Do you name your windstones?

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      Am I the only one that does this? When I got my first windstone (rainbow male dragon) I named him right off the bat. I thought he was too pretty to just sit there and not have a name. The only windstone I haven’t named is my peacock female dragon since I can’t think of a pretty enough female name for her. My male dragon is named Argen and my spirit wolf candle lamp is named spirit. I named him spirit because he used to sit on my altar and hold my spirit candle. I know its not very original.



          Not all of my Windstones have names and some I’ve forgotten. My Black Male unicorn is named Raiden’s Requiem and it’s a name I’ll never forget.

          When I was going to the post office to pick up my mail that had been held while I was on vacation I said to myself “Raiden’s Requiem is waiting on me.” When I got the mail there was the orange card to sign for him so I signed it and got the package that day too.


            My son named some of mine a long time ago, but I doubt he remembers what they are called. 😆


              I’m terrible for coming up with names for pets even, so I’m totally helpless with Windstones! I can’t come up with good names for any of my Windstones except my emerald oriental dragon. He just looks like a Ralph to me (don’t ask me why). I would like to come up with some good names for my Unicorns, but can’t think of any. Any suggestions?

              I wonder if Melody names her sculps?


              Hm, I’m not sure what to vote here, since I name my Windstone PYOs. 😀 I don’t name my sculptures – at least I haven’t started yet.


              SilverArrow wrote:

              I’m terrible for coming up with names for pets even, so I’m totally helpless with Windstones! I can’t come up with good names for any of my Windstones except my emerald oriental dragon. He just looks like a Ralph to me (don’t ask me why). I would like to come up with some good names for my Unicorns, but can’t think of any. Any suggestions?

              I wonder if Melody names her sculps?
              lol. Ralph is what my friend named her wig. When she was younger she would dye her hair all sorts of funky colors and her parents bought her a wig so when she went to places fancy she could wear it. She isn’t sure why she named it Ralph either.


                The only 2 we’ve named are Olympia and Phil….but Phil is Louis’s to match his tattoo dragon Phil, and Olympia was named after her painter =P


                  I tried to name my tan griffin male, but it didn’t stick. I was going to call him Creme Brulee, because that’s what his coloring remind me of, but it just didn’t seem right when I looked at him. So, no. Mine are all nameless.


                    If you named one, you would probably have to name them all, hu? 😯 Hey, gotta keep it fair!


                    Oh yeah. I do have names for my dragons. Fledging, hatching, mother, male, scratching, young, emperor, old warrior…etc.



                      dragonessjade wrote:

                      Oh yeah. I do have names for my dragons. Fledging, hatching, mother, male, scratching, young, emperor, old warrior…etc.

                      😆Thats the same as MINE!!


                      Wow, great minds think alike. 😀


                        emerald212 wrote:

                        I was going to call him Creme Brulee…

                        😆 That made me thing of the Strawberry Shortcake dolls and their pets for some reason.


                          skigod377 wrote:

                          If you named one, you would probably have to name them all, hu? 😯 Hey, gotta keep it fair!

                          Yeah, but one at a time. He’s my favorite (shh, don’t tell the others), so I was going to name him first.

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