Demeanor of Posts and Other Bad Intentions

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      I have updated the rules (or, replied to them) with the list of mods and generally what those mods do.

      Thanks for doing this! One question – you give your email as nambroth in the “Rules” post, but the email in your signature is different now. Is one better than the other?


        Yes, true – we can’t fix a transaction gone south, but we can make suggestions/try to help/recommend if it’s time to escalate to John. 🙂


          I have updated the rules (or, replied to them) with the list of mods and generally what those mods do.

          Thanks for doing this! One question – you give your email as nambroth in the “Rules” post, but the email in your signature is different now. Is one better than the other?

          Hi Jennifer, also in your follow up post within Kiya’s paragraph you mention your name instead of hers in the third line.
          I reread the entire Rules and Guidelines again too. Thanks for reminding us!

          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


            Thank you, I will fix my signature and the rules once my fever subsides, my brain is too stupid to mess with it at the moment, lol

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            The only reason there have been a few threads recently about problems with people is because of a lack of communication on the part of the people the threads are about or posted by. The ones about trading issues, not receiving trades and the one about the chargebacks that a few people got were posted because the people they were about stopped all communication and wouldn’t send or reply to pms and several people were affected. I lost $100 with the chargeback issue which still hasn’t been resolved when that person promised to write us back and refund us our money and hasn’t been on here since. The most recent thread that was posted where she said she wanted pms has not sent nor replied to any pms either so this is what aggravates already sensitive situations when these people stop communicating privately and then post public threads telling people to pm them to which they never respond. In some cases I think it might in fact be good to leave up threads warning people about problems they could have with others. But I also think some that have been posted have been completely unnecessary and that the people saying they want pms should pm people instead of posting new threads to deliberately perpetuate drama and upset people. I am upset myself that I had the unfortunate luck of having dealt with 3 people that weren’t honest about trades and sales. Now on the other hand I have dealt with maybe 20 people that were all honest about trades and sales and many have become great friends so it is unfortunate that the bad experiences have just recently overshadowed the good ones. I do appreciate the great conversations I have had on here with others and how some people have been so helpful and sweet. It would be nice to get back to that again and put everything else behind us if these issues could all be resolved with communication instead of perpetrated by a lack of it.

            Hay Kim,

            On that original thread, I posted that I was getting married THAT DAY. But you ignored that post and went on a second rampage against me. This MUST stop. NOW. I was done with it. I got married! (I love you Trucker!). I had no intention to add any more to that thread. Yet you will NOT let go.

            I have answered your PM after I got back from my short honeymoon. There was ONLY one other PM from you that I did NOT answer, and that regarded the writing thread where you had attacked me again. Oh great, I had no intention of mentioning that either, sorry. But you wont let it go!

            You, Kim, are the only person here that has me characterized with scammers and bad experiences and dishonesty. I owed you NOTHING.

            Please cease and desist about this.


              … I came in late (as usual) I’m a little lost on a lot of what’s being discussed here as far as individual incidents that are being eluded to, except however I am aware of the situation on Facebook that Chloe was involved in. That being said, I did have quite a lot to say in that discussion as I had also been burned by the same person in the past, but most of my detailed comments were after I was being accused of being a liar, which was hardly the case. (not that I’m defending dragging all of that out the way it was, but given the situation Chloe was in she probably felt it was her only option) As others have made point of, sometimes airing out “dirty laundry” in a public venue will often trigger a response from the other party involved (even if it’s negative) it’s a response nonetheless and in certain cases, when you are doing a transaction online, with many many miles, and even states away from the person you are involved with, you’re sometimes left with no other choice if you can’t afford to take legal measures.

              That all being said, I think as an overall experience, this is by far the best forum I have ever been a part of. I’ve been kicking around here for almost its entire existence (which is almost 10 years now I think, HOLY CRAP!) and although there is drama sometimes, it is FAR exceeded by other online forums I’ve been on by leaps and bounds. The majority (and I mean the MAJOR majority) of folks here are wonderful collectors who treat each other with kindness and respect. I have met some wonderful people and made many amazing friends. Most of my BEST friends in fact are all because of this forum and though some bad apples or unpleasant experiences may arise from time to time, that’s just how these transactions work. It’s the internet and the forum members have grown substantially over the years. There is ALWAYS a risk, but that’s the hobby we are in. All I can say is be wise in your trade partners and who you buy and sell to. Every online venue when transactions are taking place has it’s flaws, however it is also the duty of the experienced members to be there for advice when asked and feedback is available for those to research their trade or sale partners if they are unsure about a transaction before hand.

