Eleu's PYOs-New Muse 12/19

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    Oh! Autumn Muse! That sounds even better-lol Thank you Barrdwing! And that was a good idea, I looke on Artbeads.com and found some leaf shaped charms! My favorite is sold out, but there is another that might work, I just have to figure out which of the jewelry wire thingies I need 😛

    Thanks Phoenix! I have my own little muse army 😀


      Very cool. Can I ask what size crystals fit?? I’ve been looking for some but haven’t had any luck.


      Thanks 🙂 What I have on the first two are diameter 3.0-3.2mm flatback Swarovski rhinestones-but they seem too big for the muse. They don’t really fit into the holes, I just glued them over the top. Maybe they don’t fit cause they are flat back-but I’m gonna try and get smaller ones the next time. I really didn’t know what to order 😛


      Cheerful little critter! 😀


      Oh thank you Greater Basilisk-I missed your post! 😳

      Here is my newest muse, just finished yesterday 🙂 She kind of got her colors from a piggy bank I’ve had since I was little (I added purple too though) I don’t have a name for her, nothing jumped out at me.

      And here they are looking nothing alike-lol, but that’s where I got the idea for those colors.


        Awww! She looks so sweet!


        Thank you Stephanie! She’s definitely a girly muse 😀


        She looks like cotton candy from the fair! all pastely and sweet! Damn, now I want cotton candy! 😆


        Cuuute!! I love those colors. Really need to get me a muse to paint one of these days…


          Aw, she’s pretty. And I like the pendant too. 😀 Cotton Candy is a great name.


          Cotton Candy Muse it is! Thank you everyone for looking! Yes Papercut, you should get a muse, they are so cute! *gives some cotton candy to DragonMistress* lol You know, now I want some too 😛 And thanks Emerald! There are a bunch of different colors of that charm, I want to do a bunch!




          And here is my first griffin! She’s VERY simple, I did her before the cotton candy muse actually, but I just got the glossy clear coat so I didn’t want to add her before that. Even though she’s so simple she took a looooong time O-o Accidently tipped her over at one point and chipped a bit off of her front talon, thankfully the paint already on held the chips in place and a little glue and more paint covered that problem 😛 Anyway, here she is! I need something for her tail, I bought some small pearl beads…before realizing that of course beads have holes, so I couldn’t use it. Suggestions anyone? 😳


            Very nicely done!


            Stephanie wrote:

            Very nicely done!

            Thank you! 😀 She’s happy to be done after sitting unpainted for 6 months before I’d even attempt painting her-lol

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