww, I love that you asked that-really! I really need to learn to paint first before anyone could possibly want something I did 😳 My goal is to get good enough to join in on a traveling piece or *someday* a swap! 😯 This little guy is going right on my shelf-after all we’ve been through together, I’ll keep him for life 😆

      lol-did everyone BUT me see the heart?! *headdesk*

      I really like him, so if he was going to be for sale… I’d be one to try and get him 😉


      If it makes you feel better, I missed the heart too! 😆


      You like your pastel purples, pinks and blues, don’t you. 😆 He turned out very nicely.


        I think he is sweet, Eleu.


          I love the contrast! I’m a sucker for black dragons…

          He’s really pretty and it shows you spent a lot of time on him.

          I really hope you’ll join the next swap in September!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          (can’t figure out how to multi-quote 😳 )

          Kujacker-Aww! Thank you so much! I never dreamed that anyone would like him enough to consider adding him to their collection!

          Greater Basilisk-Thank you!! And… 😳 That obvious is it? LOL I didn’t quite realize that my last 3 PYOs were the same colors 😆 I DO have other colors, honest! I have a muse that needs painting- I will hide the pastels! 😆

          lamortefille-thank you so much!

          dragonmedley-Oh thank you!! I would love to join in on a swap! Watching all the new pictures of new pieces come in is SO intimidating though! I gotta practice!! 😆

          You guys are so sweet-you totally made my day! Thank you so much for looking and being such a great group of people. Honestly this is the nicest forum I’ve ever been on! *hugs all of you*


          Eleu wrote:

          Kujacker wrote:

          What will you be doing with him? (like are you keeping him, or going to ebay him?)
          (and I noticed the heart… but I thought you did that on purpose! lol!)

          *looks around* Me? eBay? Aww, I love that you asked that-really! I really need to learn to paint first before anyone could possibly want something I did 😳 My goal is to get good enough to join in on a traveling piece or *someday* a swap! 😯 This little guy is going right on my shelf-after all we’ve been through together, I’ll keep him for life 😆

          lol-did everyone BUT me see the heart?! *headdesk*

          I’ve done one PYO and I’m doing a traveling piece. I didn’t think you needed to sell stuff first did you?!?!?

          *is now seriously nervous about doing dry brushing on traveling kirin*
          Your dragon is very pretty – and don’t worry the heart had to be pointed out to me, I’m not observant either!


          Oh no not at all! I just mean that personally I feel that I need to learn to paint a lot better before trying to sell/swap/or join in on a traveling piece-cause I wouldn’t want anyone to be disappointed with receiving my piece, or my portion of a shared one-that’s all! 😳


            Eleu wrote:

            Oh no not at all! I just mean that personally I feel that I need to learn to paint a lot better before trying to sell/swap/or join in on a traveling piece-cause I wouldn’t want anyone to be disappointed with receiving my piece, or my portion of a shared one-that’s all! 😳

            Don’t think that way. I like how you paint! I’d snag the dragon if he was for sale (really!). Everyone has to start somewhere and you can only get better 🙂 Don’t let something like that stop you from joining the next pyo swap or getting in on a traveling piece.


            Finally finished this guy, he is a forest muse! (Note-there is NO pink on this one! 😆 ) This is the first time I tried antiquing a few areas too.


              He looks great! I love the different colored feet, and the different colors of antiquing that you used. 😀


              Thank you Stephanie!


              Yay for no pink. 😆 Pretty – I like that pendant/jewel/whatever it is in its beak.


                Those shades of green seem to work well in the color scheme and the jewel is lovely 🙂


                Stunning! The colors are perfect, and I love your antiquing job!! 😀

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