
Do you name your windstones?

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      Some of mine have names, and some don’t. The ones that don’t are mostly newer pieces or PYOs that haven’t been painted yet. I refer to the GB young unis, my test paint, and raffle piece by the names Melody gave them. The ones I’ve named myself are a mix of whimsical or fantasy names, and ‘natural’ names. I have a bunch of pieces named after minerals or places 🙂

      Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


        Most of mine aren’t named, but a few are!

        The ones who have names are:

        Valkyrior (Black Violet-Peacock test paint #13, Prototype Old Warrior) – His colors remind me of the aurora borealis, so I went looking for an appropriate name. I found an old legend that linked the aurora to the Valkyries who brought great warriors to Valhalla; valkyrior is just the plural form of valkyrie. 🙂

        Taishou (Peacock Sun Oriental) – a Japanese emperor’s reign name, meaning “Great Righteousness.” As the largest and most magnificent of the Orientals, the SO is ‘great’ in comparison to the younger members of the family!
        Shouwa (Peacock Oriental) – a Japanese emperor’s reign name, meaning “Shining Peace.” (I was born in Shouwa 57!)
        Heisei (Peacock Young Oriental) – a Japanese emperor’s reign name, meaning “Peace Growing.” Since the YO is the youngest member of the Oriental family, it’s a name that combines his older relative with the idea of ongoing growth.

        Echo (Grab bag Sitting Red Fox) – Echo came to me from another forum member, and the name came along too! Now I need a name for my other SRF… 😀

        Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


          Come to think of it…I have nicknames for my lovebird poads shown in my avatar. Murrisch and Maussade, German and French for GRUMPY 😛

          Bwahahaha! It’s true, though, poads do have a grumpy look to them, especially the adult ones.

          I only name the PYOs I paint (the ones I get from other artists also have names), but most are more descriptive, like Cloisonné, Pleins feux, Tarnished brass, Zebracorn, Brocade… the only actual first names that I gave were to the horse “portrait” I did on a unicorn (I gave it the horse’s name) and a kirin with a crooked horn.

          Ha! My PYOs tend to get descriptive ‘names’ rather than personal names, too. I’m glad I’m not the only one! 🙂

          PYOs with descriptive names: Gold Koi Dragon, Gold Koi Keeper, Seal Point #1, Blue Point #1, Chocolate Point #1, Young Silver Dragon/John’s Dragon, Blue & Gold Dragon/Laura’s Dragon, Swallowtail Kite, Colorful Griffin, Copper Plum/Copper/Purple Copper/That Darn Screwup/Finish This Thing Nightcrow/Penny Plum.

          PYOs with other names: Sirius (Winged Wolf inspired by a Harry Potter character), Avifelis auranucha (white and gold griffin, whom I gave a Linnaean scientific name because I like the idea of it being a specific griffin species; it’s the Golden-Naped Griffin.)

          I don’t know what I’ll end up calling the Kitsune I want to paint in my dog’s colors, but probably not the dog’s name. Maybe Sumishiro? (literally ‘black-white’)

          Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


            names used to be random, started out with a select few had a name then recently some of them got a theme with their names…

            Kenai – Mother Bear
            Koda – Sitting Bear
            Gladyr or however it’s spelt in the later Eragon books – Old Warrior
            Blackjack – PYO Fancy Kirin
            Dragon – Blue Morpho Male Griffin (why I don’t know, for some reason I pictured a griffin pretending to breathe fire in my head and it stuck, random odd thought gets a name)
            Balto – GB Sitting Fox
            Shadow – mostly black GB Sitting Fox

            then one started the theming…
            Tywin – GB tiger cougar
            Tyrion – Lion
            Summer – GB Arctic Fox
            Milisandri – Violet Flame Lap Dragon

            then tonight 3 more followed the theme as I was trying to name a new one…
            Ser Pounce – Tabby Cat
            The Hound – Scratching Dog (I had gotten him recently but no name fit until I came up with Ser Pounce then it hit me)
            then I just had to add one more who is the biggest of my collection to be…..
            The Mountain – Emperor Dragon

            4 things I'm looking for:
            1. Mother Meerkat
            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


              I love the idea of naming them. My son has named his Rainbow Hatcher Grogan. Still thinking on what to name his Rainbow Male Dragon. I have told him as a summer project he is going to do some adventure stories for them. He is really creative when it comes to writing. 🙂



                ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

                • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
                ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                • ► By Melody ◄ •
                ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                  I named my red fire old warrior, Big Red. The name stuck when family members asked which piece in my collection was my favorite. I said, “the big red one”. I’m the only collector in my family so they don’t know what the different sculpts are called. Hence, the name Big Red stuck. None of my other pieces have names at this point.

                  Mercury Star

                    I have named some of my WIndstones, a few took several days, some jumped right out of the box “announcing” their name before I could come up with something else (and refused to accept any other name), and there are even two that I named before I ever bought them (my Critics, Statler and Waldorf). And then others have been very quiet about what they are called, so they don’t have names yet.

                    I don’t have any specific naming theme, the names come from all over the place. Unless you count the three letter naming thing I have going on with the Tadpoads. Not their real names, mind you, it’s just a tad of their name. 😉


                      I haven’t named any of my fledgie army, but my Secret Keeper is named Brunhilde. She is so huge and solid that a Valkyrie name seemed appropriate.


                        Several of mine have names. I remember listing these when I posted pictures, so they may seem familiar to some of you. They’re all named after something-

                        Emerald mother (my very first): Falkor
                        White emperor: Saruman
                        Silver old warrior: Gandalf
                        Ruby lap: Lucy
                        Rainbow male: Jareth
                        Green hatcher: Reptar
                        Black gold scratcher: Smaug

                        Peacock young (actually that one had a name but I’ve forgotten it)
                        Glacier curled
                        Opoponax curled
                        Blue morpho fledge
                        GB mini keeper
                        Violet flame baby
                        Hatching protoceratops
                        PYO unicorn

                        For a while I’ve been debating naming the rest of those, or just discontinuing with the naming… I’m kinda lazy about it now.

                        Edit: Oh! I remembered the peacock young dragon’s name! It’s Vincent, lol. I knew I’d remember it after I posted.

                        Formerly had the Batman & Joker avatar!


                          Yep,I do.Here is Hide&Seek
                          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                          (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
                          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                            Everyone has such great names! Bodine.. I love hide and seek.. they are perfect names for them.. it looks like that is what they are doing! Super cute


                              Great names for the dragon bookends, Bodine! I’ve got Hide (in Gold trim); I still need Seek….

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