              All of the points raised her are valuable ones and overall I think Windstone goes above and beyond to keep us happy in many ways. I know we want them to try and be responsible and help us when a transaction goes foul, but it’s also our responsibility to do our homework a little bit before gauging in online transactions as well. Do yourself a favor and always insure your packages, always get tracking, never ship until the item is paid for or in certain circumstances, do not pay until your item is received if a member has a sketchy history. Communicate clearly and never send your payments as “friend payment” unless you are confident in the person you are dealing with.

              At the same time, I think the feedback could be utilized better to prevent things like this from happening in the future and now that it has been made a sticky so it’s easier to utilize I am hoping things will improve.

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              I thought I was done with this.

              I have been singing LET IT GO LET GO THE PAST IS IN THE PAST but Kim just wont let it go! She keeps posting and bringing my name up! I just got married! I want to be done with this garbage on the forum!! I want this all to go, but she wont let it go! I’m on the verge of just saying CHUCK IT I’m done, not coming back here for a while, if ever. BUT I have to post this last thing . . . . .

              It is already clear who the post is about and Lysithian is the one who brought the drama here so why are people taking sides here when this should not have even been mentioned here? Over one comment on a different website? Whoever has something against me and thinks I am self righteous, how would you like to be taken advantage of or scammed by the same people? Yes I tied the two together because they had dealings together when I was involved. John is aware of the facebook post because I told him about the facebook post and he is also aware of how I had been scammed by the facebook person. Lysithian has attacked me on here before and I am sick of the drama myself but if someone posts something in regards to me whether my name was mentioned or not I am going to tell the whole story so people understand what happened. She has ignored my pms and has not tried to pm me so how is she allowed to be posting things on here like that after it was already stated not to do that? I have been through enough in the last few years that I do not need to deal with drama, bullying and getting scammed again. A simple message to me to clear things up would have sufficed rather than this all being posted here. I am done with it all.

              The thing here though is that there is no feedback to be left because no trade or transaction ended up happening. So in a sense with the thread on facebook I guess that is where a lot of people were reminded of past hurtful dealings with people and it ended up coming off as rants in place of feedback. Other people’s names were brought up on that thread only because people felt they had been put through or unfairly dealt with by more than just the one person it was posted about. In that case, with over 200 comments there about things that were not repeated here, it makes me wonder why someone would feel the need to make a thread about one comment out of 200 here. What I would like to know is what happened to resolve the problem with the person the facebook thread was about to begin with? Because the person the thread was about is still actively using this site after being reported several times for trying to scam people or not sending their parts of trades.

              “I am self righteous” that is what you said above. And yes you are.

              “Lysithian has attacked me on here before” Show me where I attacked you. You blatantly attacked me and I stood up for myself on that writing thread. Then you emailed me, rehashing everything that had already gone down on that thread. I did NOT answer that email. What else was there to say? It was all said on the writing thread.

              “She has ignored my pms and has not tried to pm me” NO and I will not answer that PM about the writing thread. See paragraph above. As for the second PM, I had just gotten married. You Kim were the last thing on my mind that day and night. And yes I did answer your two PMs. Why don’t you go read it!

              ” I have been through enough in the last few years that I do not need to deal with drama, bullying and getting scammed again” Quit saying I scammed you. I DID NOT. And you full well know that. As for what you been through the last few years, I’m sorry. But my life has had enough drama too. Everyone’s had. One of my daughters was raped by three guys one year, the next she was raped again. My other daugther’s pony had to be put down because of a twisted gut. By the time the vet gave her the anesthetic , blood started pouring from her nose. We had that pony for over 12 years. I was in a terrible relationship and treated like dirt and lost fistfuls of hair in one month that was enough to bury a young poad (yeah I made it a nest out of my hair, it was THAT much). My tcup poodle is on her last legs. Oldest daughters boxer has terrible hip issues. My parents are getting forgetful and weirder than ever. My nephew continuously pees on the floor and the seat when he used the bathroom. Okay that is just gross when I have to pee and the seat and floor are full of pee. But seriously Kim, we all have drama in our lives. I just don’t post mine.

