
Dragon Cave Egg Exchange

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    Sorry Kiya, I should have asked first…

    Oh no, you’re good! 🙂 Better you got him than he grew up unclaimed!


      yeah but do I have to keep inputting my scroll name? or is it a one time thing to put them in the hatchery?

      Every time you get new eggs or hatchlings you have to update the hatchery.


        what are we suppose to do for Christmas as far as the eggs go? Do we just stop collecting eggs atleast 5 days away from Christmas? Will there also be hatchlings To get also or just eggs? Anyone know? :~

        The only reason to stop collecting eggs before Christmas is if you don’t think you can have them hatched (thus preventing you from catching new eggs) before the new Christmas eggs start dropping (when it becomes Christmas in the Eastern timezone). Based on past holidays, the new Christmas dragons will flood the cave the first day and will likely taper off during the second and third day of them dropping.

        The only hatchlings that you might see are those that people abandoning and/or trading. It’s possible some of them will be older Christmas dragons, but most of them will likely be regular dragons from the site.

        OK Cool I’ll have all my eggs will be hatched and making room for new eggs. How will we know the Christmas eggs for the regular eggs?


          I think they will have christmas patterns or ribbons and bows on them if you go to the dragon cave wiki there is a list of dragon types about half way down on the page is the previous years christmas dragons and what they look like from egg to adult. I’m assuming they’ll look simaliar to those. The only stipulation I found for the christmas eggs/ dragons is your only allowed to pick up two on your scroll. But I don’t think that will stop people from trading and breeding them to each other. 🙂


            Oh thank you Flaming Dragon! I named him after your breeding pair, he is now Flaming Delta and he got his big boy wings today!!!

            Kiya, the little Magi you cave me grew wings today and she is a girl, so I named her Stars Grace 🙂

            Opal, thank you for the lil nebula egg, I can’t wait to see what it is!

            Man this is addicting!


              If you go egg catching on Christmas Day you’ll KNOW which one is the new Christmas egg by the fact it’s ALL that will be dropping in the cave. To get the old Christmas eggs I would hunt the abandoned section on the 19 as the fist day of breeding is usually the best day to snag one or get one directly from someone who’s breeding them.

              And FYI don’t bother catching more than two of each type(year) of Christmas dragon. There is a two dragon limit for Christmas Dragons and all extras will be auto abandoned within an hour unless you free up a “slot” for the new egg. This limit includes adults and frozen hatchlings caught in previous years. So you can add 2 of this year’s to the 2 from last year but not two more of last year’s.


              That’s good to know! I’ll not catch any new eggs after this bunch hatches so I have room for the Christmas dragons. 🙂

              River – your male nebula is so pretty! If you get a female, maybe I can harass you for an egg. 🙂

              My husband got a red dragon today – now I just have to convince him to let ME have it instead! LOL


                I would gladly give you an egg! 🙂 64k dollar question is…if my egg is a girl…how to I get Delta and her to ‘hook up’? I couldn’t find much about breeding them…


                Click on “actions”. When your dragons are adults they will have a “breed” action. When you click it, it will give you a list of eligible dragons to breed with and you just select one.

                Make sure you have open egg spots though! Otherwise, even if you’re successful, all your eggs go to the AP.

                You can use a purple dragon’s power before hand (if you have one) to make your dragons more ‘fertile’. They don’t always produce an egg.


                  Cool, thank you 🙂


                    So when do the christmas dragons start being breedable? I wanna know when to lurk in the AP lol. I know the new ones start on Christmas day, but I don’t have any old ones either >.<

                    Also, do the dragons ever lay more than one egg? I know it says up to four..but I have never gotten more than one at a time.


                      So when do the christmas dragons start being breedable? I wanna know when to lurk in the AP lol. I know the new ones start on Christmas day, but I don’t have any old ones either >.<

                      Also, do the dragons ever lay more than one egg? I know it says up to four..but I have never gotten more than one at a time.

                      They used to lay more than one egg once in a while, but now, multiple eggs are pretty much restricted to special breeding times, like for the holiday dragon breedings.


                      I think they said the old Christmas dragons become fertile on 12/19.


                        Hey Everyone, Just wanted to wish you all Happy Holiday’s !!! :bigsmile:

                        I also have the egg that can be picked up if you would like it.
                        Claim my/ claimed

                        It is a RIDGEWING Dragon


                          This is so frustrating! lol in a good way! I have my little blue egg that has sat ALL DAY with a huge hole in it, and still refuses to hatch lol…but yet both of my lovely hatchlings from friends, had no problem growing into adults already! I guess I raise stubborn eggs, just like my stubborn huskies! lol

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