
Dark Phoenix Griff Finished pics page 25!

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    That antiquing stuff is hard to get off if you don’t want it, isn’t it?

    He looks like he was a lot of work, but definitely worth the effort to come out with something so good looking!


      I love him!!


        😯 I can’t wait to see it in person! 😀

        I like the lion butt! 😉 😛

        WOW! Thank You!!!!!!!!!!


        You’re hawk griffin is beautiful!!


          I’m in looooove with the feathers! You did an absolute awesome job on him. I like the lion butt too.

          The overall effect is stunning.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Your wolf will be a challenge. 8) I am gonna go with a red tone Alaskan Malamute for the wolf and then the wings will have the hawk patterning. 😀 I have some beautiful pics of those dogs. 😀 (That way the wolf could have those light blue eyes I mentioned. 😀 ) Gotta use what I got since there won’t be more for a while. 😯 And when I think I have tons of time I never do, so I will take advantage of a head start. 😆

          Thanks everyone! 😀 I am starting to think I am not doing so bad after all. 😉 Which is a pleasant surprise since I have always been sorta down on myself. 😕


            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Thanks everyone! 😀 I am starting to think I am not doing so bad after all. 😉 Which is a pleasant surprise since I have always been sorta down on myself. 😕

            😯 What? You’re fabulous!


            Serenity wrote:

            😯 I can’t wait to see it in person! 😀

            I like the lion butt! 😉 😛

            WOW! Thank You!!!!!!!!!!

            And thank you! 😀 I hope you enjoy him, cuz I know I will love my Tiger and BP #2! 😀


            Stephanie wrote:

            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Thanks everyone! 😀 I am starting to think I am not doing so bad after all. 😉 Which is a pleasant surprise since I have always been sorta down on myself. 😕

            😯 What? You’re fabulous!

            Trust me, not always. 😛 I’ve done a few really strange things with art before and had my teachers either sit and giggle at something I thought was totally awesome, or they sorta scowled. But, my senior year art teacher was one of the best. I took 4 classes with him that year. 😯 Mr. Small, I don’t think I will ever forget him. 8) Beat the heck out of the French I took my sophmore year. 😆 It was the best year I had in highschool…I didn’t have much to take for “real meat” classes, so art was a winner. 😀


              Wow! That Hawk Griffin is beautiful. I love the long feathers on the wings.


              I am contemplating this paint scheme for DragonMedley’s hawk wolf…I will go with a redtail theme for the wings, and the wolf will have this breed of dog…
              I think he is the most amazing Malamute I have seen. And he will make a superb idea spring-board. 😀

              And I want to use this ticking pattern with the red colors. I want to give his fur depth.

              I will however be using the face pattern from the red Malamute. 🙂
              So far I have the white base coat on him.




                The red Malamute was actually a pic from a rescue site. I think he is absolutely gorgeous! (I’m a cat person, not a dog person. 😆 )


                They are both very pretty dogs! I like huskeys 😀


                Good-looking dogs, both of them. I like the second photo – he looks so playful. 😀
                WSC, can’t wait to see this wolf. Your paint plan is exactly the same as mine was for Strabo. It’ll be interesting to see how different they turn out from each other.

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