              “A simple message to me to clear things up would have sufficed rather than this all being posted here” NO it would not have stopped anything. I have always answered your PMs. Until that writing thread fiasco where you only rehashed what had already been written there. Oh wait, you did add that I made you look bad. Sorry, you did that yourself.

              “no trade or transaction ended up happening” Nope, nothing happened. You kept offering me pieces you did not even own, nor had access to. When I would agree to something, you would tell me that piece is not available. I ended up trading it for something way more than you ever offered. Get over it. It was never promised to you.

              “it ended up coming off as rants in place of feedback.” Exactly!


                I thought I was done with this.

                I have been singing LET IT GO LET GO THE PAST IS IN THE PAST but Kim just wont let it go! She keeps posting and bringing my name up! I just got married! I want to be done with this garbage on the forum!! I want this all to go, but she wont let it go! I’m on the verge of just saying CHUCK IT I’m done, not coming back here for a while, if ever. BUT I have to post this last thing . . . . .

                I think all this particular situation really is best kept to PMs, it’s none of the public forum’s business. Let’s all just get along!

                *Formerly meowmix101
                Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                  I agree. This is exactly what we don’t need and it’s only proving the point that we can’t behave like civilized adults. There’s no need to bait for an argument or bring up such personal matters. We were all just having a very serious discussion here with many valuable opinions and points that may very well decide the future of this forum.

                  Private matters need to be left private and at the very least if they can’t be left private (for whatever that reason may be), they are certainly not to be handled here on the public forum.

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    Enough you guys, seriously.

                    I am locking this thread for the night. John can decide what he wants to do with it more permanently tomorrow.

                    If you are continuing to battle with other members (you know who you are) on the forum after repeatedly being asked to stop, I will ask John to temporarily ban you.

                    For everyone who was trying to have an adult discourse, I apologize for the need to take this action.


                      The thread has been reopened, per John’s request.

                      Hopefully an evening off has helped cool things down. 🙂


                        What I can’t understand is why someone would disrespect John in this matter. His thread.. asking for solutions. I came here to read what the overly generous and nice man has to say and maybe offer opinions, not to hear all the crap carried over to here. And so I will. The 3 strike rule may just be the thing.


                          Honestly I am disappointed as much as John with some of the comments replying to mine since this is what he was talking about trying to avoid. It’s one thing to try to resolve situations and it’s another for someone to personally attack me on a thread talking about this very problem. My solution is I am done posting replies and will refuse to engage or reply to anyone who feels the need to perpetuate drama, post personal problems that do not pertain to this situation or post unnecessary or attacking threads in the future. I appreciate the thread that started this was blocked and I apologize for any part I have had in this trying to defend myself and explain the situations. I appreciate the comments from people who take this seriously and want a solution. I want a solution just as much as anyone. I am not upset anymore and will not post anymore. Please let’s leave it that and try and be nice and respectful to each other from now on and keep personal grievances to pms only.

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                            I agree about the three strike rule. Maybe if the flag button let moderators know when we spot a post that is objectionable (not sure if that is how it works right now) they can warn them and remove the post, and after three warnings have them temporarily banned? Maybe until they have worked things out and cooled off?

                            I think better awareness of the feedback lists like we are working on right now will help for the classifieds. We just have to let newcomers know about the feedback page when they post their introduction thread and remember to leave feedback. I know I am definitely going to check that page more often, and start leaving feedback. I had forgotten about it myself until recently.

                            Looking for-
                            red fire young dragon
                            old animal line frog, wolf, barn owl, tortoise, tiger cub


                              This sort of thing happens occasionally in literally any type of selling group I’ve ever been a part of. I think it is human nature to want to reach out to others when one is feeling upset. But when all’s said and done, I think most people generally agree that posting about other community members tends to stir the pot more than ever really fix anything.

                              So I guess what I’m saying is that hosting any sort of public forum is always going to have its drama-related bumps in the road – and these may happen more as a community continues to grow. But I don’t think it is indicative of a larger problem. We have good moderators and good people. These things can and will happen, but they always pass.

                              I’m not sure about a “strike” situation as whether or not it was “earned” can always be in debate… I have seen temporary bans work well on other forums (or otherwise temporarily restricted posting). It sounds very severe, but realistically it’s usually just a day or two to help the participating parties calm down. And even then, only if they persist after moderator requests to stop.

                              Not suggesting it in this situation per se, as it seems to be mostly over. <3 Just a thought for the future.

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