Dragon Cave Egg Exchange

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  • #878064

      Thank you! PMd you back.


      :bigsmile: YAY!!! Just got my Magikarp Badge!!! :party:

      :love: All Dino’s are grown!!! YAY!!! :love:

      I have to remember to do that lol


        :bigsmile: YAY!!! Just got my Magikarp Badge!!! :party:

        :love: All Dino’s are grown!!! YAY!!! :love:

        I have to remember to do that lol

        LOL! I did too!! But each dragon that you have will count toward’s the Badge. I moved mine to the top of the scroll so I would remember. πŸ˜‰


          Hey All,
          I got this egg Adopt one today! it’s pure Royal Blue.

          I would like to trade it for a Magma Egg. (LOL!! Yes, I’m still looking for one!!) Not worried about the lineage but the one with the best I will consider first. πŸ™‚

          PM me with offer’s.


          Hey All,
          I got this egg Adopt one today! it’s pure Royal Blue.

          I would like to trade it for a Magma Egg. (LOL!! Yes, I’m still looking for one!!) Not worried about the lineage but the one with the best I will consider first. πŸ™‚

          PM me with offer’s.

          Still trying to breed one for you =) haven’t forgotten


            Thank’s Sith!!! :bigsmile: Please keep trying.

            I was gifted a Magma from DC Forum!!! :O YAY!!! :love: I have offered the Royal to the gifter but if she does not want it then it will be up for grab’s.

            If you have gotten a Royal from me before this is the same breeding from those, so check and make sure your not grabbing a brother or sister to those.

            My Magma was gifted a 230am so it could be tomorrow before I find anything out. So check back. there will still be plenlty of time on it to influance it.

            Those with Magma egg’s get’s first option’s. And Yes, I can breed other’s of different lineage for Tradeing now. πŸ˜‰


              Claim my PB stripey egg!

              2nd gen PB stripey for whoever wants it >.<


                Snagged him! Thanks! πŸ™‚


                  OK here it is!! Up for grab’s. Claim my


                    Wow, what a pretty egg! I would take it, but my nest is full, and I just can’t seem to let any of them go. I am new to this dragon cave egg thing, I am so excited though! My first egg has a hole in it! So Fun!


                      Wow, what a pretty egg! I would take it, but my nest is full, and I just can’t seem to let any of them go. I am new to this dragon cave egg thing, I am so excited though! My first egg has a hole in it! So Fun!

                      When you get a place for an egg let me know (PM) and I will breed one for you. πŸ˜‰


                        Check this little one out!!!! **(had to hide him/her but will repost later)** :love:

                        I am friend’s with the breeder if anyone would like one. It wont be a breeder but just an egg with a REALLY cool lineage. :bigsmile:


                          Wow, what a pretty egg! I would take it, but my nest is full, and I just can’t seem to let any of them go. I am new to this dragon cave egg thing, I am so excited though! My first egg has a hole in it! So Fun!

                          When you get a place for an egg let me know (PM) and I will breed one for you. πŸ˜‰

                          ! Thank you so much! How very kind! Come on little dragons grow! πŸ˜›


                            I claimed the Red Stripy egg. Thank you! Those are hard to get. πŸ™‚ I’m still new to the dragon cave site. Is there a post anywhere on breeding and if breeding certain dragons together may yield a different type? Thnx!


                              My pleasure! πŸ™‚

                              Breeding two dragons will only ever get you either parents’ breed, but for more information, I suggest you read the very first post in this tread made by Flaming Dragon.

                              She put a lot of info into it and also some very useful links! πŸ™‚

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